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--[[User:Hangy|hangy]] ([[User talk:Hangy|talk]]) 12:11, 29 March 2015 (CEST)
--[[User:Hangy|hangy]] ([[User talk:Hangy|talk]]) 12:11, 29 March 2015 (CEST)
[[User:Hangy|hangy]], are you on Slack yet ? It's easier to debate there. --[[User:Tacite|Tacite]] ([[User talk:Tacite|talk]]) 12:13, 29 March 2015 (CEST)
bleakpatch: can you join us on Slack ? --[[User:Teolemon|Teolemon]] ([[User talk:Teolemon|talk]]) 16:07, 7 August 2016 (CEST)
:No, never heard of it. How do I get on there? --[[User:Hangy|hangy]] ([[User talk:Hangy|talk]]) 12:15, 29 March 2015 (CEST)
== To do ==
* Merge with Wikidata:
::[[User:Stephane|stephane]] sent you an invitation by mail. See you there! :) --[[User:Tacite|Tacite]] ([[User talk:Tacite|talk]]) 12:29, 29 March 2015 (CEST)
== Using (carefully) Wikidata Translations ==
Input the Wikidata ID (Q20162694 for in A1, and get translations on column H. Double check the translations before using them.
--[[User:Twoflower|Twoflower]] ([[User talk:Twoflower|talk]]) 22:11, 14 July 2016 (CEST)
== Needs to be translated ==
== Needs to be translated ==
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es:Brotes en conserva 10
es:Brotes en conserva 10
== Popular yet unsupported categories ==
Category Products *
fr:Bio 784 *
fr:Pates 547 *
es: 318 *
fr:Semoule-de-ble-dur 271 *
fr:Gouter 232 *
es:Pan-y-reposteria 186 *
fr:Gouters 123 *
fr:Pates-farcies 120 *
es:Cereales-y-derivados 109 *
es:Aperitivos 91 *
fr:Pates-bio 81 *
es:Hierbas-aromaticas-y-especias 74 *
fr:Aides-culinaires 70 *
fr:Cuisine-asiatique 70 *
fr:Soja 69 *
es:Verduras-y-hortalizas-fritas 66 *
es:Fritos-de-origen-vegetal 66 *
es:Fritos 66 *
es:Patatas-fritas 65 *
es:Vegetales 65 *
es:Dulces-tipicos-de-navidad 63 *
es:Chips-fritos 63 *
es:Chips-de-verduras-y-hortalizas-fritas 63 *
es:Chips-de-patatas-fritas 61 *
es:Frutos-secos 60 *
fr:Bouillons-deshydrates 59 *
fr:Mozzarella 58 *
fr:Entrees-froides 52 *
fr:Bouillons 51 *
es:Platos-preparados-vegetales 51 *
fr:Yaourts-au-bifidus 50 *
es:Caldos-consomes-sopas-y-cremas 49 *
es:Chips-de-patatas-fritas-clasicas 49 *
fr:Soupes-de-nouilles 48 *
es:Chips-de-patatas-fritas-lisas 45 *
fr:Bouillons-cube 45 *
fr:Nouilles-instantanees 45 *
fr:Fromages-en-tranches 42 *
fr:Box 41 *
fr:Plats-prepares-a-rechauffer-au-bain-marie 39 *
fr:Crudites 39 *
es:Tofus 37 *
fr:Fromages-bio 37 *
fr:Entrees-chaudes 37 *
fr:Surimi 37 *
es:Legumbres-y-derivados-en-conserva 36 *
fr:Pois-chiches 36 *
fr:Preparations-a-base-de-poissons 36 *
es:Legumbres-y-derivados 35 *
es:Hamburguesas-vegetales 33 *
fr:Carottes 33 *
fr:Haricots-verts-extra-fins 33 *
fr:Petits-pois 32 *
fr:Yaourts-multifruits 32 *
fr:Complements-alimentaires 32 *
fr:Margarines-allegees 32 *
fr:Pates-d-alsace 31 *
es:Chips-de-patatas-fritas-en-aceite-de-girasol 31 *
fr:Salades-preparees 30 *
fr:Batonnets-de-surimi 30 *
fr:Epinards 30 *
fr:Laits-de-soja-bio 29 *
fr:Nouilles-asiatiques 29 *
fr:Soja-bio 28 *
fr:Boissons-au-soja-bio 28 *
fr:Tuiles-salees 27 *
fr:Tortellini 27 *
fr:Chips-a-l-ancienne 25 *
fr:Pains-au-lait 25 *
fr:Pates-farfalle 25 *
de:Gewurze 25 *
fr:Matiere-grasse-a-tartiner-et-a-cuire-allegee 25 *
es:Preparados-vegetales 25 *
es:Infusiones 24 *
es:Semillas 24 *
es:Platos-preparados-vegetales-en-conserva 24 *
fr:Plats-prepares-aux-noix-de-saint-jacques 23 *
fr:Poissons-d-elevage 23 *
fr:Plats-prepares-a-rechauffer-au-four-traditionnel 23 *
fr:Vinaigrettes-allegees-en-matieres-grasses 23 *
fr:Dindes 23 *
fr:Semoule-de-ble-dur-bio 22 *
fr:Desserts-lactes-vanille 22 *
Chicken 21 *
de:Getranke 21 *
fr:Boissons-froides 21 *
fr:Fromages-double-creme 21 *
Ready-meals 20 *
fr:Yaourts-aux-fruits-avec-morceaux 20 *
fr:Potage 20 *
fr:Infusion-bio 20 *
fr:Pates-penne-rigate 20 *
Dark-chocolate 19 *
fr:Sucre-en-poudre 19 *
fr:Pates-macaroni 19 *
es:Mantecados-y-polvorones-con-grasa-vegetal 19 *
es:Mantecados-y-polvorones 19 *
fr:Noix-de-cajou 19 *
fr:Desserts-lactes-aux-oeufs 18 *
es:Chips-de-patatas-fritas-en-aceite-de-oliva 18 *
fr:Macedoines-de-legumes 18 *
fr:Purees-de-tomates 18 *
de:Pralinen 18 *
es:Turrones 18 *
fr:Desserts-vegetaliens-bio 18 *
fr:Sans-gluten 18 *
fr:Genoise 17 *
fr:Croutons 17 *
fr:Semoule-complete-de-ble-dur 17 *
fr:Tofu 17 *
fr:Bries 17 *
fr:Produits-grecs 16 *
== Categories to insert ==
fr:Risottos, Risotto
fr:Risottos au crabe
fr:Risotto aux cèpes
fr:Risottos aux crevettes
== Манная крупа vs Semolina ==
** "Манная крупа" is made of "твёрдая пшеница", "мягкая пшеница" or a mix of both.
** "[Крупа Крупа]" is "[ groat]" on Wikidata and Wiktionary.
*Пшеница_твёрдая : "Пшеница твёрдая" is Trīticum dūrum (durum wheat).
* :
** "Semolina" is made of "durum wheat".
** "Semolina" is not called a groat in that article.
* Is "Semolina" a subset of "манная крупа" ("манная крупа марки Т", the hard-wheat type)?
* Is "крупа" not "groat"?
--[[User:Bleakpatch|Bleakpatch]] ([[User talk:Bleakpatch|talk]]) 13:30, 7 August 2016 (CEST)

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