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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
The ingredients taxonomy is a collection of all the names of ingredients found on the product. This taxonomy is used for analysing the ingredients of a product and deriving qualities like NutriScore, NOVA or Eco-Score. It can also be used for translation purposes.
For an introduction to taxonomies in general, have a look at [[Taxonomies]].
If you would like to help in maintaining the ingredients taxonomy (and others), but do not want to read all the details, have a look at [[Taxonomy Maintenance]].
This document discusses the details of the taxonomy and possible evolutions.
== Why? ==  
== Why? ==  
Why do we need an ingredients ontology? The ontology describes how ingredients are derived from each other and how ingredients can be combined into new ingredients. An ontology might be useful to:
Why do we need an ingredients ontology? The ontology describes how ingredients are derived from each other and how ingredients can be combined into new ingredients. The basic thesaurus can help to:
* '''Normalise ingredients''' - Producers take a lot of freedom in describing the ingredients they use. An ontology helps to standardise the ingredients.
* '''Normalise ingredients''' - Producers take a lot of freedom in describing the ingredients they use. They use different words (synonyms) to designate the same ingredient. An ontology helps to standardise the ingredients;
* '''Exclusive search''' - the taxonomy can be used to support search for ingredients in any language and multiple synonyms;
* '''Translation''' - as the taxonomy contains translations of each ingredient, it can be used as means to translate ingredient lists;
* '''Ingredients analysis''' - the taxonomy can be extended with properties to indicate if ingredients are suitable for vegans, vegetarians etc. and to estimate how processed the food product is (e.g. NOVA groups)
* '''Ingredient language inconsistencies''' - it happens that ingredients in different languages of a single product are different. That can be ingredients that are left out or simplified. The thesaurus might help revealing these.
If the thesaurus is extended by relations between ingredients, other benefits arise, depending on what is defined in the taxonomy. The basic relation is the isa-relation or is-a-kind-of relation. The isa-relation defines two ingredients that are related. For instance the ingredient ''strawberry'' can also be found as ''strawberry puree'' and ''strawberry juice''. ''Strawberry'' is more generic than ''strawberry puree'', which is more specific. The rule here is: would it make sense to replace the children by the parent in the ingredients list? For instance ''strawberry puree'' and ''strawberry juice'' are still ''strawberry'', but under a different shape. So if you replace ''strawberry puree'' with ''strawberry'' in the ingredient list, it is still a valid ingredient list. Usually ''strawberry'' is the parent and ''strawberry puree'' a child.
This isa-relation makes the following functionalities possible:
* '''Inclusive source search''' - The '''inclusive search''' means that a search for the parent ''strawberry'' will also show the children ''strawberry puree'', etc. The '''source search''' means the the origin of the ingredient, i.e. strawberry , apple, cinnamon, soy, etc. (I want another word for source).
* '''Inclusive condition search''' - in a similar way we could search for the condition of a source ingredient, for instance pureed, juiced, dried, reconditioned, etc. So if we would like to search for all pureed fruits, the relation between [ fruit puree] and [ strawberry puree] should be defined in the taxonomy.
One could also define other relations in order to support:
* '''Hidden ingredients''' - an ingredient might contain hidden ingredients, the ontology might reveal these. For example [ butter] contains [ butterfat].
* '''Hidden ingredients''' - an ingredient might contain hidden ingredients, the ontology might reveal these. For example [ butter] contains [ butterfat].
* '''Combined ingredients''' - an ingredient might appear as a single ingredient. In reality however
* '''Combined ingredients''' - an ingredient might appear as a single ingredient. In reality however
* '''Processed ingredients''' - often an ingredient is derived from an other ingredient through some process. We can make explicit what these processes are. Example [ clarified butter] is created from [ butter] by separating the [ milk solids] and [ water] from the [ butterfat].
* '''Processed ingredients''' - often an ingredient is derived from an other ingredient through some process. We can make explicit what these processes are. Example [ clarified butter] is created from [ butter] by separating the [ milk solids] and [ water] from the [ butterfat].
