List of data quality errors (generated)

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This page lists all the data quality errors (218) detected by Open Food Facts algorithms. For each one you will get a short description an the link to the page listing all products concerned by the error.

You can get the number of all products concerned by each error at the following list:

The content below has been generated from the data quality taxonomy. Please do not edit it. Instead you can: either open an issue if you see errors, or if you think it can be enhanced (translated, for example); either you can directly modify the taxonomy if you have skills.

Energy value in kJ does not match value computed from other nutrients

Energy value in kcal and kj are reversed

Energy value in kcal does not match value computed from other nutrients

Energy value in kcal does not match value in kJ

Energy value in kcal greater than in kJ

Ingredients - ingredients count lower than expected for the category

Ingredients - single ingredient from category does not match actual ingredients

Ingredients - lc unexpected url

Mutually exclusive tags - mutually exclusive tags for labels contains-alcohol and labels no-alcohol

Mutually exclusive tags - mutually exclusive tags for labels contains-gluten and labels no-gluten

Mutually exclusive tags - mutually exclusive tags for labels contains-gmos and labels no-gmos

Mutually exclusive tags - mutually exclusive tags for labels contains-lactose and labels no-lactose

Mutually exclusive tags - mutually exclusive tags for labels contains-palm-oil and labels no-palm-oil

Mutually exclusive tags - mutually exclusive tags for labels contains-soy and labels no-soy

Mutually exclusive tags - mutually exclusive tags for labels fair-trade and labels non-fair-trade

Mutually exclusive tags - mutually exclusive tags for labels filtered and labels unfiltered

Mutually exclusive tags - mutually exclusive tags for labels no-additives and labels with-additives

Mutually exclusive tags - mutually exclusive tags for labels non-organic and labels organic

Mutually exclusive tags - mutually exclusive tags for labels non-vegan and labels vegan

Mutually exclusive tags - mutually exclusive tags for labels non-vegetarian and labels vegetarian

Mutually exclusive tags - mutually exclusive tags for labels pasteurized and labels unpasteurized

Nutri-score grade from category does not match calculated grade

Nutrition - Fructose plus glucose plus maltose plus lactose plus sucrose greater than sugars

Nutrition - Sugars plus starch greater than carbohydrates

Nutrition Saturated Fat greater than Fat

Nutrition data per serving - Missing serving size, serving quantity is unknown

Nutrition data per serving - Serving quantity is not recognized

Nutrition data per serving - Serving quantity is 0

Nutrition value over 1000 - Alcohol

Nutrition value over 1000 - Alpha-linolenic acid

Nutrition value over 1000 - Arachidic acid

Nutrition value over 1000 - Arachidonic acid

Nutrition value over 1000 - Behenic acid

Nutrition value over 1000 - Biotin

Nutrition value over 1000 - Caffeine

Nutrition value over 1000 - Calcium

Nutrition value over 1000 - Caproic acid

Nutrition value over 1000 - Carbohydrates

Nutrition value over 1000 - Casein

Nutrition value over 1000 - Chloride

Nutrition value over 1000 - Cholesterol

Nutrition value over 1000 - Chromium

Nutrition value over 1000 - Copper

Nutrition value over 1000 - Docosahexaenoic acid

Nutrition value over 1000 - Fat

Nutrition value over 1000 - Fiber

Nutrition value over 1000 - Fluoride

Nutrition value over 1000 - Fruits vegetables nuts estimate from ingredients

Nutrition value over 1000 - Gondoic acid

Nutrition value over 1000 - Iodine

Nutrition value over 1000 - Iron

Nutrition value over 1000 - Lactose

Nutrition value over 1000 - Lauric acid

Nutrition value over 1000 - Magnesium

Nutrition value over 1000 - Maltodextrins

Nutrition value over 1000 - Omega 3 fat

Nutrition value over 1000 - Omega 6 fat

Nutrition value over 1000 - Omega 9 fat

Nutrition value over 1000 - Palmitic acid

Nutrition value over 1000 - Phosphorus

Nutrition value over 1000 - Polyols

Nutrition value over 1000 - Polyunsaturated fat

Nutrition value over 1000 - Potassium

Nutrition value over 1000 - Pro vitamin a

Nutrition value over 1000 - Proteins

Nutrition value over 1000 - Salt

Nutrition value over 1000 - Salt prepared

Nutrition value over 1000 - Saturated fat

Nutrition value over 1000 - Selenium

Nutrition value over 1000 - Serum proteins

Nutrition value over 1000 - Sodium

Nutrition value over 1000 - Sodium prepared

Nutrition value over 1000 - Starch

Nutrition value over 1000 - Sucrose

Nutrition value over 1000 - Sugars

Nutrition value over 1000 - Taurine

Nutrition value over 1000 - Trans fat

Nutrition value over 1000 - Vitamin B1

Nutrition value over 1000 - Vitamin B12

Nutrition value over 1000 - Vitamin B2

Nutrition value over 1000 - Vitamin B6

Nutrition value over 1000 - Vitamin B9

Nutrition value over 1000 - Vitamin C

Nutrition value over 1000 - Vitamin a

Nutrition value over 1000 - Vitamin d

Nutrition value over 1000 - Vitamin e

Nutrition value over 1000 - Vitamin k

Nutrition value over 1000 - Vitamin pp

Nutrition value over 1000 - Water hardness

Nutrition value over 1000 - Zinc

Nutrition value over 105 - Alcohol

Nutrition value over 105 - Alpha linolenic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Arachidic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Arachidonic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Behenic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Bicarbonate

Nutrition value over 105 - Biotin

Nutrition value over 105 - Butyric acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Caffeine

