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[[Category:Developer]] [[Category:API]]
<< Back to [[API]] (required read)
== READ API Documentation ==
[[API|← Back to API]] (required read)
=== Downloading static data ===
It is recommended to use the live API to get fresh data about products, the minute they are uploaded to the database. However, in some cases, you may need a snapshot. They are available at:
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/data (all data)
* https://fr.openfoodfacts.org/data (data for that country)
==== CSV API ====
== Use the API ==
The character that separates fields is <tab> (tabulation).
To use the read API, please check out the [https://openfoodfacts.github.io/openfoodfacts-server/api/ API documentation] and [https://openfoodfacts.github.io/openfoodfacts-server/api/ref-v2/#get-/api/v2/product/-barcode- how to read product data]
===== Encoding =====
The file encoding is Unicode UTF-8.  
==== MongoDB dump ====
=== Field reference ===
== Downloading static data ==
The [[fields used]] in the api.
=== JSON interface ===
It is recommended to use the live API to get fresh data about products, the minute they are uploaded to the database. However, in some cases, you may need a snapshot. They are available at:
=== Pagination of results ===
If you're looking for all products within a facet (eg: https://fr-en.openfoodfacts.org/category/pizzas.json), you'll only have the 1st page.
To move from page to page:
=== Countries and Language of the Response ===
You can either use the global (https://world.openfoodfacts.org, https://ssl-api.openfoodfacts.org) or local (https://fr.openfoodfacts.org,https://en.openfoodfacts.org…) domains for your API queries
====A few things to note====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/data (all data)
* if you use a country subdomain instead of world, you get products for that country only, which might change the language but also the name of the fields. In that case you need to use the local language.
* https://fr.openfoodfacts.org/data (data for that country)
** https://fr.openfoodfacts.org/categorie/pizzas.json
* an alternative to avoid dealing with local languages is to specify the language in the subdomain: https://fr-en.openfoodfacts.org/category/pizzas.json
==== Country code (cc) and Language of the interface (lc) ====
=== CSV API ===
By default, the country code (cc) and language of the interface (lc) are set through the subdomain.
===== Examples =====
# https://world.openfoodfacts.org --> cc = world, lc = en (default language for the "country")
# https://fr.openfoodfacts.org --> cc = fr (France), lc = fr (French)
# https://jp.openfoodfacts.org --> cc = jp (Japan), lc = ja (Japanese)
# https://ch.openfoodfacts.org --> cc = ch (Switzerland), lc = de (German, set as main language for Switzerland)
# https://ch-fr.openfoodfacts.org --> cc = ch, lc = fr (French)
==== Over-riding Country code (cc) and Language of the interface (lc) using cc and lc parameters ====
If you pass ?cc=us and/or &lc=it, it will set the country to US and the language to Italian
-> if you just pass cc, the lc will be the one set in the subdomain.
e.g. world.openfoodfacts.org + cc = fr --> cc = fr, lc = en (default language of world)
The cc affects which results are returned. cc = fr -> you get only products with France listed in the countries where sold field.
The character that separates fields is  (tabulation).
The lc affects the language in which results will come back.
For an example on how to import it in postgres, see https://iderr.github.io/p/week-1-new-project-on-openfoodfacts/
If the results include links to products, those links will use a new subdomain that corresponds to the overrides.
==== Encoding ====
=== Reading a product ===
The file encoding is Unicode UTF-8.
The requested subdomain will be the locale fetched. (fr.openfoodfacts will fetch FR, world.openfoodfacts EN, world-fr FR products from the whole world)
==== Structure of the call ====
=== MongoDB dump ===
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/api/v0/product/737628064502.xml
== Field reference ==
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/api/v0/product/737628064502.json
The final number must be a valid barcode.
The [[fields used]] in the api are:
==== Status codes ====
== JSON interface ==
===== If a product is not found =====
  "status_verbose":"product not found",
===== If the product is found properly =====
=== Pagination of results ===
See a full example: [[API/Full JSON example]]
If you're looking for all products within a facet (eg: https://fr-en.openfoodfacts.org/category/pizzas.json), you'll only have the 1st page.
To move from page to page:
==== Fields within a product ====
==== Name ====
* product_name : name of the product : Coca Cola
* generic_name : name that shouldn't contain brands : Cola soda
* generic_name_LANG_CODE : name that shouldn't contain brands:
** generic_name_fr:soda au cola
** generic_name_en:cola soda
* code : barcode of the product (can be EAN-13 or internal codes for some food stores), for products without a barcode, Open Food Facts assigns a number starting with the 200 reserved prefix