* '''Ingredient incompleteness''' - often an ingredient is incomplete defined in an ingredient list. For instance if an ingredient-list specifies [ milk], it should be defined from which mammal the milk comes from, for instance [ cow's milk].  
* '''Ingredient incompleteness''' - often an ingredient is incomplete defined in an ingredient list. For instance if an ingredient-list specifies [ milk], it should be defined from which mammal the milk comes from, for instance [ cow's milk].
== Ingredients Thesaurus ==
== Taxonomy ==
The current OFF ingredients taxonomy ([ cryptpad]) can be seen as a thesaurus.
The current OFF ingredients taxonomy ([ github]) can be seen as a thesaurus. (although slowly more info is added).
''In the context of information retrieval, a thesaurus (plural: "thesauri") is a form of controlled vocabulary that seeks to dictate semantic manifestations of metadata in the indexing of content objects. A thesaurus serves to minimise semantic ambiguity by ensuring uniformity and consistency in the storage and retrieval of the manifestations of content objects. ANSI/NISO Z39.19-2005 defines a content object as "any item that is to be described for inclusion in an information retrieval system, website, or other source of information". The thesaurus aids the assignment of preferred terms to convey semantic metadata associated with the content object''. ([ wikipedia])
''In the context of information retrieval, a thesaurus (plural: "thesauri") is a form of controlled vocabulary that seeks to dictate semantic manifestations of metadata in the indexing of content objects. A thesaurus serves to minimise semantic ambiguity by ensuring uniformity and consistency in the storage and retrieval of the manifestations of content objects. ANSI/NISO Z39.19-2005 defines a content object as "any item that is to be described for inclusion in an information retrieval system, website, or other source of information". The thesaurus aids the assignment of preferred terms to convey semantic metadata associated with the content object''. ([ wikipedia])
The purpose of the thesaurus is have a list of ingredients, that occur in ingredient lists, that are unique and are well defined. The OFF ingredients taxonomy is mainly a list of elements that occur in ingredient lists. However the OFF Ingredients taxonomy is more than a simple thesaurus.
The purpose of the thesaurus is to have a list of ingredients, that occur in ingredient lists, that are unique and are well defined. The OFF ingredients taxonomy is mainly a list of elements that occur in ingredient lists. However the OFF Ingredients taxonomy is more than a simple thesaurus.
=== Example ===
=== Example ===
Below is the ingredient class entry of '''soybean''' in the OFF ingredients taxonomy:
Below is the ingredient class entry of '''soybean''' in the OFF ingredients taxonomy:
<nowiki>#</nowiki> SOYBEAN (Glycine max), or soya bean is a species of legume native to East Asia,  
<br /><nowiki>#</nowiki>description:en: SOYBEAN (Glycine max), or soya bean is a species of legume native to East Asia.
<br /><nowiki>#</nowiki>comment:en: There is a bit of confusion whether "bean" should be part of the name, so "soy" or "soybeen"?.
<br /><en:soya
<br /><en:soya
<br />en:soya bean, soy beans, soya beans, soybean
<br />en:soya bean, soy beans, soya beans, soybean
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=== Explanation ===
=== Explanation ===
* '''Definition''' - the ''#''  describes a comment line and can be used to add a definition of the ingredient. In this case the definition is taken from wikipedia.
* '''Comment-line''' - the ''#''  describes a comment line and can be used to add other information to an ingredient. This information is not used by OFF.
* '''Description''' the # description:en: provides a definition of the ingredient in english. In this case the definition is taken from wikipedia.
* '''Description''' the # comment:en: provides a comment in english about the entry.
* '''Super-ingredient''' - the ''<en:soya'' line describes the super-ingredient ingredient of this (sub-ingredient) ingredient. The relationship between the super-ingredient an the sub-ingredient is an ''is-a-kind-of-relationship''. This means that the sub-ingredient is a kind of super-ingredient. In this example the soybean ingredient is a kind soy ingredient. The sub-ingredient provides more details of the ingredient. In this case the super-ingredient is very broad (something with soy), wheras the sub-ingredient adds the detail of the bean. This line is optional, if no super-ingredient can be specified.
