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Rstudio is a tool do do statistical analysis on data.


The tool can be used to find the recipe of products.


We use the order as found on packaging, i.e. fat, sat. fat, carbs, sugar, fiber, proteins, salt).

Create the product data, e.g:

product <- c(58.0, 6.4, 6.4, 4.2, 8.5, 0.01)

Create the individual ingredients, eg.:

walnuts <- c(67.3, 6.45, 6.88, 3, 6.7, 13.3, 0.1)

Create the ingredients, e.g.:

ingredients <- c(walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds)

Create the array for 4 ingredients, e.g.:

Z <-array(ingredients, dim=c(7,4))


lsFit <- lm(y~Z)

Fit with no intercept:

lsFitZero <- lm(y~Z +0)

Fit with no negative coefficients:

nnFit <- nnls(Z,y)


glmnetFit <- glmnet(Z,y, lambda = 0, lower.limit = 0, intercept = FALSE)