=====List of List of barcodes beginning with a given number =====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/codes.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/codes.xml
=====List of barcodes beginning with 3596710 =====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/code/3596710xxxxxx.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/code/3596710xxxxxx.xml
==== Quantity and unit ====
* quantity : quantity and unit
==== URL of the product page ====
* url : url of the product page on Open Food Facts
* brands
* brands_tags
=====List of Brands=====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/brands.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/brands.xml
=====Individual Brand=====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/brand/monoprix.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/brand/monoprix.xml
==== Product images ====
* Images ensure the reliability of Open Food Facts data. It provides a primary source and proof of all the structured data. You may therefore want to display it along the structured information.
* We encourage you to let your users upload images for products that don't exist yet, and for existing products as well (packaging and information changes over time).
* We have different scales of images. Use them wisely to save bandwidth, both for your users and Open Food Facts.
===== Raw images =====
* image_small_url
* image_thumb_url
* image_url
===== Front image =====
* "image_front_url"
* "image_front_small_url"
* "image_front_thumb_url"
===== Ingredients image =====
* "image_ingredients_url"
* "image_ingredients_small_url"
* "image_ingredients_thumb_url"
===== Nutrition image =====
* "image_nutrition_url"
* "image_nutrition_small_url"
* "image_nutrition_thumb_url"
==== Languages ====
Languages on the packaging of the product.
=====List of languages present on packaging =====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/languages.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/languages.xml
=====List of products with given language on packaging =====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/language/italian.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/language/italian.xml
=====List of products in Italian and Chinese =====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/language/italian/language/chinese.json
===== List of multilingual products =====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/language/multilingual.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/language/multilingual.xml
===== List of products by language count =====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/language/1.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/language/1.xml
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/language/2.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/language/2.xml
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/language/3.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/language/3.xml
=====Getting suggestions for languages=====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/cgi/suggest.pl?lc=fr&tagtype=languages&string=a
===== Labels =====
* labels
* labels_fr
===== Label tags =====
* labels_tags
* labels_debug_tags
* labels_prev_tags
* labels_next_tags
===== Label hierarchy =====
* labels_hierarchy
* labels_prev_hierarchy
* labels,labels_next_hierarchy
For a list of all taxonomized values in all supported languages, please refer to the [[Global labels taxonomy]]
=====List of labels=====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/labels.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/labels.xml
=====Individual label=====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/label/utz-certified.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/label/utz-certified.xml
===== Label images =====
No format API is currently available. However, they are predictable:
A full list is available at:
=== Countries and Language of the Response ===
=====Getting suggestions for labels=====
You can either use the global (https://world.openfoodfacts.org, https://ssl-api.openfoodfacts.org) or local (https://fr.openfoodfacts.org, https://en.openfoodfacts.org, …) domains for your API queries.
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/cgi/suggest.pl?lc=fr&tagtype=labels&string=a
=== A few things to note ===
For a list of all possible values in all supported languages, please refer to the [[Global categories taxonomy]]
* categories
* categories_tags
* categories_fr
* main_category
* main_category_fr
===== Hierarchy =====
The categories_hierarchy is sorted by the "level" of each category. Level 0 means the category has no children, level 1 means it has children that do not have other children, level 2 is when it has children that have children that do not have children etc.
=====List of categories=====
* If you use a country subdomain instead of ''world'', you get products for that country only, which might change the language but also the name of the fields. In that case you need to use the local language.
