Translations - Social Media

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Please correct your language using the guidelines below, and making sure the Twitter, Facebook and Google+ page exist. If a social network is popular in your country, create the matching account (try to get the username openfoodfacts) Please ping @stephane before creating accounts.

Follow us on <a href="">Twitter</a>,
<a href="">Facebook</a> and
<a href="">Google+</a> 
	fr => <<HTML
Suivez nous sur <a href="">Twitter</a>,
<a href="">Facebook</a> et
<a href="">Google+</a>

"        ar => 'تابعونا على تويتر <a href=""""> </A>،
<a href=""""> الفيسبوك </a> و
<a href=""""> فيGoogle+</a>', #ar-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        de => 'Folgen Sie uns auf Twitter <a href=""""> </a>,
<a href=""""> Face </a>
<a href="""">Google+</a>', #de-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        cs => 'Sledujte nás na Twitteru <a href=""""> </a>,
<a href=""""> Facebook </a> a
<a href="""">Google+</a>', #cs-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        es => 'Síguenos en Twitter <a href=""""> </a>,
<a href=""""> Facebook </a>
<a href="""">Google+</a>', #es-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        en => 'Follow us on <a href="""">Twitter</a>,
<a href="""">Facebook</a> and
<a href="""">Google+</a> ', #en-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        it => 'Seguici su Twitter <a href=""""> </a>,
<a href=""""> Facebook </a>
<a href="""">Google+</a>', #it-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        fi => 'Seuraa meitä <a href=""""> Twitterissä </a>,
<a href=""""> Facebook </a> ja
<a href="""">Google+</a>', #fi-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        fr => 'Suivez-nous sur <a href="""">Twitter</a>,
<a href=""""> Facebook et </a>
<a href="""">Google+</a>', #fr-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        el => 'Ακολουθήστε μας στο href=""""> <a Twitter </a>,
<a href=""""> Facebook </a> και
<a href="""">Google+</a>', #el-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        he => 'עקוב אחרינו בטוויטר </a> href=""""> <a,
ו</a> <a href=""""> פייסבוק
<a href="""">Google+</a>', #he-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        ja => '<a href="""">ツイッター</a>の上で私たちに従ってください、
<a href=""""> Facebookの</a>にと
<a href=""""> Google+の</a>に', #ja-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        ko => '<a의 href=""""> 트위터 </a>에에 우리를 따르라,
<a href=""""> 페이스 북 </a> 및
<a href=""""> 구글 </a>를', #ko-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        nl => 'Volg ons op <a href=""""> Twitter </a>,
<a href=""""> Facebook </a>
<a href="""">Google+</a>', #nl-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        ru => 'Следуйте за нами на Twitter <a href=""""> </a>,
<a href=""""> Facebook </a> и
<a href="""">Google+</a>', #ru-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        pl => 'Śledź nas na Twitterze </a> <a href="""">,
<a href=""""> Facebook </a> i
<a href="""">Google+</a>', #pl-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        pt => 'Siga-nos no Twitter <a href=""""> </a>,
<a href=""""> Facebook </a>
<a href="""">Google+</a>', #pt-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        ro => 'Urmați-ne pe Twitter href=""""> <a </a>,
<a href=""""> Facebook </a> și
<a href="""">Google+</a>', #ro-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        th => 'ติดตามเราได้ที่ทวิตเตอร์ <a href=""""> </a>,
<a href=""""> Facebook </a> และ
<a href="""">Google+</a>', #th-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        vi => 'Thực hiện theo chúng tôi trên Twitter <a href=""""> </a>,
<a href=""""> Facebook </a> và
<a href="""">Google+</a>', #vi-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"
"        zh => '按照我们的<a href="""">微博</A>,
<a href="""">的Facebook和</A>
<a href="""">的Google+ </A>', #zh-CHECK - Please check and remove this comment"