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Please add if you're wanting to animate the activity/ if you are looking for someone to (co-) animate it. Also add it to the day on which you plan to attend. You can also send your ideas to: [].
Please add if you're wanting to animate the activity/ if you are looking for someone to (co-) animate it. Also add it to the day on which you plan to attend. You can also send your ideas to: [].
==== 🗓 Saturday 21st September & Sunday 22st September ====  
==== 🗓 Saturday 21st September ====
See the detailed programme here:  
9:00-9.30 - ☕️ Registration & Coffee
9:30-10:00 - 🙋‍♂️ Intro & Update on Open Food Facts by Raphael
10:00-10:30 - 🧊🔨 Icebreaker
10:30-10:40 - ⚡️Lightning talk: Share & Access EU Digital Product Passports (Claude)
10:40-10:50 - ⚡️Lightning talk: Avoiding Food Waste (Laura)
10:50-11:00 - ⚡️Lightning talk: Open Food Facts User Personas (April & Ben)
11:00-11:20 - ☕️ Coffee break
11.20-12.20 - 💡 '''IDEA workshops'''
1. John G - Linked to rebuilding from the ground up. How best to split things up, e.g. by the type of analysis like Eco, Ingredients, Categorisation, etc. or by "Product Type"
2. April & Ben - Journey Map + Ideation for select Open Food Facts user personas
3. Team OFF : Knowledge panels, brainstorm, prioritisation & implementation of new panels
4.Open Prices, what’s next?
5. Mini-games with OFF data
6. OFF permanent team has disappeared: Rebuiling Open Food Facts from the ground up
7. Charles / Manon : Open Food Facts in your country   (grants, guidelines, trademark, emails, …)
8. Team OFF : Volunteer engagement
9.Team OFF: How to reach a younger public ?
12:30-12.45 - 📝 Workshops restitutions: Each group briefly presents a summary of their workshop & their next steps for a possible Doers workshop in the afternoon.
13:00-13:50 - 🥗 Lunch (if you have reserved a veggie lunch, join us at the Buvette of the Académie; if not, there are many nice places around, feel free to go in groups).
14:00-14:40 - 🕺 Guest speaker
14:40-15:00 - ❓Q&A Session
15:00-16:10 - 🥽 '''DOERS Workshops'''
1. Team OFF : Editing the wiki bringing some pages to quality
2. Team OFF: Using the taxonomy editor to add ingredients in your country
3. Team OFF : Folksonomy Engine -> adding properties (e.g. colours) + reuse of data (visualisation etc.)
4. Mini-game implementation
5. Team OFF: Marketing automation (email sequences, posts RS, content creation … )
6. Workshop based on our board game Miam miak, which uses scans of food product cards with the Batra application.
7. (FR) “La Malédiction du Cordon Bleu” jeu de carte sur la malbouffe industrielle et ses conséquences sur la santé.
16:15-16:30 - 📝 Workshop restitutions
16:30-16:45 - ☕️ Coffee break
16:50-17:00 - Food Logging - where's my data ? (John)
17:00-17:10 - Access to Nutrition Initiative - NGO (Aurélie)
17:10-17:20 - Adrien Trechot
17:20-17:30 - ❓Q&A Lightnings
17:30-18:00 - 🏆 Trophies & final word
18:00-18:15 - 📸 Group photo with Charlotte
18:15-20:30 - 🎉 Apéro Scan Party
==== 🗓 Sunday 22st September ====
9:00-9.25 - ☕️ Registration & Coffee
9:30-09:40 - ⚡️Lightning talk: Open Prices (Raphael O)
09:40-09:50 - ⚡️Lightning talk: Open Food Facts & the food manufacturers (Manon)
09:50-10:00 - ⚡️Lightning talk: Developing OFF in the Nordics (Marius)
10:00-10:10 - ⚡️Lightning talk: How did OFF use ML to improve ingredient extractions from packaging pictures (Spellcheck) (Jérémy)
10:10-10:20 - ⚡️Lightning talk: A comic book on ultra-processed food (Vincent)
10:20-10:30 - ❓Q&A Lightnings
10:30-12:30 - '''🚀 Hackathon''' : working on concrete solutions from the workshops !
12:30-13:30 - 🥗 Lunch time (each one responsible for their own lunch)
13:30-13:45- ☕️ Coffee & photo booth
13:45-16:00 - '''🚀 Hackathon continued'''
16:00-16:20 - ☕️ Coffee break
16:20-17:00 - '''🚀 Hackathon continued'''
End of our wonderful time together ! (Feel free to offer some help to clear up the venue or to leave if you have a train to catch !)
🌈 More colourful programme here:  
=== Lightning Talks 💁‍♀️ ===
=== Lightning Talks 💁‍♀️ ===


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