* '''Super-ingredient''' - the ''<en:soya'' line describes the super-ingredient ingredient of this (sub-ingredient) ingredient. The relationship between the super-ingredient an the sub-ingredient is an ''is-a-kind-of-relationship''. This means that the sub-ingredient is a kind of super-ingredient. In this example the soybean ingredient is a kind soy ingredient. The sub-ingredient provides more details of the ingredient. In this case the super-ingredient is very broad (something with soy), wheras the sub-ingredient adds the detail of the bean. This line is optional, if no super-ingredient can be specified.
* '''Key''' - The ''en:soya bean'' line is the main name (key) of the ingredient. This doubles as name for the ingredient (in this case in english (''en:'')).
* '''Key''' - The ''en:soya bean'' line is the main name (key) of the ingredient. This doubles as name for the ingredient (in this case in english (''en:'')).
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As the same super-ingredient will also appear in combination with other ingredients, this might help the user understand what other fruits there are and how they are processed and what other juices from fruits exist.
As the same super-ingredient will also appear in combination with other ingredients, this might help the user understand what other fruits there are and how they are processed and what other juices from fruits exist.
At the moment (2018-10-05) is taxonomy is not consistently structured. It uses sometimes the nouns and sometimes the adjective as structure principle.
These super ingredients and ingredients can also be found in ingredient lists, but then they are indicated by parentheses or colons). For example: ''Tomates (Dés, Jus, Purée)'', ''Yaourt (lait, crème, sucre, ferments lactiques)'', ''crème fraîche (dont lait)'' or ''Jus de : pomme, orange, passion, ananas, citron''. These are four different approaches to super ingredients and define different relations between ingredients.
These super ingredients and ingredients can also be found in ingredient lists, but then they are indicated by parentheses or colons). For example: ''Tomates (Dés, Jus, Purée)'', ''Yaourt (lait, crème, sucre, ferments lactiques)'', ''crème fraîche (dont lait)'' or ''Jus de : pomme, orange, passion, ananas, citron''. These are four different approaches to super ingredients and define different relations between ingredients.
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In the taxonomy multiple super ingredients can be defined as:
In the taxonomy multiple super ingredients can be defined as:
<br /><en:soya
<br />'''<en:soya'''
<br /><en:sauce
<br />'''<en:sauce'''
<br />en:soy sauce
<br />'''en:soy sauce'''
<br />de:Sojasauce
<br />'''de:Sojasauce'''
<br />
<br />
=== Compound ingredients ===
Note that ''en:soya'' and ''en:sauce'' should exist as an ingredient in the taxonomy. (is there a consistency check done somewhere?)
It is possible to have a ingredient that in reality consists of multiple ingredients. For instance ''fr:jus de soja'' can also be specified as ''en:water'' plus ''en:soybean''. On ingredients list this usually appears as ''jus de soja (eau, fèves de soja)'', i.e. the elements between parentheses define the real ingredients.
==== • Adjectives ====
The ingredient can be made more specific through adjectives. As these adjectives occur for many ingredients and are essentially the same, they have been seperated into a separate taxonomies. Once they are in that taxonomy, they no longer have to be lised in the ingredients taxonomy. The adjectives can be categorised as:
* '''Ciqual food code''' is an unique code in format "ciqual_food_code:en:nnnn";
* '''Ciqual food name''' is the corresponding name in english in format "ciqual_food_name:en:aaaa" and in french"ciqual_food_name:fr:aaaa";
* '''Description''' is a more formal description (definition) of the ingredient, which can be used on the website for instance. This can be in any language. The definition can be taken from the first line of the wikipedia page. It should comprise the adjectives that define the ingredient.
* '''Processing''' adjectives describe what has been done with an ingredient, i.e. ''ground'', ''cooked'', etc. Either the processing itself is used as adjective or the result, for instance ''ground'' versus ''powdered''. The identified processing adjectives can be found in the  [[Processing Taxonomy]].
* '''Labels''' adjectives that follow the labels taxonomy, such as ''organic'', etc.
* '''Wikidata''' indicates the entry on The format should be "wikidata:en:Qnnnnn".
