Local Communities/UKTeam

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(draft, to be completed)





Coordinators recruit and manage the local community and local

  • you? :-)


You can add your name to the list with a brief summary of what interests you the most and in what areas you would like to contribute. Thank you!


UK Meetups


Create a UK contributors community

Attain a critical mass of UK products

  • 5000 products?


  • Complete English translation, ensure that no French remains (on the web site, mobile apps etc.)
  • Complete the merge of the French and English categories
  • Translate marketing materials
  • Check the support for UK-specific fields on labels
    • e.g. packaging codes, nutrition trafic lights etc.

Food Open Data Challenge

National food companies

Independant brands

  • List them here

Distributor brands

  • List them here

Help convince local producers to share their data

🏭 Food manufacturers and retailers Yes! To enrich the database, we can count on contributors... but also on food manufacturers! Indeed, as they are the source of the data, which often means that they are able to provide good quality data, and in bigger volumes than manual individual contributions.
Help convince local producers to share their data

Data Completion statistics

You can see Data Completion statistics for the UK at: https://wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Dashboard/United_Kingdom