Open Food Facts Days 2022

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In order to encourage discussions between participants in the Open Food Facts project, we are once again organising two days of getting together, the "Open Food Facts Days", on Saturday 1 - Sunday 2 October in Paris (at the Académie du Climat, 2, Place Baudoyer in Paris 4e (between the Saint-Paul and Hôtel de Ville metro stations)) and by videoconference (link to come).

Logo Ville de Paris Academie du Climat.jpg

Saturday will be dedicated to presentations and workshops proposed, presented and led by the participants of the project (contributors, developers, re-users etc.).

The General Assembly of the association will take place on the morning of Sunday 2 October from 10am to 12pm. And the afternoon programme will be free in order to be able to continue the exchanges and reflections on the points identified during the presentations, workshops and the General Assembly.


We hope you can join us on 1-2 October. Please register for the Open Food Facts Days (free registration) so that we can best organise this event and send you all logistical information.


Open Food Facts is firstly a community of people. Thanks to our sponsors, we can provide grants to let people from all over the world attend to the Open Food Facts days.

These grants can fund travels and accommodation. Our funds are limited.

Deadline for application: A committee (composed of the board and the permanent team) will select the candidates by the 25 of August.

If you are interested in requesting a mini-grant, please fill out the following form.


Saturday's agenda is wide open: could you present what you do on Open Food Facts? Would you like to lead a workshop on a particular topic? And conversely, are there any topics you would like others to present? You can send your proposals to, or add them at the end of this page, or share them on Slack (Slack is a discussion space between contributors, sign up to join) in the #journeesoff channel.

  • Link to participate in the videoconference (to be provided later).
  • Link to collaborative note taking (to be provided later).

Programme :

Saturday 1 October 2022

  • 09.15 - 09.30: Connection tests and coffee
  • Workshops and conferences (list being defined, see proposals in the section below)
    • 09.30-10.00: introductory session
    • 10.00-11.00: Barcamp mode: proposal of topics, constitution of groups
    • 11.00-12.15: first session of the barcamp
    • 12.15-12.45: 4 lightning presentations
    • 12.45-14.00: lunch together
    • 14.00-14.30: Keynote speaker: a prestigious guest presents his relationship with Open Food Facts and ideas for the future
    • 14.30-16.00: 2nd barcamp session
    • 16.15-18.15: 3rd barcamp session
    • from 18.15: festive drink and presentation of group activities

Sunday 2 October 2022

To take part in the votes, you can become a member of Open Food Facts or, for members, you must be up-to-date with your membership fee.

You can also participate in the General Assembly by [https:// videoconference at the following link].

  • 09.45 - 10.00: Connection tests and coffee
  • 10.00 - 12.00 - Ordinary General Assembly - 2022
    • FR:Convocation - Assemblée Générale Ordinaire - 2022
    • Presentation, discussion and vote on the 2021 moral report and the 2021 accounts
    • Presentation and discussion of the main orientations for the future
    • Presentation, discussion and vote on the motions
    • Elections of the Board of Directors 2022
  • 12.00 - Lunch
  • 14:00 - 14:45: 4 lightning presentations
  • 14.45-18.00 - Free programme

We’ll continue discussing and reflecting on the points identified on Saturday and at the General Assembly.

Discussions, demos

Presentations and workshops

  • The new mobile app: what's new? short and long term evolution?
  • ...

Proposals for workshops to reflect together and find solutions

  • Enhance product's edition: tips, fast edit, list edition, ...
  • A taxonomy for brand. Why? How?
  • (Marijana P Donati) The power of community (alone we are a drop, together we are an ocean, how to empower the existing community)
  • (Marijana P Donati) Using the Open Food Facts database - Good practices
  • (Manon) Gamification in Open Food Facts as a lever to encourage contribution
  • (Gala) "Presenting Open Food Facts" resources for the community
  • ...