* '''Wikipedia''' indicates the link to an entry on wikipedia in english (if available). The format is should be "wikipedia:en:".
=== Specification ===
==== • Origin list specification ====
Producers sometimes try to shorten the length of ingredients lists by suppressing repetition. For instance the entry ''vegetable fats (palm, sunflower)'' should actually be read as two elements: ''palm vegetable fat'' and ''sunflower vegetable fat''. In this case the parentheses act as method to avoid repetition.
Producers sometimes try to shorten the length of ingredients lists by suppressing repetition. For instance the entry ''vegetable fats (palm, sunflower)'' should actually be read as two elements: ''palm vegetable fat'' and ''sunflower vegetable fat''. In this case the parentheses act as method to avoid repetition.
It also ahppens the other way around: palm (vegetable fat).
==== • Processed list specification ====
The example Tomates (Dés, Jus, Purée) is also used to shorten an ingredient list. In this case the processing used is in the parentheses.
==== • Compound ingredients ====
It is possible to have a ingredient that in reality consists of multiple other ingredients. For instance ''fr:jus de soja'' can also be specified as ''en:water'' plus ''en:soybean''. On ingredients list this usually appears as ''jus de soja (eau, fèves de soja)'', i.e. the elements between parentheses define the real ingredients. The compound ingredients can also be seen as a (sub-)ingredient list. This is currently NOT encoded as super ingredient.
==== • Made of specification ====
The example ''crème fraîche (dont lait)'' designates that ''crème fraîche'' is produced from ''lait''. This is usually used to indicate if an ingredient contains an allergenic substance. This is currently NOT encoded as super ingredient.
==== Exceptions / Reality ====
As the taxonomy is strongly tied to the url search function some exceptions have been implemented:
* '''en:xxxxx flavour''' - has only one parent: ''<en:flavour''. The parent ''<en:xxxxx'' is not set up, as it would mix the real ingredient ''en:xxxxx'' with artificial flavour ingredient.
=== Language prefix ===
=== Language prefix ===
The language prefixes are based on the approach taken by [ Wikipedia]. In practice this implies that the languages prefixes as used by wikidata are used, this inlcudes both the language and the associated script (if applicable).
The language prefixes are based on the approach taken by [ Wikipedia]. In practice this implies that the languages prefixes as used by wikidata are used, this inlcudes both the language and the associated script (if applicable). Sometimes the language prefix from the wikipedia-page is used. For two-letter prefixes the same prefix is used in wikipedia and wikidata. For three (and more) letter prefixes this is no longer true ([[language acronyms]]).
=== Application ===
==== Inclusive search ====
The only application for the taxonomy at the moment is search by url. You coud enter the url [ strawberry] to find all products that contain ''strawberry''. Or [ strawberry] to find all products that have a Finnish ingredient list with ''strawberry'' (puutarhamansikka). This is an inclusive search, which implies that all ingredients that are more specific are included as well in the results.
What is supported as search is determined by parents that are defined in the taxonomy. So ''strawberry flavour'' is not found when searching for ''strawberry''.
=== Practice ===
=== Practice ===
Some experiences have been gathered in building the OFF taxonomy. These can be divided into guiding principles and steps.
Some experiences have been gathered in building the OFF taxonomy. These can be divided into guiding principles and steps.
