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=== Example ===
=== Example ===
Below is the ingredient class entry of '''soybean''' in the OFF ingredients taxonomy:
Below is the ingredient class entry of '''soybean''' in the OFF ingredients taxonomy:
<nowiki>#</nowiki>description:en: SOYBEAN (Glycine max), or soya bean is a species of legume native to East Asia.
<nowiki>#description:en: SOYBEAN (Glycine max), or soya bean is a species of legume native to East Asia.
<nowiki>#</nowiki>comment:en: There is a bit of confusion whether "bean" should be part of the name, so "soy" or "soybeen"?.
#comment:en: There is a bit of confusion whether "bean" should be part of the name, so "soy" or "soybeen"?.
<br /><en:soya
<br />en:soya bean, soy beans, soya beans, soybean
en:soya bean, soy beans, soya beans, soybean
<br />da:Sojabønne
<br />de:Sojabohne, Sojabohnen, Sojakerne
de:Sojabohne, Sojabohnen, Sojakerne
<br />es:granos de soja, habas de soja
es:granos de soja, habas de soja
<br />et:Sojauba
<br />fi:Soijapapu
<br />fr:fève de soja, fèves de soja, soja entier, graine de soja, graines de soja, graines soja
fr:fève de soja, fèves de soja, soja entier, graine de soja, graines de soja, graines soja</nowiki>
=== Explanation ===
=== Explanation ===


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