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(Created page with "== Product == [https://world.openfoodfacts.org/product/20816445/nuts-royal-alesto Link] Ingredients: 25% Walnuts, 25% Hazelnuts, 25% Cashews, 25% Blanched Almonds Nutrients...")
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  Almond, peeled, unpeeled or blanched (15041) (52.5, 3.95, 8.76, 4.63, 9.9, 21.4 0.048)
  Almond, peeled, unpeeled or blanched (15041) (52.5, 3.95, 8.76, 4.63, 9.9, 21.4 0.048)
== Fit results ==
=== NNLS with forced order ===
Deviance 35.9 very large
[[File:NutsRoyalFitNutrituionalValues.png|400 px|thumb|center|Nuts Royal Fit Nutritional Values]]
There is a large deviation due to proteins and carbohydrates.

Revision as of 12:02, 13 February 2025




25% Walnuts, 25% Hazelnuts, 25% Cashews, 25% Blanched Almonds


(58, 6.4, 6.4, 4.2, 8.5, 20.4, 0.01)


Walnut, dried, husked (15005) (67.3, 6.45, 6.88, 3, 6.7, 13.3, 0)
Hazelnut (15004) (56.9, 4.75, 7.16, 4.9, 11.6, 14.4, 0)
Cashew nut, dry-grilled, unsalted (15055) (49, 8.87, 23.5, 6.63, 5.7, 17.4, 0.02)
Almond, peeled, unpeeled or blanched (15041) (52.5, 3.95, 8.76, 4.63, 9.9, 21.4 0.048)

Fit results

NNLS with forced order

Deviance 35.9 very large

Nuts Royal Fit Nutritional Values

There is a large deviation due to proteins and carbohydrates.