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==== Steps ====
==== Steps ====
To build the taxonomy from raw data, the follow steps need to be taken
To build the taxonomy from raw data, the follow steps need to be taken
* '''Gather''' - the first step is gathering the ingredients from the ingredient lists. This results in a list of  ''raw ingredients''. This process needs to be described @stephane does this;
* '''Gather''' - the first step is gathering the ingredients from the ingredient lists. This results in a list of  ''raw ingredients''. It is possible to create a list with ingredients that are not yet in the taxonomy. (This process needs to be described @stephane does this);
* '''Assign''' - the raw ingredients can be mapped unto the existing taxonomy, in order to find ingredients that are new and not yet part of the taxonomy (the ''new raw ingredients'');
* '''Assign''' - the raw ingredients in a language should be mapped unto the existing taxonomy. For each raw ingredient one has to check whether it is not already in the taxonomy. If the raw ingredient is not yet in the taxonomy one has to check whether it can be assigned to an existing ingredient, either as synonym, or as new translation. The raw ingredient might be totally new of more specified than an existing ingredient (the ''new raw ingredients'');
* '''Merge''' - each new raw ingredient must be looked at and if possible merged with an ingredient in the existing taxonomy. This also involves merging translations;
* '''Merge''' - for each new raw ingredient it must be decided how it will fit in the existing taxonomy. Either it is totally new or it is a child of an existing ingredient.;
* '''Key''' - if a new raw ingredient can be mapped to the taxonomy, it will probably be a new synonym of an existing entry. Ideally one should check which of the synonyms occurs the most and set that one as main ingredient name;
* '''Key''' - if a new raw ingredient can be mapped to the taxonomy, it will probably be a new synonym of an existing entry. Ideally one should check which of the synonyms occurs the most and set that one as main ingredient name;
* '''Create''' - if the ingredient is totally new, a new entry can be created. It should be decided what the super ingredient is (if any). It can then be entered in that part of the taxonomy.
* '''Create''' - if the ingredient is totally new, a new entry can be created. It should be decided what the super ingredient is (if any). It can then be entered in that part of the taxonomy.
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* '''OFF''' - add a link to the corresponding ingredients page. For instance for [ fr:polydextrose].
* '''OFF''' - add a link to the corresponding ingredients page. For instance for [ fr:polydextrose].
* '''Occurences''' - note how often the ingredient occurs, in how many language and at what date that was determined. This might require an advanced search ([ polydextrose]). This might allow us to track if changes are necessary;
* '''Occurences''' - note how often the ingredient occurs, in how many language and at what date that was determined. This might require an advanced search ([ polydextrose]). This might allow us to track if changes are necessary;
==== Watch out ====
==== Watch out ====
It is possible to make mistakes in these steps.
It is possible to make mistakes in these steps.
* '''Wrong translation''' - the ingredient lists in different languages available on products, do not always offer a translations.
* '''Wrong translation''' - the ingredient lists in different languages available on products, do not always offer a translations.
* '''Translation bootstrapping''' - in order to get up to speed with the translations, we use the Wikipedia and Wikidata to find translations. This can result in the wrong translations as it can be something different than what is found on the package. So be careful for wikipedia disambiguation strings, latin species names, etc. In the long run these should be superseded by what is fond on the products.
* '''Translation bootstrapping''' - in order to get up to speed with the translations, we use the Wikipedia and Wikidata to find translations. This can result in the wrong translations as it can be something different than what is found on the package. So be careful for wikipedia disambiguation strings, latin species names, etc. In the long run these should be superseded by what is fond on the products.
* '''Contaminated ingredients''' - a lot of products contain text that are not actual ingredients. Either this is caused by text recognition, which recognizes other elements as well. Or people add text that are not ingredients;
== Theory ==
== Theory ==
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For example the product [ Beurre Gastronomique Doux] of the brand ''Milbona'' with barcode ''20139315'' has one ingredient: [ Beurre pasteurisé] and belongs to the [ Sweet cream butters] category.
For example the product [ Beurre Gastronomique Doux] of the brand ''Milbona'' with barcode ''20139315'' has one ingredient: [ Beurre pasteurisé] and belongs to the [ Sweet cream butters] category.
== Allergens taxonomy ==
== Diet support ==
OFF uses an allergens taxonomy/thesaurus to detect/describe allergens. We need to indicate the relation with this ontology.
The ingredients taxonomy can be used by applications (web and mobile) to filter certain ingredients or ingredient groups for dietary purposes. The existing structure offers already many hooks for simple diets. For more complex ones additional hooks can be added.
=== Allergens ===
Currently support for allergens is supported in a separate taxonomy. This allergens taxonomy is however based on ingredients, so there is a large overlap in work. For the different allergens, it is explained how it can be supported by the taxonomy.
* Gluten:
* Crustaceans: '''en:crustacean''' and children.
* Egg: '''en:egg''' and its children.
* Fish: '''en:fish''' and children.