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/categories.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/categories.xml
=====Individual category=====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/category/baby-foods.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/category/baby-foods.xml
=====Getting suggestions for categories=====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/cgi/suggest.pl?lc=fr&tagtype=categories&string=a
==== Location of a product (from country to store) ====
(e.g. https://fr.openfoodfacts.org/categorie/pizzas.json).
===== Origins of ingredients =====
* origins : origins of ingredients
* An alternative to avoid dealing with local languages is to specify the language in the subdomain: https://fr-en.openfoodfacts.org/category/pizzas.json
* origins_tags
===== Manufacturing Places =====
=== Country code (cc) and Language of the interface (lc) ===
* manufacturing_places : places where manufactured or transformed
* manufacturing_places_tags
===== Cities =====
By default, the country code (cc) and language of the interface (lc) are set through the subdomain.
* cities
* cities_tags
=====Country of products=====
In general they follow the scheme:
* countries : list of countries where the product is sold
* countries_tags
* countries_fr
======List of Countries ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/countries.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/countries.xml
======Individual Country ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/country/france.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/country/france.xml
======Getting suggestions for Countries======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/cgi/suggest.pl?lc=fr&tagtype=countries&string=f
=====Purchase place of products=====
* purchase_places
======List of purchase places ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/purchase-places.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/purchase-places.xml
======Individual purchase place ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/purchase-place/marseille-5.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/purchase-place/marseille-5.xml
=====Store of products=====
* stores
======List of Stores======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/stores.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/stores.xml
======Individual Store======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/store/super-u.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/store/super-u.xml
==== Composition of a product : ingredients, detected ingredients, traces, allergens ====
==== Examples ====
===== Ingredients =====
# https://world.openfoodfacts.org --> cc = world, lc = en (default language for the "country")
<pre>Do not make the assumption that the ingredient is or is not present based on this. Parsing errors happen.</pre>
# https://fr.openfoodfacts.org --> cc = fr (France), lc = fr (French)
====== List of ingredients on a specific product ======
# https://jp.openfoodfacts.org --> cc = jp (Japan), lc = ja (Japanese)
* On a product '''ingredients_text''' contains the text of the ingredients.
# https://ch.openfoodfacts.org --> cc = ch (Switzerland), lc = de (German, set as main language for Switzerland)
** ingredients_text_fr, ingredients_text_nl… (the package of a product may be multilingual)
# https://ch-fr.openfoodfacts.org --> cc = ch, lc = fr (French)
** ingredients_text_with_allergens_fr (same with HTML markup around allergens)
* This list is parsed and we construct an '''ingredients''' and '''ingredients_tags''' list, but those will contain synonyms etc. We do not have a full taxonomy for ingredients yet. It's a work in progress.
** ingredients
*** percent: possible detected percentage (still unreliable)
*** rank: the order of the ingredient in the ingredient list
*** id: a slug version of the detected ingredient
*** text: the raw text of the detected ingredient
** ingredients_tags
* The ingredients are not yet taxonomized on [https://world.openfoodfacts.org Open Food Facts]. They are taxonomized on [https://world.openbeautyfacts.org Open Beauty Facts]
* The taxonomies of ingredients need expansion:  [[Global ingredients taxonomy]] (OFF), [https://en.wiki.openbeautyfacts.org/Global_ingredients_taxonomy Global ingredients taxonomy Open Beauty Facts]
====== List of detected ingredients ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ingredients.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ingredients.xml
====== List of products where a specific ingredient has been detected ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ingredient/sucre.xml
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ingredient/sucre.json
======Getting suggestions for ingredients (ONLY FOR OBF at the moment) ======
* https://world.openbeautyfacts.org/cgi/suggest.pl?lc=fr&tagtype=ingredients&string=f
=== Overriding Country code (cc) and Language of the interface (lc) using cc and lc parameters ===
