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RatatouileRecipePredictedVersusProduct.png | Recipe check
RatatouileRecipePredictedVersusProduct.png | Recipe check
The recipe check plot shows that the fit cannot predict the correct fractions for all vegetables. The nutritional values for these are too similar. Only because we add olive oil, most vegetables are forced to a fraction. But this fraction is not larger than olive oil. All the rest stays with the eggplant.

Revision as of 15:26, 12 February 2025



Product Nutrition:



Dés d'aubergines préfrites 25% (aubergines 22%, huile de tournesol), dés de courgettes 25%, purée de tomates mi-réduite 20%, oignons en dés 13%, poivrons rouges en dés 8%, double concentré de tomate 3%, huile d'olive vierge extra 2%, sucre 1,3%, sel, ail, jus concentré de citron, farine de BLÉ, thym 0,1%.


Aubergines - Eggplant, raw (20053) (0.14, 0.034, 2.39, 2.39, 2.7, 1.12, 0)
Courgettes - Courgette or zucchini, pulp and peel, raw (20020) (0.26, 0.061, 1.8, 1.79, 1.05, 1.23, 0.023)
Purée de tomates mi-réduite - Tomato puree, canned (20170) (0.4, 0.085, 7.54, 3.64, 2.38, 1.4, 0.51)
oignons en dés - Onion, raw (20034) (0.62,0.2, 6.25, 4.8, 1.7, 1.1, 0.098)
poivrons rouges en dés - Sweet pepper, green, yellow or red, raw (20041) (0.27, 0.071, 4.55, 2.7, 1.5, 0.8, 0.021)
double concentré de tomate - Tomato paste, double concentrate, canned (20268) (0.29, 0, 17, 16.5, 3.62, 3.73, 0.93)
huile d'olive vierge extra - Olive oil, extra virgin (17270) (99.9, 15.2, 0,0,0,0,0)
sucre - Sugar, white (31016) (0,0,99.8,99.8,0,0, 0.0054)
sel - Salt, white (sea, igneous or rock), no enrichment (11017) (0,0,0,0,0,0,97.8)


Ratatouille recipe fit using nnls with forced order. Deviance: 0.11 (very good)

The recipe check plot shows that the fit cannot predict the correct fractions for all vegetables. The nutritional values for these are too similar. Only because we add olive oil, most vegetables are forced to a fraction. But this fraction is not larger than olive oil. All the rest stays with the eggplant.