Translations - Discover page - Dutch

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Revision as of 14:32, 12 August 2015 by Aleene (talk | contribs)
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		<img src="/images/svg/openfoodfacts-logo-en.svg" width="100%" style="max-width:356px" alt="Open Food Facts" />
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		<h1>Open Food Facts</h1>
		<h2 class="subheader">De gratis voedingsproducten database.</h2>
		<blockquote style="border-left:none;border-right: 1px solid #DDDDDD;">Vertel me wat je eet, en ik zal je vertellen wat je bent.
		<cite>Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin - 1825</cite></blockquote>




<div class="row text-center">
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		<h2>Open je voedsel en weet wat je eet</h2>
		<h4 class="subheader">Neem deel aan onze gezamelijke, gratis en open database van wereldwijde voedselproducten!</h4>
<div class="row text-center">
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		<img src="/images/svg/food-database-icon.svg" alt="Een voedselproducten database" />
		<h3>Een voedselproducten database</h3>
		<p>Open Food Facts is een database (bestand) van voedselproducten met ingredienten, allergenen, voedingsinformatie en alle
		Feitjes die we kunnen vinden op de etiketten van voedselproducten.
	<div class="medium-4 columns">
		<img src="/images/svg/crowdsourcing-icon.svg" alt="Gemaakt door iedereen - Crowdsourcing" />	
		<h3>Gemaakt door iedereen</h3>
		<p>Open Food Facts is een vereniging van vrijwilligers zonder winstoogmerk.</p>
		<p>1800+ vrijwilligers, zoals jij, hebben 43 000+ producten uit 150 landen toegevoegd met onze
<a href="">Android</a>,
<a href="">iPhone</a> of
<a href="">Windows Phone</a> app
of met hun camera om barcodes te scannen en foto's van producten bijbehorende etiketten te uploaden.

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		<img src="/images/svg/opendata-crowd-icon.svg" alt="Voor iedereen - Open data" />	
		<h3>Voor iedereen</h3>
		<p>Data over voedsel is van publieke interesse en hoort open te zijn.
De complete database is gepubliceerd als open data
en kan worden hergebrukt door iedereen voor elk gebruik. Bekijk de <a href="#reuses">cool hergebruik</a> voorbeelden of maak je eigen!


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		<h2>Maak betere voedselkeuzes</h2>
		<h4 class="subheader">Kennis is macht. Voedselkennis is de macht om beter te eten!</h4>

<ul class="text-center small-block-grid-1 medium-block-grid-2 large-block-grid-4">
		<img src="/images/svg/decode-labels-icon.svg" alt="Decode labels" />
		<h3>Decodeer etiketten</h3>
		<p>Food additives E-numbers, allergens, packaging codes... Open Food Facts helps you to make sense of
the fine print on products labels.
		<img src="/images/svg/nutrition-grade-icon.svg" alt="Nutrition grade"/>
		<p>We also grade the nutritional quality of each product.</p>
		<img src="/images/svg/find-products-icon.svg" alt="Find products"/>
		<h3>Find products</h3>
		<p>Our <a href="/cgi/">search form</a> includes dozens of criteria so that you can find
product that match your criteria.

		<a href="">
		<img src="/images/svg/compare-graph-icon.320x240.png" alt="Compare products"/></a>
		<h3>Compare and change</h3>
		<p>Do you know which breakfast cereals have the less fat and sugar? In 3 clicks you can create
an interactive graph to show it. So you can change for healthier cereals, and by comparing products
from different brands, you encourage producers to make them better.
		<a href="/label/fair-trade/origins"><img src="/images/svg/fairtrade-origins-min.svg" alt="Origins of ingredients of Fair Trade products" /></a>
		<h3>Explore and discover</h3>
		<p>Curious about food? Explore products by facets like brands, categories,
labels, origins of ingredients etc. Facets can be combined to discover new insights,
for instance to map the <a href="/label/fair-trade/origins">origins of ingredients that bear a fair trade label</a>.


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		<h2>Food for thought, innovation and science</h2>
		<h4 class="subheader">Our data can be reused for education, new products and services, research and more!</h4>
		<p class="text-left">The Open Food Facts database is open data published under the Open Database Licence. Anyone can use it
for any purpose - commercial or non-commercial - provided the source of the data is attributed and improvements to the
database are shared in a similar way.</p>
<div class="row text-center" data-equalizer id="reuses">
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			<p>How many food commercials have you seen in your life? Open data can help to see the facts under the marketing.</p>
		<a href=""><img src="/images/svg/howmuchsugar-icon.svg" alt="How much sugar?" /></a>
		<h4 class="subheader">How much sugar?</h4>
		<p>Can you guess the equivalent amount of sugar cubes in your food? Try <a href="">How much sugar?</a> to find out.</p>
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		<div data-equalizer-watch>
			<h3>Products and services</h3>
			<p>Open Food Facts data can be reused in both non-commercial and commercial projects, as long as improvements to the database
are shared as well.</p>			
		<a href=""><img src="/images/svg/madenearme-icon.png" alt="Made Near Me" /></a>
		<h4 class="subheader">Made Near Me</h4>
		<p>Know where your food comes from and Eat Local with <a href="">Made Near Me!</a></p>
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		<div data-equalizer-watch>
			<p>Open Food Facts data is used by scientists in different fields (Nutrition, Biology, Linked Open Data...).
			And you don't need a PhD to take part in citizen science!</p>
		<img src="/images/svg/science-icon.svg" alt="Science" />
		<h4 class="subheader">Nutrition grades</h4>
		<p>The French National Nutrition and Health Program uses Open Food Facts data to validate the formula of its nutrition quality score
		and nutrition grades.</p>
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		<p>See <a href="/reuses">all reuses</a>, or <a href="/data">check out our data</a> to create yours!</p>