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{ "product":{ "image_nutrition_small_url":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/nutrition_fr.13.200.jpg", "ingredients_text_fr_debug_tags":[ ], "product_name_fr_debug_tags":[ ], "nutrition_score_warning_no_fruits_vegetables_nuts":1, "amino_acids_tags":[ ], "no_nutrition_data":"", "completeness":0.8, "nova_groups":"4", "conservation_conditions_fr":"A conserver entre 0°C et +4°C. A consommer dans les 24 h après ouverture.", "net_weight_value":"300", "rev":18, "nova_groups_tags":[ "en:4-ultra-processed-food-and-drink-products" ], "nutrient_levels":{ "salt":"moderate", "sugars":"low", "saturated-fat":"moderate", "fat":"moderate" }, "labels_lc":"fr", "completed_t":1475342970, "packaging_debug_tags":[ ], "nucleotides_tags":[ ], "stores_tags":[ "casino" ], "codes_tags":[ "code-13", "3222475893421", "322247589342x", "32224758934xx", "3222475893xxx", "322247589xxxx", "32224758xxxxx", "3222475xxxxxx", "322247xxxxxxx", "32224xxxxxxxx", "3222xxxxxxxxx", "322xxxxxxxxxx", "32xxxxxxxxxxx", "3xxxxxxxxxxxx" ], "created_t":1475161440, "categories_lc":"fr", "traces_debug_tags":[ ], "stores":"Casino", "last_image_dates_tags":[ "2016-09-29", "2016-09", "2016" ], "manufacturing_places_debug_tags":[ ], "languages_codes":{ "fr":9 }, "minerals_tags":[ ], "nutrition_grade_fr_producer":"d", "link_debug_tags":[ ], "purchase_places":"Paris,Maison-Laffitte", "lc":"fr", "ingredients_text":"Pain de mie 49,3% (farine de _blé_ - eau - huile de colza - sel - dextrose - levure - conservateur : propionate de calcium - émulsifiants : mono - et diglycérides d'acides gras, lécithines - _gluten_ de _blé_ - épaississant : gomme xanthane - agent de traitement de la farine : acide ascorbique) - _fromage_ fondu 28% [_fromages_ 14% (dont _emmental_ 4,2%) - _beurre_ - eau - protéines de _lait_ - amidons transformés de maïs et/ou pomme de terre - _lactosérum_ - sels de fonte : citrates de sodium, polyphosphates - gélifiant : carraghénanes] - jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates 14,7% [jambon de porc (origine : UE) - eau - sel - sirop de glucose - dextrose - arômes - antioxydant : érythorbate de sodium - conservateur : nitrite de sodium] - huile végétale raffinée de colza - _beurre_ concentré - colorant : caroténoïdes.\n\nTraces de _poissons_, _mollusques_, _crustacés_, _œuf_, _céleri_, _moutarde_, _soja_ et _fruits à coque_.", "nutrition_grades_tags":[ "c" ], "serving_quantity":"150", "recycling_instructions_to_discard":"Feuille papier, barquette et film plastique", "net_weight_unit":"g", "states_hierarchy":[ "en:to-be-checked", "en:complete", "en:nutrition-facts-completed", "en:ingredients-completed", "en:expiration-date-to-be-completed", "en:packaging-code-to-be-completed", "en:characteristics-completed", "en:categories-completed", "en:brands-completed", "en:packaging-completed", "en:quantity-completed", "en:product-name-completed", "en:photos-validated", "en:photos-uploaded" ], "ingredients_from_or_that_may_be_from_palm_oil_n":0, "packaging":"barquette,plastique", "ingredients_text_fr":"Pain de mie 49,3% (farine de _blé_ - eau - huile de colza - sel - dextrose - levure - conservateur : propionate de calcium - émulsifiants : mono - et diglycérides d'acides gras, lécithines - _gluten_ de _blé_ - épaississant : gomme xanthane - agent de traitement de la farine : acide ascorbique) - _fromage_ fondu 28% [_fromages_ 14% (dont _emmental_ 4,2%) - _beurre_ - eau - protéines de _lait_ - amidons transformés de maïs et/ou pomme de terre - _lactosérum_ - sels de fonte : citrates de sodium, polyphosphates - gélifiant : carraghénanes] - jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates 14,7% [jambon de porc (origine : UE) - eau - sel - sirop de glucose - dextrose - arômes - antioxydant : érythorbate de sodium - conservateur : nitrite de sodium] - huile végétale raffinée de colza - _beurre_ concentré - colorant : caroténoïdes.