Knowledge panels for Open Products Facts

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This is a place to brainstorm Knowledge panels for Open Products Facts.

Product Repair & Maintenance

- Mini-spec:

 - Existence of repair manuals or guides.
 - Availability of spare parts.
 - Estimated repair costs.
 - Manufacturer's warranty information.
 - User reports on repairability.
 - Links to repair services or tutorials.

- Data sources: User contributions, manufacturer websites, repair service directories.

- Benefits: Promotes product longevity, reduces waste, empowers consumers.

Reuse & Circular Economy

- Mini-spec:

 - Second-hand market availability and value.
 - Upcycling or repurposing ideas.
 - Brands' take-back programs.
 - Recycling options and instructions.

- Data sources: Brand websites, sustainability reports, recycling databases, reuse platforms.

- Benefits: Encourages responsible consumption, minimizes waste, highlights sustainable alternatives.

Environmental Impact

- Mini-spec:

 - Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) data or carbon footprint estimates, even without Eco-Score
 - Packaging footprint (materials, recyclability).
 - Water usage and sourcing details.
 - Production origin and ethical sourcing information.
 - Certifications or eco-labels.

- Data sources: Manufacturer reports, LCA databases, environmental certifications, brand disclosures.

- Benefits: Informs consumers about environmental impact, promotes sustainable choices.