* Peanuts: '''en:peanut''' and '''en:peanut oil'''
* Soybeans: '''en:soya''', '''en:soya oil''', '''en:soy flour''', '''en:soy protein''', '''en:tofu''', '''en:soy preparation''', '''en:soy sauce''', '''en:soya lecithin'''; maybe: E476
* Milk: '''en:dairy''', '''en:lactose''', '''en:milk minerals''', '''en:milk proteins''', '''en:milk chocolate''', '''en:milk filling''', '''en:ice cream''', '''en:bechamel sauce'''
* Nuts: '''en:nut''', '''en:peanut''', '''en:crocant''', '''en:nougat''', '''en:pistachio seed oil''', '''en:pine nuts''', '''en:walnut oil''', '''en:hazelnut oil''', '''en:pink peppercorn'''
* Celery: '''en:celery''' and '''en:celeraic''' and children.
* Mustard: '''en:mustard''' covers all synonyms. Should also some brassica be included? wasabi?
* Sesame seeds: en:sesame, '''en:sesame oil''' and children.
* Sulphur dioxide:
* Lupin: '''en:lupin''' and its child.
* Molluscs: '''en:molluscs''' and its children.
=== Vegetarian ===
Vegetarianism has many [ subdivisions] as is seen below. The table lists which ingredient (groups) need to be excluded for each diet.
{| class="sortable wikitable" style="font-size: smaller;"
! Name
! Livestock
! Poultry
! Game (hunting)|Game
! Seafood
! Dairy
! Eggs
! Honey
! Root vegetables
! Fruitarianism
| en:animal
| en:poultry
| en:game animal
| en:fish, en:shellfish
| en:dairy, en:lactose, en:milk minerals, en:milk proteins, en:milk chocolate, en:milk filling, en:ice cream, en:bechamel sauce
| en:egg
| en:honey, en:royal jelly, en:pollen, en:beeswax, en:marzipan, en:nougat, en:invertase
| en:root vegetable, en:ginger, en:betanin, en:turmeric
! Jain vegetarianism
| en:animal
| en:poultry
| en:game animal
| en:fish, en:shellfish
| -
| en:egg
| en:honey, en:royal jelly, en:pollen, en:beeswax, en:marzipan, en:nougat, en:invertase
| en:root vegetable, en:ginger, en:betanin, en:turmeric
! Veganism
| en:animal
| en:poultry
| en:game animal
| en:fish, en:shellfish
| en:dairy, en:lactose, en:milk minerals, en:milk proteins, en:milk chocolate, en:milk filling, en:ice cream, en:bechamel sauce
| en:egg
| en:honey, en:royal jelly, en:pollen, en:beeswax, en:marzipan, en:nougat, en:invertase
| -
! Lacto vegetarianism
| en:animal
| en:poultry
| en:game animal
| en:fish, en:shellfish
| -
| en:egg
| -
| -
! Orthodox Fasting
| en:animal
| en:poultry
| en:game animal
| sometimes
| en:dairy, en:lactose, en:milk minerals, en:milk proteins, en:milk chocolate, en:milk filling, en:ice cream, en:bechamel sauce
| en:egg
| -
| -
! Ovo vegetarianism
| en:animal
| en:poultry
| en:game animal
| en:fish, en:shellfish
| en:dairy, en:lactose, en:milk minerals, en:milk proteins, en:milk chocolate, en:milk filling, en:ice cream, en:bechamel sauce
| -
| -
| -
! Ovo-lacto vegetarianism
| en:animal
| en:poultry
| en:game animal
| en:fish, en:shellfish
| -
| -
| -
| -
! Pescetarianism
| en:animal
| en:poultry
| en:game animal
| -
| sometimes
| -
| -
| -
! Pollo-vegetarianism
| en:animal
| -
| en:game animal (yes)
| en:fish, en:shellfish
| -
| -
| -
| -
! Pollo-pescetarianism
| en:animal
| -
| en:game animal (yes)
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
For some diets the game animal is permitted, so it is possible to include those ingredients.
=== Fodmap ===
== Maintenance ==
== Maintenance ==
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