\n\nTraces de _poissons_, _mollusques_, _crustacés_, _œuf_, _céleri_, _moutarde_, _soja_ et _fruits à coque_.", "origins":"", "link":"", "code":"3222475893421", "unknown_nutrients_tags":[ ], "vitamins_tags":[ ], "product_name_fr":"2 croque-monsieur Maxi", "image_thumb_url":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/front_fr.10.100.jpg", "additives_tags":[ "en:e14xx", "en:e160", "en:e250", "en:e282", "en:e300", "en:e316", "en:e322", "en:e331", "en:e407", "en:e415", "en:e452", "en:e471" ], "languages":{ "en:french":9 }, "nutriments":{ "saturated-fat_unit":"g", "nutrition-score-fr-producer_serving":14, "nutrition-score-fr":6, "energy_100g":814, "nutrition-score-fr-producer_value":14, "nutrition-score-fr_serving":6, "sugars_unit":"g", "sodium_100g":0.427, "carbon-footprint-from-known-ingredients_product":292, "nutrition-score-uk":6, "sugars_serving":2.8, "carbohydrates":26, "nutrition-score-uk_100g":6, "salt_serving":1.6, "sugars":2.8, "sugars_100g":1.87, "energy_unit":"kJ", "fat_value":16, "energy":1221, "salt_value":1.6, "nova-group":4, "saturated-fat":6.8, "nova-group_serving":4, "carbon-footprint-from-known-ingredients_100g":97.47, "carbohydrates_unit":"g", "sugars_value":2.8, "nutrition-score-fr_100g":6, "carbohydrates_serving":26, "proteins_100g":7.33, "nutrition-score-fr-producer_100g":9.33, "nova-group_100g":4, "sodium_unit":"g", "nutrition-score-fr-producer":14, "carbohydrates_100g":17.3, "fat_serving":16, "salt":1.6, "sodium_serving":0.64, "proteins_serving":11, "saturated-fat_100g":4.53, "saturated-fat_serving":6.8, "carbohydrates_value":26, "nutrition-score-fr-producer_unit":"", "proteins":11, "salt_100g":1.07, "nutrition-score-uk_serving":6, "proteins_unit":"g", "sodium_value":0.64, "saturated-fat_value":6.8, "fat":16, "salt_unit":"g", "fat_unit":"g", "proteins_value":11, "fat_100g":10.7, "sodium":0.64, "energy_serving":1221, "carbon-footprint-from-known-ingredients_serving":146, "energy_value":1221 }, "quantity":"300 g", "additives_original_tags":[ "en:e282", "en:e471", "en:e322", "en:e415", "en:e300", "en:e14xx", "en:e331", "en:e452", "en:e407", "en:e316", "en:e250", "en:e160" ], "nutrition_score_debug":" -- energy 2 + sat-fat 4 + fr-sat-fat-for-fats 6 + sugars 0 + sodium 4 - fruits 0% 0 - fiber 0 - proteins 4 -- fsa 6 -- fr 6", "purchase_places_tags":[ "paris", "maison-laffitte" ], "image_nutrition_url":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/nutrition_fr.13.400.jpg", "pnns_groups_2":"Sandwiches", "id":"3222475893421", "_id":"3222475893421", "image_ingredients_thumb_url":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/ingredients_fr.12.100.jpg", "ingredients_from_palm_oil_tags":[ ], "labels_prev_tags":[ "en:palm-oil-free", "fr:experimentation-etiquetage-nutritionnel-2016", "fr:experimentation-nutriscore", "fr:experimentation-nutriscore-d" ], "expiration_date":"", "data_sources_tags":[ "producer-casino", "producers" ], "cities_tags":[ ], "additives_old_tags":[ "en:e282", "en:e471", "en:e322", "en:e1403", "en:e415", "en:e300", "en:e331", "en:e452", "en:e407", "en:e316", "en:e250", "en:e160" ], "labels":"Expérimentation Nutriscore, Experimentation Etiquetage Nutritionnel 2016, Expérimentation Nutriscore D, Sans huile de palme", "entry_dates_tags":[ "2016-09-29", "2016-09", "2016" ], "vitamins_prev_tags":[ ], "image_front_url":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/front_fr.10.400.jpg", "nova_group_debug":" -- ingredients/en:spice : 3 -- ingredients/en:flavouring : 4", "ingredients_original_tags":[ "en:breadmeal", "en:melted-cheese", "fr:jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates", "fr:huile végétale raffinée de colza", "en:concentrated-butter", "en:colour", "en:mollusc", "en:crustacean", "en:egg", "en:celery", "en:mustard", "en:soya", "en:nut", "en:wheat-flour", "en:water", "en:colza-oil", "en:salt", "en:dextrose", "en:yeast", "en:preservative", "en:e282", "en:emulsifier", "en:e471", "en:e322", "en:wheat-gluten", "en:thickener", "en:e415", "en:flour-treatment-agent", "en:e300", "en:cheese", "en:emmental", "en:butter", "en:water", "en:milk-proteins", "en:modified-corn-starch", "en:potato", "en:whey", "en:emulsifying-salts", "en:e331", "en:e452", "en:gelling-agent", "en:e407", "en:ham", "en:water", "en:salt", "en:glucose-syrup", "en:dextrose", "en:flavouring", "en:antioxidant", "en:e316", "en:preservative", "en:e250", "en:e160", "fr:Traces de _poissons_" ], "allergens":"blé, gluten de blé, fromage, fromages, emmental, beurre, lactosérum, beurre", "manufacturing_places_tags":[ ], "other_nutritional_substances_tags":[ ], "fruits-vegetables-nuts_100g_estimate":0, "correctors_tags":[ "tacinte", "tacite", "date-limite-app", "casino" ], "image_nutrition_thumb_url":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/nutrition_fr.13.100.jpg", "ingredients_text_debug":"Pain de mie 49,3% (farine de _blé_ - eau - huile de colza - sel - dextrose - levure - conservateur : propionate de calcium - émulsifiants : mono- diglycérides d'acides gras, lécithines - _gluten_ de _blé_ - épaississant : gomme xanthane - agent de traitement de la farine : acide ascorbique) - _fromage_ fondu 28% [_fromages_ 14% (dont _emmental_ 4,2%) - _beurre_ - eau - protéines de _lait_ - amidons transformés de maïs et/ou pomme de terre - _lactosérum_ - sels de fonte : citrates de sodium, polyphosphates - gélifiant : carraghénanes] - jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates 14,7% [jambon de porc (origine : UE) - eau - sel - sirop de glucose - dextrose - arômes - antioxydant : érythorbate de sodium - conservateur : nitrite de sodium] - huile végétale raffinée de colza - _beurre_ concentré - colorant : caroténoïdes.\n\nTraces de _poissons_, _mollusques_, _crustacés_, _œuf_, _céleri_, _moutarde_, _soja_ et _fruits à coque_.", "origins_tags":[ ], "labels_hierarchy":[ "en:2016-nutrition-labelling-experiment", "en:nutriscore-experiment", "en:nutriscore-experiment-grade-d", "en:palm-oil-free" ], "other_information_fr":"Conditionné sous atmosphère protectrice.", "nutrition_grades":"c", "emb_codes_orig":"", "image_small_url":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/front_fr.10.200.jpg", "data_sources":"Producer - Casino, Producers", "serving_size":"150 g", "ingredients_n":54, "photographers_tags":[ "tacinte" ], "checkers_tags":[ ], "countries_hierarchy":[ "en:france" ], "ingredients_hierarchy":[ "en:breadmeal", "en:bread", "en:melted-cheese", "en:dairy", "en:cheese", "fr:jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates", "fr:huile végétale raffinée de colza", "en:concentrated-butter", "en:butterfat", "en:colour", "en:mollusc", "en:shellfish", "en:crustacean", "en:egg", "en:celery", "en:vegetable", "en:mustard", "en:spice", "en:soya", "en:nut", "en:wheat-flour", "en:cereal", "en:wheat", "en:flour", "en:cereal-flour", "en:water", "en:colza-oil", "en:oil", "en:vegetable-oil-and-fat", "en:vegetable-oil", "en:salt", "en:dextrose", "en:glucose", "en:yeast", "en:preservative", "en:e282", "en:emulsifier", "en:e471", "en:e322", "en:wheat-gluten", "en:gluten", "en:thickener", "en:e415", "en:flour-treatment-agent", "en:e300", "en:emmental", "en:butter", "en:milk-proteins", "en:protein", "en:animal-protein", "en:modified-corn-starch", "en:starch", "en:corn-starch", "en:modified-starch", "en:potato", "en:root-vegetable", "en:whey", "en:emulsifying-salts", "en:e331", "en:e452", "en:gelling-agent", "en:e407", "en:ham", "en:animal", "en:meat", "en:pork", "en:pork-meat", "en:glucose-syrup", "en:flavouring", "en:antioxidant", "en:e316", "en:e250", "en:e160", "fr:Traces de _poissons_" ], "emb_codes":"", "image_front_small_url":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/front_fr.10.200.jpg", "generic_name_fr":"Pain de mie garni de fromage fondu et de jambon cuit choix.", "debug_param_sorted_langs":[ "fr" ], "pnns_groups_2_tags":[ "sandwiches", "known" ], "labels_tags":[ "en:2016-nutrition-labelling-experiment", "en:nutriscore-experiment", "en:nutriscore-experiment-grade-d", "en:palm-oil-free" ], "nutrition_data_per":"serving", "image_url":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/front_fr.10.400.jpg", "creator":"tacinte", "interface_version_created":"upload_photos.pl - version 2016/09/29", "nova_group":"4", "traces_tags":[ "en:celery", "en:crustaceans", "en:eggs", "en:fish", "en:molluscs", "en:mustard", "en:nuts", "en:soybeans" ], "generic_name":"Pain de mie garni de fromage fondu et de jambon cuit choix.", "labels_debug_tags":[ "added-en-2016-nutrition-labelling-experiment", "added-en-nutriscore-experiment", "added-en-nutriscore-experiment-grade-d", "removed-fr-experimentation-etiquetage-nutritionnel-2016", "removed-fr-experimentation-nutriscore", "removed-fr-experimentation-nutriscore-d" ], "last_modified_t":1543602687, "nutrition_grade_fr":"c", "ingredients_tags":[ "en:breadmeal", "en:bread", "en:melted-cheese", "en:dairy", "en:cheese", "fr:jambon-cuit-choix-sans-polyphosphates", "fr:huile-vegetale-raffinee-de-colza", "en:concentrated-butter", "en:butterfat", "en:colour", "en:mollusc", "en:shellfish", "en:crustacean", "en:egg", "en:celery", "en:vegetable", "en:mustard", "en:spice", "en:soya", "en:nut", "en:wheat-flour", "en:cereal", "en:wheat", "en:flour", "en:cereal-flour", "en:water", "en:colza-oil", "en:oil", "en:vegetable-oil-and-fat", "en:vegetable-oil", "en:salt", "en:dextrose", "en:glucose", "en:yeast", "en:preservative", "en:e282", "en:emulsifier", "en:e471", "en:e322", "en:wheat-gluten", "en:gluten", "en:thickener", "en:e415", "en:flour-treatment-agent", "en:e300", "en:emmental", "en:butter", "en:milk-proteins", "en:protein", "en:animal-protein", "en:modified-corn-starch", "en:starch", "en:corn-starch", "en:modified-starch", "en:potato", "en:root-vegetable", "en:whey", "en:emulsifying-salts", "en:e331", "en:e452", "en:gelling-agent", "en:e407", "en:ham", "en:animal", "en:meat", "en:pork", "en:pork-meat", "en:glucose-syrup", "en:flavouring", "en:antioxidant", "en:e316", "en:e250", "en:e160", "fr:traces-de-poissons" ], "languages_hierarchy":[ "en:french" ], "origins_debug_tags":[ ], "update_key":"ing3", "image_front_thumb_url":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/front_fr.10.100.jpg", "sources":[ { "import_t":1543602687, "fields":[ "product_name_fr", "generic_name_fr", "quantity", "producer_version_id", "net_weight_value", "net_weight_unit", "other_information_fr", "conservation_conditions_fr", "recycling_instructions_to_discard_fr", "nutrition_grade_fr_producer", "ingredients_text_fr" ], "name":"Casino", "id":"casino", "manufacturer":1, "images":[ ], "url":"https://www.casino.fr" } ], "pnns_groups_1_tags":[ "composite-foods", "known" ], "emb_codes_tags":[ ], "lang":"fr", "complete":1, "informers_tags":[ "tacinte", "tacite-mass-editor", "tacite" ], "countries_debug_tags":[ ], "packaging_tags":[ "barquette", "plastique" ], "nucleotides_prev_tags":[ ], "nutrition_data_per_debug_tags":[ ], "carbon_footprint_from_known_ingredients_debug":"en:breadmeal 49.3% x 1.5 = 73.95 g - en:emmental 4.2% x 5.6 = 23.52 g - ", "last_edit_dates_tags":[ "2018-11-30", "2018-11", "2018" ], "other_information":"Conditionné sous atmosphère protectrice.", "purchase_places_debug_tags":[ ], "ingredients_ids_debug":[ "pain-de-mie-49", "3", "farine-de-ble", "eau", "huile-de-colza", "sel", "dextrose", "levure", "conservateur", "propionate-de-calcium", "emulsifiants", "mono-diglycerides-d-acides-gras", "lecithines", "gluten-de-ble", "epaississant", "gomme-xanthane", "agent-de-traitement-de-la-farine", "acide-ascorbique", "fromage-fondu-28", "fromages-14", "dont-emmental-4", "2", "beurre", "eau", "proteines-de-lait", "amidons-transformes-de-mais-et", "ou-pomme-de-terre", "lactoserum", "sels-de-fonte", "citrates-de-sodium", "polyphosphates", "gelifiant", "carraghenanes", "jambon-cuit-choix-sans-polyphosphates-14", "7", "jambon-de-porc", "origine", "ue", "eau", "sel", "sirop-de-glucose", "dextrose", "aromes", "antioxydant", "erythorbate-de-sodium", "conservateur", "nitrite-de-sodium", "huile-vegetale-raffinee-de-colza", "beurre-concentre", "colorant", "carotenoides", "traces-de-poissons", "mollusques", "crustaces", "oeuf", "celeri", "moutarde", "soja-et-fruits-a-coque" ], "ingredients_n_tags":[ "54", "51-60" ], "quality_tags":[ "nutrition-grade-fr-producer-mismatch-nok", "nutrition-score-fr-producer-mismatch-nok", "carbon-footprint-from-known-ingredients-but-not-from-meat-or-fish" ], "brands_debug_tags":[ ], "last_image_t":1475161455, "traces_hierarchy":[ "en:celery", "en:crustaceans", "en:eggs", "en:fish", "en:molluscs", "en:mustard", "en:nuts", "en:soybeans" ], "additives_n":12, "languages_tags":[ "en:french", "en:1" ], "minerals_prev_tags":[ ], "quantity_debug_tags":[ ], "product_quantity":"300", "max_imgid":"5", "recycling_instructions_to_discard_fr":"Feuille papier, barquette et film plastique", "amino_acids_prev_tags":[ ], "ingredients_text_with_allergens":"Pain de mie 49,3% (farine de <span class=\"allergen\">blé</span> - eau - huile de colza - sel - dextrose - levure - conservateur : propionate de calcium - émulsifiants : mono - et diglycérides d'acides gras, lécithines - <span