ODBL non-compliance/Example email

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This page is highly inspired from OpenStreetMap practices, from Lacking proper attribution/Example email page.

This is an example email to use in case you spot lacking attribution or license violation.

Please stay polite and friendly in a manner that the receiver is not scared away from using Open Food Facts, but encouraged to use it with correct attribution.

The text should of course be modified according to the situation.

Subject: Open Food Facts proper credit


As an Open Food Facts contributor, I am pleased to see that you are using Open Food Facts on your website:

<website or app>

However, I noticed that the <data and/or the photos> seem to lack the proper credit.
Open Food Facts's license requires that you both credit Open Food Facts and make users aware of the data license (by linking to our copyright
page). For more information, see:


The correct attribution helps to avoid misunderstandings about the source of the data or pictures, as well as what others are allowed to do with it. For the time being, ten thousands of contributors and dozens of organizations are collaboratively participating in this common pot. It creates a common ecosystem that benefits to all. This ecosystem is working as long as the common pot and its attribution is respected.

If you need help making the changes or have further questions, feel free to ask me in reply to this mail, or others in one of Open Food Facts' communication channels:

* our Slack space: https://slack.openfoodfacts.org/
* our global contact email: contact@openfoodfacts.org

More importantly attribution helps us spread the word about Open Food Facts and attract new contributors and build the community.
This is incredibly important to improving the quality of the database that you and millions of others rely on.

Acknowledgement of receipt would be appreciated.