Nutrition value over 105 - Calcium

Nutrition value over 105 - Calcium prepared

Nutrition value over 105 - Capric acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Caproic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Carbohydrates

Nutrition value over 105 - Carbohydrates prepared

Nutrition value over 105 - Casein

Nutrition value over 105 - Cerotic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Chloride

Nutrition value over 105 - Cholesterol

Nutrition value over 105 - Choline

Nutrition value over 105 - Chromium

Nutrition value over 105 - Copper

Nutrition value over 105 - Docosahexaenoic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Docosahexaenoic acid dha 22 6 n 3

Nutrition value over 105 - EN vitamin d2

Nutrition value over 105 - Eicosapentaenoic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Eicosapentaenoic acid epa 20 5 n 3

Nutrition value over 105 - Fat

Nutrition value over 105 - Fat prepared

Nutrition value over 105 - Fiber

Nutrition value over 105 - Fiber prepared

Nutrition value over 105 - Fluoride

Nutrition value over 105 - Folates

Nutrition value over 105 - Fruits vegetables nuts and rapeseed walnut and olive oils

Nutrition value over 105 - Fruits vegetables nuts estimate from ingredients

Nutrition value over 105 - Gondoic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Hydrogencarbonat

Nutrition value over 105 - Iodine

Nutrition value over 105 - Iron

Nutrition value over 105 - Kohlendioxid

Nutrition value over 105 - Lactose

Nutrition value over 105 - Lauric acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Lignoceric acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Linoleic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Magnesium

Nutrition value over 105 - Magnesium 54 7 DE AJR

Nutrition value over 105 - Maltodextrins

Nutrition value over 105 - Maltose

Nutrition value over 105 - Manganese

Nutrition value over 105 - Melissic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Molybdenum

Nutrition value over 105 - Monounsaturated fat

Nutrition value over 105 - Montanic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Myristic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - NL droogrest

Nutrition value over 105 - New 1 prepared

Nutrition value over 105 - New 2 prepared

Nutrition value over 105 - Nucleotides

Nutrition value over 105 - Oleic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Omega 3 fat

Nutrition value over 105 - Omega 3 fat prepared

Nutrition value over 105 - Omega 6 fat

Nutrition value over 105 - Omega 9 fat

Nutrition value over 105 - Palmitic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Pantothenic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Phosphorus

Nutrition value over 105 - Polyols

Nutrition value over 105 - Polyols prepared

Nutrition value over 105 - Polyunsaturated fat

Nutrition value over 105 - Potassium

Nutrition value over 105 - Pro vitamin a

Nutrition value over 105 - Proteins

Nutrition value over 105 - Proteins prepared

Nutrition value over 105 - Residu sec

Nutrition value over 105 - Salt

Nutrition value over 105 - Salt prepared

Nutrition value over 105 - Saturated fat

Nutrition value over 105 - Saturated fat prepared

Nutrition value over 105 - Selenium

Nutrition value over 105 - Serum proteins

Nutrition value over 105 - Silica

Nutrition value over 105 - Sodium

Nutrition value over 105 - Sodium prepared

Nutrition value over 105 - Starch

Nutrition value over 105 - Stearic acid

Nutrition value over 105 - Sucrose

Nutrition value over 105 - Sugars

Nutrition value over 105 - Sugars prepared

Nutrition value over 105 - Taurine

Nutrition value over 105 - Till 100 g färdig produkt har x g kött använts

Nutrition value over 105 - Total carbohydrate

Nutrition value over 105 - Trans fat

Nutrition value over 105 - Vitamin B1

Nutrition value over 105 - Vitamin B12

Nutrition value over 105 - Vitamin B2

Nutrition value over 105 - Vitamin B6

Nutrition value over 105 - Vitamin B9

Nutrition value over 105 - Vitamin D3

Nutrition value over 105 - Vitamin PP

Nutrition value over 105 - Vitamin a

Nutrition value over 105 - Vitamin a prepared

Nutrition value over 105 - Vitamin c

Nutrition value over 105 - Vitamin d

Nutrition value over 105 - Vitamin d prepared

Nutrition value over 105 - Vitamin e

Nutrition value over 105 - Vitamin k

Nutrition value over 105 - Water hardness

Nutrition value over 105 - Zinc

Nutrition value over 3800 - Energy

Nutrition value total over 1000

Nutrition value total over 105

Specific ingredient fruit quantity is below the minimum value of 15 for category ginger jams

Specific ingredient fruit quantity is below the minimum value of 20 for category citrus jams

Specific ingredient fruit quantity is below the minimum value of 20 for category marmalades

Specific ingredient fruit quantity is below the minimum value of 25 for category blackcurrant jams

Specific ingredient fruit quantity is below the minimum value of 25 for category blackcurrants jellies

Specific ingredient fruit quantity is below the minimum value of 25 for category quince jams

Specific ingredient fruit quantity is below the minimum value of 25 for category redcurrants jellies

Specific ingredient fruit quantity is below the minimum value of 25 for category rosehip jams

Specific ingredient fruit quantity is below the minimum value of 25 for category sea buckthorn jams

Specific ingredient fruit quantity is below the minimum value of 25 for category sea-buckthorn jellies

Specific ingredient fruit quantity is below the minimum value of 38 for category chestnut spreads

Specific ingredient fruit quantity is below the minimum value of 45 for category extra jams

Specific ingredient fruit quantity is below the minimum value of 6 for category passion fruit jellies

Serving size is missing digits

Vegan label but non-vegan ingredient

Vegetarian label but non-vegetarian ingredient