class=\"allergen\">gluten</span> de <span class=\"allergen\">blé</span> - épaississant : gomme xanthane - agent de traitement de la farine : acide ascorbique) - <span class=\"allergen\">fromage</span> fondu 28% [<span class=\"allergen\">fromages</span> 14% (dont <span class=\"allergen\">emmental</span> 4,2%) - <span class=\"allergen\">beurre</span> - eau - protéines de <span class=\"allergen\">lait</span> - amidons transformés de maïs et/ou pomme de terre - <span class=\"allergen\">lactosérum</span> - sels de fonte : citrates de sodium, polyphosphates - gélifiant : carraghénanes] - jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates 14,7% [jambon de porc (origine : UE) - eau - sel - sirop de glucose - dextrose - arômes - antioxydant : érythorbate de sodium - conservateur : nitrite de sodium] - huile végétale raffinée de colza - <span class=\"allergen\">beurre</span> concentré - colorant : caroténoïdes.\n\nTraces de <span class=\"allergen\">poissons</span>, <span class=\"allergen\">mollusques</span>, <span class=\"allergen\">crustacés</span>, <span class=\"allergen\">œuf</span>, <span class=\"allergen\">céleri</span>, <span class=\"allergen\">moutarde</span>, <span class=\"allergen\">soja</span> et <span class=\"allergen\">fruits à coque</span>.", "_keywords":[ "huile", "prepare", "pain", "fromage", "et", "fondu", "san", "cuit", "jambon", "maxi", "nutriscore", "etiquetage", "2016", "mie", "palme", "sandwich", "casino", "de", "croque-monsieur", "plat", "frai", "nutritionnel", "garni", "experimentation", "choix" ], "image_ingredients_url":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/ingredients_fr.12.400.jpg", "lang_debug_tags":[ ], "categories_hierarchy":[ "en:meals", "en:fresh-foods", "en:sandwiches", "en:fresh-meals", "fr:croque-monsieur" ], "ingredients_that_may_be_from_palm_oil_tags":[ ], "unknown_ingredients_n":3, "carbon_footprint_percent_of_known_ingredients":53.5, "pnns_groups_1":"Composite foods", "categories_tags":[ "en:meals", "en:fresh-foods", "en:sandwiches", "en:fresh-meals", "fr:croque-monsieur" ], "allergens_tags":[ "en:gluten", "en:milk" ], "brands":"Casino", "nutrition_score_warning_no_fiber":1, "nutrition_score_beverage":0, "ingredients_analysis_tags":[ "en:may-contain-palm-oil", "en:non-vegan", "en:non-vegetarian" ], "images":{ "5":{ "uploader":"tacinte", "uploaded_t":"1474912158", "sizes":{ "full":{ "h":4160, "w":3120 }, "400":{ "h":400, "w":300 }, "100":{ "h":100, "w":75 } } }, "2":{ "uploader":"tacinte", "sizes":{ "full":{ "w":3120, "h":4160 }, "400":{ "h":400, "w":300 }, "100":{ "h":100, "w":75 } }, "uploaded_t":"1474912149" }, "ingredients_fr":{ "y1":"158.8125", "sizes":{ "400":{ "h":206, "w":400 }, "full":{ "h":936, "w":1820 }, "200":{ "w":200, "h":103 }, "100":{ "h":51, "w":100 } }, "y2":"248.8125", "imgid":"3", "normalize":"true", "white_magic":"false", "x1":"82.75", "angle":"0", "x2":"257.75", "geometry":"1820x936-860-1651", "rev":"12" }, "nutrition_fr":{ "angle":"0", "x2":"169.75", "geometry":"1238x1238-527-1578", "rev":"13", "y1":"151.8125", "sizes":{ "100":{ "h":100, "w":100 }, "200":{ "w":200, "h":200 }, "400":{ "h":400, "w":400 }, "full":{ "h":1238, "w":1238 } }, "imgid":"4", "y2":"270.8125", "x1":"50.75", "white_magic":"false", "normalize":"true" }, "3":{ "sizes":{ "400":{ "w":300, "h":400 }, "full":{ "h":4160, "w":3120 }, "100":{ "h":100, "w":75 } }, "uploaded_t":"1474912152", "uploader":"tacinte" }, "4":{ "uploader":"tacinte", "sizes":{ "100":{ "w":75, "h":100 }, "400":{ "h":400, "w":300 }, "full":{ "w":3120, "h":4160 } }, "uploaded_t":"1474912154" }, "front_fr":{ "geometry":"1851x3401-704-143", "rev":"10", "angle":"0", "x2":"245.75", "y2":"340.8125", "imgid":"5", "white_magic":"false", "x1":"67.75", "normalize":"true", "y1":"13.8125", "sizes":{ "400":{ "h":400, "w":218 }, "full":{ "w":1851, "h":3401 }, "200":{ "h":200, "w":109 }, "100":{ "w":54, "h":100 } } }, "1":{ "uploader":"tacinte", "sizes":{ "400":{ "w":300, "h":400 }, "full":{ "w":3120, "h":4160 }, "100":{ "w":75, "h":100 } }, "uploaded_t":"1474912148" } }, "states":"en:to-be-checked, en:complete, en:nutrition-facts-completed, en:ingredients-completed, en:expiration-date-to-be-completed, en:packaging-code-to-be-completed, en:characteristics-completed, en:categories-completed, en:brands-completed, en:packaging-completed, en:quantity-completed, en:product-name-completed, en:photos-validated, en:photos-uploaded", "product_name":"2 