***<u>'''Solution 2:'''</u> different children for the same parent. Let's say we have parent "Coca Cola company", then we would have something like xx: coca-cola company <br /><xx: coca-cola company xx: fanta th: fanta <br /><xx: coca-cola company xx: แฟนต้า th: แฟนต้า (+) Both should be visible for users (-) we have two different entries for the "same" brand (also by changing the website URL th.openfoodfacts -> world.openfoodfacts, we could see different names... Maybe ) | ***<u>'''Solution 2:'''</u> different children for the same parent. Let's say we have parent "Coca Cola company", then we would have something like xx: coca-cola company <br /><xx: coca-cola company xx: fanta th: fanta <br /><xx: coca-cola company xx: แฟนต้า th: แฟนต้า (+) Both should be visible for users (-) we have two different entries for the "same" brand (also by changing the website URL th.openfoodfacts -> world.openfoodfacts, we could see different names... Maybe ) |