You can pass the field cc (e.g. <code>?cc=us</code>) and/or the field lc (e.g. <code>?lc=it</code>) to customize the results.
===== Vitamins and minerals detection =====
For example, if you pass <code>?cc=us</code> and <code>&lc=it</code>, it will set the country to US and the language to Italian;
if you just pass cc, the lc will be the one set in the subdomain.
e.g. <code>world.openfoodfacts.org?cc=frc</code> -> cc = fr, lc = en (default language of world)
====== Vitamins ======
====== Minerals ======
====== Amino acids ======
The cc affects which results are returned. cc = fr -> you get only products with France listed in the countries where sold field.
====== Other nutritional substances =====
The lc affects the language in which results will come back.
===== Palm Oil Detection =====
If the results include links to products, those links will use a new subdomain that corresponds to the overrides.
* ingredients_from_palm_oil_n
* ingredients_from_palm_oil
* ingredients_from_palm_oil_tags
* ingredients_that_may_be_from_palm_oil_n
* ingredients_that_may_be_from_palm_oil
* ingredients_that_may_be_from_palm_oil_tags
====== Ingredients from palm oil ======
======= List of ingredients from palm oil =======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ingredients-from-palm-oil.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ingredients-from-palm-oil.xml
======= List of products where a specific ingredient from palm oil has been detected =======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ingredients-from-palm-oil/huile-de-palme.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ingredients-from-palm-oil/huile-de-palme.xml
====== Ingredients that may be from palm oil ======
== Viewing a product ==
======= List of ingredients that may be from palm oil =======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ingredients-that-may-be-from-palm-oil.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ingredients-that-may-be-from-palm-oil.xml
======= List of products where a specific ingredient that may be from palm oil has been detected =======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ingredients-that-may-be-from-palm-oil/e470b-stearate-de-magnesium.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ingredients-that-may-be-from-palm-oil/e470b-stearate-de-magnesium.xml
=====Trace of products=====
* traces
* traces_tags
======List of Traces ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/traces.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/traces.xml
======Individual Trace ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/trace/eggs.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/trace/eggs.xml
======Getting suggestions for traces ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/cgi/suggest.pl?lc=fr&tagtype=traces&string=m
===== Food (or cosmetic) additives =====
* additives_n : number of food additives
* additives
* additives_tags
For a list of all taxonomized values in all supported languages, please refer to the [[Global additives taxonomy]]
====== List of Additives ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/additives.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/additives.xml
====== Individual Additive ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/additive/e301-sodium-ascorbate.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/additive/e301-sodium-ascorbate.xml
====== Getting suggestions for additives ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/cgi/suggest.pl?lc=fr&tagtype=additives&string=e
=====Allergens of products=====
======List of allergens======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/allergens.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/allergens.xml
======Individual allergen======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/allergen/fish.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/allergen/fish.xml
======Getting suggestions for allergens ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/cgi/suggest.pl?lc=fr&tagtype=allergens&string=a
==== Nutrition values ====
===== Nutrition data =====
====== General structure ======
The nutrition facts are presented by multiple fields per nutrition fact. Each nutrition fact is presented by a key, i.e. "salt", "fat", etc. The fields can also be found in the taxonomy translation file.
The fields can have the following structure:
* key (string) - the value for the nutrition fact key (eg in json: "fiber":"0.5");
* key_serving (string) -  the value of a serving for type key (eg: in json "carbohydrates_serving":"5.82"). The size of the servig is found in the serving field;
* key_value (string)  - the standardized value of a serving of 100g (100ml) for type key (eg in json: "salt_100g":"0.19");
* key_100g (string) - the standardized value of a serving of 100g (100ml) for type key (eg in json: "salt_100g":"0.19");
* key_unit (string) - the units used in the other fields (eg in json: "carbohydrates_unit":"g"). Possible values are "kg", "g", "mg, "µg", "l", "ml", "%" or "";
* key_label (string) - a more user friendly text explaining the