croque-monsieur Maxi", "ingredients_that_may_be_from_palm_oil_n":0, "additives_debug_tags":[ "en-e14xx-added" ], "producer_version_id":"A2", "countries_lc":"fr", "stores_debug_tags":[ ], "image_ingredients_small_url":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/ingredients_fr.12.200.jpg", "additives_prev_original_tags":[ "en:e282", "en:e322", "en:e415", "en:e300", "en:e331", "en:e452", "en:e407", "en:e316", "en:e250", "en:e160" ], "categories":"Plats préparés, Frais, Sandwichs, Plats préparés frais, Croque-monsieur", "last_modified_by":"casino", "conservation_conditions":"A conserver entre 0°C et +4°C. A consommer dans les 24 h après ouverture.", "last_editor":"casino", "interface_version_modified":"20150316.jqm2", "ingredients":[ { "percent":"49.3", "rank":1, "id":"en:breadmeal", "text":"Pain de mie" }, { "rank":2, "percent":"28", "id":"en:melted-cheese", "vegetarian":"maybe", "text":"_fromage_ fondu", "vegan":"no" }, { "id":"fr:jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates", "rank":3, "percent":"14.7", "text":"jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates" }, { "rank":4, "id":"fr:huile végétale raffinée de colza", "text":"huile végétale raffinée de colza" }, { "text":"_beurre_ concentré", "vegan":"no", "vegetarian":"yes", "id":"en:concentrated-butter", "rank":5 }, { "text":"colorant", "rank":6, "id":"en:colour" }, { "rank":7, "id":"en:mollusc", "vegetarian":"no", "text":"_mollusques_", "vegan":"no" }, { "vegetarian":"no", "text":"_crustacés_", "vegan":"no", "rank":8, "id":"en:crustacean" }, { "vegetarian":"yes", "vegan":"no", "text":"_œuf_", "rank":9, "id":"en:egg" }, { "vegetarian":"yes", "text":"_céleri_", "vegan":"yes", "rank":10, "id":"en:celery" }, { "vegan":"yes", "text":"_moutarde_", "vegetarian":"yes", "id":"en:mustard", "rank":11 }, { "rank":12, "id":"en:soya", "vegetarian":"yes", "text":"_soja_", "vegan":"yes" }, { "rank":13, "id":"en:nut", "vegetarian":"yes", "vegan":"yes", "text":"_fruits à coque_" }, { "id":"en:wheat-flour", "vegetarian":"yes", "text":"farine de _blé_", "vegan":"yes" }, { "vegetarian":"yes", "vegan":"yes", "text":"eau", "id":"en:water" }, { "vegetarian":"yes", "vegan":"yes", "text":"huile de colza", "from_palm_oil":"no", "id":"en:colza-oil" }, { "id":"en:salt", "vegetarian":"yes", "vegan":"yes", "text":"sel" }, { "id":"en:dextrose", "vegetarian":"yes", "text":"dextrose", "vegan":"yes" }, { "text":"levure", "vegan":"yes", "vegetarian":"yes", "id":"en:yeast" }, { "text":"conservateur", "id":"en:preservative" }, { "id":"en:e282", "vegan":"yes", "text":"propionate de calcium", "vegetarian":"yes" }, { "text":"émulsifiants", "id":"en:emulsifier" }, { "vegetarian":"maybe", "from_palm_oil":"maybe", "text":"mono- et diglycérides d'acides gras", "vegan":"maybe", "id":"en:e471" }, { "id":"en:e322", "vegetarian":"maybe", "text":"lécithines", "vegan":"maybe" }, { "id":"en:wheat-gluten", "vegetarian":"yes", "vegan":"yes", "text":"_gluten_ de _blé_" }, { "text":"épaississant", "id":"en:thickener" }, { "vegetarian":"yes", "vegan":"yes", "text":"gomme xanthane", "id":"en:e415" }, { "id":"en:flour-treatment-agent", "text":"agent de traitement de la farine" }, { "id":"en:e300", "vegan":"yes", "text":"acide ascorbique", "vegetarian":"yes" }, { "text":"_fromages_", "vegan":"no", "vegetarian":"maybe", "id":"en:cheese", "percent":"14" }, { "text":"dont _emmental_", "vegan":"no", "vegetarian":"maybe", "id":"en:emmental", "percent":"4.2" }, { "text":"_beurre_", "vegan":"no", "vegetarian":"yes", "id":"en:butter" }, { "id":"en:water", "vegetarian":"yes", "text":"eau", "vegan":"yes" }, { "text":"protéines de _lait_", "vegan":"no", "vegetarian":"yes", "id":"en:milk-proteins" }, { "id":"en:modified-corn-starch", "text":"amidons transformés de maïs", "vegan":"yes", "vegetarian":"yes" }, { "vegan":"yes", "text":"pomme de terre", "vegetarian":"yes", "id":"en:potato" }, { "vegan":"no", "text":"_lactosérum_", "vegetarian":"yes", "id":"en:whey" }, { "text":"sels de fonte", "id":"en:emulsifying-salts" }, { "vegan":"yes", "text":"citrates de