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== Second look ==
== Second look ==
A solution could be to get rid of these strange values. Using the standards approach of removing everything below and above a value based on 1.5 times the interquartile distance, we can redo the above graphs.
The Cullen and Frey graph then transforms to:
[[File:AlmondsFatCullenfreyOutliersRemoved.png|400 oxpx|thumb|center|Almonds Fat Cullen and Frey polt with outliers removed.]]
The distribution is now very close to what we expect for a Gaussian distribution (the star). Looking at the density plot:
[[File:AlmondsFatsDensityNoOutliers.png|400 px|thumb|center|Almonds Fats Density distribution without outliers]]
The density plot seems to suggest that there are two Gaussian distributions, which might explain the offset in the Cullen and Frey plot.
The QQ-plot now behaves much better:
[[File:AlmondsFatsQQPlotNoOutliers.png|thumb|center|Almonds Fats QQ-plot without outliers]]
Note that the sample quantiles seem very similar at -1. I suspect that these are theoretical values taken from Ciqual or similar. Could this be an explanation for the second peak? The Ciqual value is 52.5