Only the nutrition facts that are actually found on the packaging are present in the interface.
====== List of nutrition keys ======
The following nutrition keys are supported:
* energy
* proteins
* casein
* serum-proteins
* nucleotides
* carbohydrates
* sugars
* sucrose
* glucose
* fructose
* lactose
* maltose
* maltodextrins
* starch
* polyols
* fat
* saturated-fat
* butyric-acid
* caproic-acid
* caprylic-acid
* capric-acid
* lauric-acid
* myristic-acid
* palmitic-acid
* stearic-acid
* arachidic-acid
* behenic-acid
* lignoceric-acid
* cerotic-acid
* montanic-acid
* melissic-acid
* monounsaturated-fat
* polyunsaturated-fat
* omega-3-fat
* alpha-linolenic-acid
* eicosapentaenoic-acid
* docosahexaenoic-acid
* omega-6-fat
* linoleic-acid
* arachidonic-acid
* gamma-linolenic-acid
* dihomo-gamma-linolenic-acid
* omega-9-fat
* oleic-acid
* elaidic-acid
* gondoic-acid
* mead-acid
* erucic-acid
* nervonic-acid
* trans-fat
* cholesterol
* fiber
* sodium
* alcohol: % vol of alcohol
* vitamin-a
* vitamin-d
* vitamin-e
* vitamin-k
* vitamin-c
* vitamin-b1
* vitamin-b2
* vitamin-pp
* vitamin-b6
* vitamin-b9
* vitamin-b12
* biotin
* pantothenic-acid
* silica
* bicarbonate
* potassium
* chloride
* calcium
* phosphorus
* iron
* magnesium
* zinc
* copper
* manganese
* fluoride
* selenium
* chromium
* molybdenum
* iodine
* caffeine
* taurine
====== Specific nutrition keys ======
* carbon-footprint_100g : carbon footprint (indicated on some products)
* ph_100g : pH (no unit)
* cocoa - minimal cacao content of the product in %. Note the TYPO.
* fruits-vegetables-nuts_100g : % of fruits, vegetables and nuts (excluding potatoes, yams, manioc)
* fruits_vegetables_nuts_estimate_100g : estimate by manually looking at the list of ingredients
* nutrition-score-fr_100g : experimental nutrition score derived from the UK FSA score and adapted for the French market (formula defined by the team of Professor Hercberg)
* nutrition-score-uk_100g : nutrition score defined by the UK Food Standards Administration (FSA)
===== Nutrition grades (Nutriscore, UK grades) =====
* For more details, see [https://fr.openfoodfacts.org/score-nutritionnel-experimental-france the page explaining the grade computation]
* nutrition_score_debug: lets you see the calculations made
<pre>"nutrition_score_debug":" -- energy 3 + sat-fat 6 + fr-sat-fat-for-fats 6 + sugars 0 + sodium 6 - fruits 0% 0 - fiber 0 - proteins 5 -- fsa 15 -- fr 15"</pre>
* Nutrition Grade Value
====== Nutrition Grade Images ======
No formal API is available, but you can use:
====== List of all nutrition grades ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grades.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grades.xml
====== List of products with a given nutrition grade (from A to E, including unknown) ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grade/a.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grade/a.xml
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grade/e.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grade/e.xml
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grade/unknown.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grade/unknown.xml
===== Nutrients levels =====
====== List of all nutrition levels ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrient-levels.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrient-levels.xml
====== List of products with fat in low quantity ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrient-level/fat-in-low-quantity.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrient-level/fat-in-low-quantity.xml
===== Unknown Nutrients =====
They might be unknown for a good reason…
======List of Unknown Nutrients ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/unknown-nutrients.xml
======Individual Unknown Nutrients======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/unknown-nutrient/sulfates.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/unknown-nutrient/sulfates.xml
* packaging : shape, material
* packaging_tags
* Packaging are not taxonomized yet.
=====List of Packagings=====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/packaging.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/packaging.xml
=====Individual Packaging=====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/packaging/cardboard.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/packaging/cardboard.xml
===== Packaging images =====
No API is currently available. As a workaround, you can use the images from the server, or those folders.
=====Packager codes=====
* emb_codes
* emb_codes_tags
* first_packaging_code_geo : coordinates corresponding to the first packaging code indicated
======List of Packager codes ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/packager-codes.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/packager-codes.xml
======List of products with given Packager code ======
====== EMB (France specific) ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/packager-code/emb-35069c.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/packager-code/emb-35069c.xml