sodium", "vegetarian":"yes", "id":"en:e331" }, { "vegetarian":"yes", "vegan":"yes", "text":"polyphosphates", "id":"en:e452" }, { "text":"gélifiant", "id":"en:gelling-agent" }, { "text":"carraghénanes", "vegan":"yes", "vegetarian":"yes", "id":"en:e407" }, { "id":"en:ham", "text":"jambon de porc", "origin":"UE", "vegan":"no", "vegetarian":"no" }, { "id":"en:water", "vegetarian":"yes", "vegan":"yes", "text":"eau" }, { "id":"en:salt", "vegan":"yes", "text":"sel", "vegetarian":"yes" }, { "vegetarian":"yes", "vegan":"yes", "text":"sirop de glucose", "id":"en:glucose-syrup" }, { "id":"en:dextrose", "vegetarian":"yes", "vegan":"yes", "text":"dextrose" }, { "vegan":"maybe", "text":"arômes", "vegetarian":"maybe", "id":"en:flavouring" }, { "id":"en:antioxidant", "text":"antioxydant" }, { "vegan":"yes", "text":"érythorbate de sodium", "vegetarian":"yes", "id":"en:e316" }, { "text":"conservateur", "id":"en:preservative" }, { "id":"en:e250", "vegetarian":"yes", "text":"nitrite de sodium", "vegan":"yes" }, { "id":"en:e160", "vegan":"yes", "text":"caroténoïdes", "vegetarian":"yes" }, { "id":"fr:Traces de _poissons_", "text":"Traces de _poissons_" } ], "labels_prev_hierarchy":[ "en:palm-oil-free", "fr:Experimentation Etiquetage Nutritionnel 2016", "fr:Expérimentation Nutriscore", "fr:Expérimentation Nutriscore D" ], "misc_tags":[ "en:nutrition-no-fiber", "en:nutrition-no-fruits-vegetables-nuts", "en:nutrition-no-fiber-or-fruits-vegetables-nuts", "en:nutriscore-computed", "en:carbon-footprint-from-known-ingredients" ], "additives_old_n":12, "allergens_from_ingredients":"blé, gluten, blé, fromage, fromages, emmental, beurre, lait, lactosérum, beurre", "selected_images":{ "front":{ "display":{ "fr":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/front_fr.10.400.jpg" }, "thumb":{ "fr":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/front_fr.10.100.jpg" }, "small":{ "fr":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/front_fr.10.200.jpg" } }, "nutrition":{ "small":{ "fr":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/nutrition_fr.13.200.jpg" }, "thumb":{ "fr":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/nutrition_fr.13.100.jpg" }, "display":{ "fr":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/nutrition_fr.13.400.jpg" } }, "ingredients":{ "small":{ "fr":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/ingredients_fr.12.200.jpg" }, "thumb":{ "fr":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/ingredients_fr.12.100.jpg" }, "display":{ "fr":"https://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/ingredients_fr.12.400.jpg" } } }, "states_tags":[ "en:to-be-checked", "en:complete", "en:nutrition-facts-completed", "en:ingredients-completed", "en:expiration-date-to-be-completed", "en:packaging-code-to-be-completed", "en:characteristics-completed", "en:categories-completed", "en:brands-completed", "en:packaging-completed", "en:quantity-completed", "en:product-name-completed", "en:photos-validated", "en:photos-uploaded" ], "nutrition_data_prepared_per":"100g", "editors_tags":[ "tacite", "casino", "tacite-mass-editor", "tacinte", "date-limite-app" ], "traces":"Céleri,Crustacés,Œufs,Poisson,Mollusques,Moutarde,Fruits à coque,Soja", "manufacturing_places":"", "emb_codes_debug_tags":[ ], "ingredients_text_with_allergens_fr":"Pain de mie 49,3% (farine de <span class=\"allergen\">blé</span> - eau - huile de colza - sel - dextrose - levure - conservateur : propionate de calcium - émulsifiants : mono - et diglycérides d'acides gras, lécithines - <span class=\"allergen\">gluten</span> de <span class=\"allergen\">blé</span> - épaississant : gomme xanthane - agent de traitement de la farine : acide ascorbique) - <span class=\"allergen\">fromage</span> fondu 28% [<span class=\"allergen\">fromages</span> 14% (dont <span class=\"allergen\">emmental</span> 4,2%) - <span class=\"allergen\">beurre</span> - eau - protéines de <span class=\"allergen\">lait</span> - amidons transformés de maïs et/ou pomme de terre - <span class=\"allergen\">lactosérum</span> - sels de fonte : citrates de sodium, polyphosphates - gélifiant : carraghénanes] - jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates 14,7% [jambon de porc (origine : UE) - eau - sel - sirop de glucose - dextrose - arômes - antioxydant : érythorbate de sodium - conservateur : nitrite de sodium] - huile végétale raffinée de colza - <span class=\"allergen\">beurre</span> concentré - colorant : caroténoïdes.