Open Food Facts Association - General Assembly - 2023

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Revision as of 19:22, 26 September 2023 by Charlesnepote (talk | contribs) (+ link moral report)
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Traditionally, we've organized the Open Food Facts general assembly in person during our traditional "Open Food Facts Days". As the project grew, we had to find a formula that would allow more participants, particularly from abroad. We therefore decided to hold the general meeting separately from the "OFF Days", by videoconference, and in English.


The association's Annual General Assembly will take place on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 from 6pm to 9pm, via videoconference and in English, at the following link:

The General Meeting is a key event in the project. Open Food Facts is an open project carried out by tens of thousands of volunteers worldwide. Most of our volunteers are not members of the association, but the latter enables us to formalize the project, give it a legal existence and guarantee its democratically-discussed values. The General Assembly covers three main objectives:

  • discuss actions taken since the last AGM (vote on the 2022 moral report and the association's accounts)
  • propose and discuss changes to the project and its governance
  • elect those who will represent the project during the year and take operational decisions until the next general assembly

Don't hesitate to take part!

Details of how to take part are given below.

Open Food Facts membership

If you wish to take part in voting, you can join the association (mostly in French, but should be understandable), or if you are already a member, you must be up to date with your membership fees by going through the membership procedure again.

A useful reminder: for French residents, membership and any additional donation entitle you to a 66% tax reduction on your income tax.

For example: if I donate €20 in addition to the €10 membership fee, I get a 66% reduction of €30, i.e. €19.80: the €30 for Open Food Facts costs me €10.20.

Agenda (to be completed)

(to be completed)


You can take part in the deliberations and votes in two ways:

  • by email to between September 27 and midnight Tuesday October 10, 2023; you will be able to vote to:
  • by attending the AGM by videoconference at the following link:

The Annual General Assembly is an ideal time to take stock, and we look forward to your presence to enrich the debates and bring the project to life!

The Open Food Facts Board of Directors and permanent team.