=======EU Codes (Europe-wide) =======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/packager-code/fr-38-012-001-ec.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/packager-code/fr-38-012-001-ec.xml
======= Note =======
Other codes might be present, but we don't have specific support yet
======List of Packaging cities ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/cities.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/cities.xml
======List of products with given Packaging city ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/city/argenteuil-val-d-oise-france.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/city/argenteuil-val-d-oise-france.xml
==== Contributors ====
===== Contributors =====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/contributor/teolemon.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/contributors.json
===== Photographers =====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/photographer/teolemon.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/photographers.json
===== Informers =====
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/informer/teolemon.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/informers.json
==== Product status & modification history ====
* creator : contributor who first added the product
* created_t : date that the product was added (UNIX timestamp format)
* created_datetime : date that the product was added (iso8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mn:ssZ)
* last_modified_t : date that the product page was last modified
* last_modified_datetime
=====Status of products=====
For all possible values, please refer to the [[Global states taxonomy]]
======List of States ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/states.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/states.xml
======Individual Status ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/state/complete.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/state/complete.xml
======Getting suggestions for states======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/cgi/suggest.pl?lc=fr&tagtype=states&string=a
===== Last Edit Dates =====
====== List of Last Edit Dates ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-dates.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-dates.xml
====== List of products with a given last edit date ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-date/2014.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-date/2016-08.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-date/2016-05-19.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-date/2014.xml
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-date/2016-08.xml
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-date/2016-05-19.xml
===== Entry dates=====
====== List of entry dates ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/entry-dates.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/entry-dates.xml
====== List of products with a given entry date ======
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/entry-dates/2014.xml
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/entry-dates/2016-08.xml
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/entry-dates/2016-05-19.xml
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/entry-dates/2014.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/entry-dates/2016-08.json
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/entry-dates/2016-05-19.json
=== Searching for products ===
===== Generic Search =====
====== Core principle: Combine tags to get custom results ======
'''Combining tags is really powerful, letting you create thousands of custom APIs for your use case.'''
* https://world.openfoodfacts.org/packager-code/emb-35069c/brand/sojasun.json
===== Advanced Search =====
====== Query examples ======
====== Parameters ======
You can basically use all the parameters you'd use in a [https://world.openfoodfacts.org/cgi/search.pl?action=display&sort_by=unique_scans_n&page_size=20&action=display graphical advanced search on the site]<br>
search_url = "https://world.openfoodfacts.org/cgi/search.pl"
search_terms2 # search terms
search_tag # choose a criterion...
brands # brands
categories # categories
packaging # packaging
labels # labels
origins # origins of ingredients
manufacturing_places # manufacturing or processing places
emb_codes # packager codes
purchase_places # purchase places
stores # stores
countries # countries
additives # additives
allergens # allergens
traces # traces
nutrition_grades # Nutrition grades
states # states
# Contains or Not
# Value of Tag (free text)
without # without_additives
with # with_additives
indifferent # indifferent_additives
# Ingredients from palm oil
# Ingredients that may be from palm oil
# Nutrients
search_nutriment # choose a nutriment...
energy # Energy
energy-from-fat # Energy from fat
fat # Fat
saturated-fat # Saturated fat
butyric-acid # Butyric acid (4:0)
caproic-acid # Caproic acid (6:0)
caprylic-acid # Caprylic acid (8:0)
capric-acid # Capric acid (10:0)