\n\nTraces de <span class=\"allergen\">poissons</span>, <span class=\"allergen\">mollusques</span>, <span class=\"allergen\">crustacés</span>, <span class=\"allergen\">œuf</span>, <span class=\"allergen\">céleri</span>, <span class=\"allergen\">moutarde</span>, <span class=\"allergen\">soja</span> et <span class=\"allergen\">fruits à coque</span>.", "nutrient_levels_tags":[ "en:fat-in-moderate-quantity", "en:saturated-fat-in-moderate-quantity", "en:sugars-in-low-quantity", "en:salt-in-moderate-quantity" ], "traces_from_ingredients":"poissons, mollusques, crustacés, œuf, céleri, moutarde, soja, fruits à coque", "expiration_date_debug_tags":[ ], "serving_size_debug_tags":[ ], "allergens_hierarchy":[ "en:gluten", "en:milk" ], "brands_tags":[ "casino" ], "ingredients_debug":[ "Pain de mie 49", ",", null, null, null, "3% ", "(", "(", null, null, "farine de _blé_", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "eau", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "huile de colza", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "sel", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "dextrose", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "levure", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "conservateur ", ":", ":", null, null, " propionate de calcium", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "émulsifiants ", ":", ":", null, null, " mono- diglycérides d'acides gras", ",", null, null, null, " lécithines", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "_gluten_ de _blé_", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "épaississant ", ":", ":", null, null, " gomme xanthane", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "agent de traitement de la farine ", ":", ":", null, null, " acide ascorbique)", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "_fromage_ fondu 28% ", "[", "[", null, null, "_fromages_ 14% ", "(", "(", null, null, "dont _emmental_ 4", ",", null, null, null, "2%)", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "_beurre_", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "eau", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "protéines de _lait_", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "amidons transformés de maïs et", "/", null, null, "/", "ou pomme de terre", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "_lactosérum_", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "sels de fonte ", ":", ":", null, null, " citrates de sodium", ",", null, null, null, " polyphosphates", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "gélifiant ", ":", ":", null, null, " carraghénanes]", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates 14", ",", null, null, null, "7% ", "[", "[", null, null, "jambon de porc ", "(", "(", null, null, "origine ", ":", ":", null, null, " UE)", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "eau", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "sel", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "sirop de glucose", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "dextrose", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "arômes", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "antioxydant ", ":", ":", null, null, " érythorbate de sodium", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "conservateur ", ":", ":", null, null, " nitrite de sodium]", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "huile végétale raffinée de colza", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "_beurre_ concentré", " - ", " - ", " - ", null, "colorant ", ":", ":", null, null, " caroténoïdes", ".\n", null, null, null, "\nTraces de _poissons_", ",", null, null, null, " _mollusques_", ",", null, null, null, " _crustacés_", ",", null, null, null, " _œuf_", ",", null, null, null, " _céleri_", ",", null, null, null, " _moutarde_", ",", null, null, null, " _soja_ et _fruits à coque_." ], "countries_tags":[ "en:france" ], "countries":"France", "generic_name_fr_debug_tags":[ ], "ingredients_from_palm_oil_n":0, "sortkey":1543602687 }, "status":1, "status_verbose":"product found", "code":"3222475893421" }