Open Food Facts Association

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Open Food Facts is a project ruled under a non-profit association under French law “loi de 1901”.

The association has a legal existence: it can gather funds, sue and be sued, employ people, etc.

It owns the name and the legal address of the project.

It is ruled by statutes which define its governance and operation.

It is governed by its members. Anyone can ask for membership. Membership gives the right to vote at the general assembly.

The General Assembly

Big (and maybe small) decisions are taken by the members during the General Assembly, which is the highest place to take decisions

The General Assembly elects a board of administrators:

  • Up to 10 people
  • Elected for two years
  • Half of the board is renewed each year

The board of administrators is taking operational decisions between each General Assembly

General Assembly notes have to be published in French, but discussions can take place in English.