lauric-acid # Lauric acid (12:0)
myristic-acid # Myristic acid (14:0)
palmitic-acid # Palmitic acid (16:0)
stearic-acid # Stearic acid (18:0)
arachidic-acid # Arachidic acid (20:0)
behenic-acid # Behenic acid (22:0)
lignoceric-acid # Lignoceric acid (24:0)
cerotic-acid # Cerotic acid (26:0)
montanic-acid # Montanic acid (28:0)
melissic-acid # Melissic acid (30:0)
monounsaturated-fat # Monounsaturated fat
polyunsaturated-fat # Polyunsaturated fat
omega-3-fat # Omega 3 fatty acids
alpha-linolenic-acid # Alpha-linolenic acid / ALA (18:3 n-3)
eicosapentaenoic-acid # Eicosapentaenoic acid / EPA (20:5 n-3)
docosahexaenoic-acid # Docosahexaenoic acid / DHA (22:6 n-3)
omega-6-fat # Omega 6 fatty acids
linoleic-acid # Linoleic acid / LA (18:2 n-6)
arachidonic-acid # Arachidonic acid / AA / ARA (20:4 n-6)
gamma-linolenic-acid # Gamma-linolenic acid / GLA (18:3 n-6)
dihomo-gamma-linolenic-acid # Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid / DGLA (20:3 n-6)
omega-9-fat # Omega 9 fatty acids
oleic-acid # Oleic acid (18:1 n-9)
elaidic-acid # Elaidic acid (18:1 n-9)
gondoic-acid # Gondoic acid (20:1 n-9)
mead-acid # Mead acid (20:3 n-9)
erucic-acid # Erucic acid (22:1 n-9)
nervonic-acid # Nervonic acid (24:1 n-9)
trans-fat # Trans fat
cholesterol # Cholesterol
carbohydrates # Carbohydrate
sugars # Sugars
sucrose # Sucrose
glucose # Glucose
fructose # Fructose
lactose # Lactose
maltose # Maltose
maltodextrins # Maltodextrins
starch # Starch
polyols # Sugar alcohols (Polyols)
fiber # Dietary fiber
proteins # Proteins
casein # casein
serum-proteins # Serum proteins
nucleotides # Nucleotides
salt # Salt
sodium # Sodium
alcohol # Alcohol
vitamin-a # Vitamin A
beta-carotene # Beta carotene
vitamin-d # Vitamin D
vitamin-e # Vitamin E
vitamin-k # Vitamin K
vitamin-c # Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
vitamin-b1 # Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
vitamin-b2 # Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
vitamin-pp # Vitamin B3 / Vitamin PP (Niacin)
vitamin-b6 # Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin)
vitamin-b9 # Vitamin B9 (Folic acid / Folates)
vitamin-b12 # Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
biotin # Biotin
pantothenic-acid # Pantothenic acid / Pantothenate (Vitamin B5)
silica # Silica
bicarbonate # Bicarbonate
potassium # Potassium
chloride # Chloride
calcium # Calcium
phosphorus # Phosphorus
iron # Iron
magnesium # Magnesium
zinc # Zinc
copper # Copper
manganese # Manganese
fluoride # Fluoride
selenium # Selenium
chromium # Chromium
molybdenum # Molybdenum
iodine # Iodine
caffeine # Caffeine
taurine # Taurine
ph # pH
fruits-vegetables-nuts # Fruits, vegetables and nuts (minimum)
collagen-meat-protein-ratio # Collagen/Meat protein ratio (maximum)
cocoa # Cocoa (minimum)
chlorophyl # Chlorophyl
carbon-footprint # Carbon footprint / CO2 emissions
nutrition-score-fr # Experimental nutrition score
nutrition-score-uk # Nutrition score - UK
# Comparison of nutrients
# Nutriment to compare
# Operator
lt # less than
lte # less than or equal
gt # greater than
gte # greater than or equal
eq # equal to
# Value to compare the nutrients to
# Output
sort_by # sort_by
unique_scans_n # Popularity
product_name # Product name
created_t # Add date
last_modified_t # Edit date
# Results per page
page_size # page_size
20 # 20
50 # 50
100 # 100
250 # 250
500 # 500
1000 # 1000
#to search results pages on the web site to get results in a jQuery Mobile format.
=== Linked Data ===
==== Link to Wikipedia and Wikidata ====
Whenever possible, Open Food Facts entities are linked to Wikidata, and in turn to Wikipedia. What this means is that you get access to a trove of additional encyclopedic knowledge about food. You can for instance get: Wikipedia articles about Camembert, the translation of salt in many languages, the molecular structure of a cosmetic ingredient…<br>
We provide the Wikidata QID, which is an unambiguous, stable and reliable identifier for a concept that will be useful to actually retrieve info from Wikipedia and Wikidata.
===== Example =====
Beverages >> https://world.openfoodfacts.org/category/beverages >> Q40050 >> https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q40050<br>
Have a look at: [[API/Read/Product]]
As you see, you'll get a beautiful image, information about the Quality label… As Wikidata is a Wiki, the knowledge you'll be able to retrieve will increase over time.
==== Retrieving info from Wikipedia and Wikidata ====
== Searching for products ==
You can use the Wikipedia and Wikidata APIs to get the information you want<br>
* https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Data_access
* https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php
==== Examples of things you can do ====
Have a look at: [[API/Read/Search]]
* Provide more context and more information about a specific Product, a Category of products, a Quality label, a Geography, a Brand, a Packaging material, an ingredient…
* Perform checks or computations by mixing Wikidata information and Open Food Facts information (and possibly other APIs)

Latest revision as of 09:10, 15 August 2024

← Back to API (required read)

Use the API

To use the read API, please check out the API documentation and how to read product data

Downloading static data

It is recommended to use the live API to get fresh data about products, the minute they are uploaded to the database. However, in some cases, you may need a snapshot. They are available at:


The character that separates fields is (tabulation).

For an example on how to import it in postgres, see https://iderr.github.io/p/week-1-new-project-on-openfoodfacts/


The file encoding is Unicode UTF-8.

MongoDB dump

Field reference

The fields used in the api are: https://world.openfoodfacts.org/data/data-fields.txt

JSON interface

Pagination of results

If you're looking for all products within a facet (eg: https://fr-en.openfoodfacts.org/category/pizzas.json), you'll only have the 1st page. To move from page to page:


Countries and Language of the Response

You can either use the global (https://world.openfoodfacts.org, https://ssl-api.openfoodfacts.org) or local (https://fr.openfoodfacts.org, https://en.openfoodfacts.org, …) domains for your API queries.

A few things to note

  • If you use a country subdomain instead of world, you get products for that country only, which might change the language but also the name of the fields. In that case you need to use the local language.

(e.g. https://fr.openfoodfacts.org/categorie/pizzas.json).

Country code (cc) and Language of the interface (lc)

By default, the country code (cc) and language of the interface (lc) are set through the subdomain.

In general they follow the scheme:



  1. https://world.openfoodfacts.org --> cc = world, lc = en (default language for the "country")
  2. https://fr.openfoodfacts.org --> cc = fr (France), lc = fr (French)
  3. https://jp.openfoodfacts.org --> cc = jp (Japan), lc = ja (Japanese)
  4. https://ch.openfoodfacts.org --> cc = ch (Switzerland), lc = de (German, set as main language for Switzerland)
  5. https://ch-fr.openfoodfacts.org --> cc = ch, lc = fr (French)

Overriding Country code (cc) and Language of the interface (lc) using cc and lc parameters

You can pass the field cc (e.g. ?cc=us) and/or the field lc (e.g. ?lc=it) to customize the results.

For example, if you pass ?cc=us and &lc=it, it will set the country to US and the language to Italian; if you just pass cc, the lc will be the one set in the subdomain.

e.g. world.openfoodfacts.org?cc=frc -> cc = fr, lc = en (default language of world)

The cc affects which results are returned. cc = fr -> you get only products with France listed in the countries where sold field.

The lc affects the language in which results will come back.

If the results include links to products, those links will use a new subdomain that corresponds to the overrides.

Viewing a product

Have a look at: API/Read/Product

Searching for products

Have a look at: API/Read/Search