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Diabetes Project Roadmap

This section outlines a proposed roadmap for enhancing Open Food Facts' utility for people with diabetes, and 3rd party apps trying to tackle this

Data Enhancement

  • Goal: Improve the completeness and accuracy of data relevant to diabetes management.

Potential tasks

  • Data Completeness Campaign: Encourage users to add missing carbohydrate, sugar, fiber, and ingredient information for existing products, prioritizing commonly consumed foods. This could involve targeted campaigns, gamification, or partnerships with diabetes organizations.
  • Data Validation: Add even more mechanisms to improve data validation, such as automated checks for consistency (e.g., sugars should be less than or equal to total carbohydrates) and community-based flagging of potentially inaccurate data.
  • Standardized Sugar Aliases: Create an even more comprehensive list of sugar aliases (e.g., corn syrup, dextrose, fructose) in more languages and improve taxonomies to flag their presence in ingredient lists.
  • Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL) Data: Explore the feasibility of incorporating GI and GL data. This would require a reliable external data source and careful consideration of the limitations of GI/GL values.

Feature Development

  • Goal: Develop features that directly support diabetes management using the enhanced data.

Potential tasks

  • Diabetes-Specific Search Filter:vAllow users to filter search results based on criteria relevant to diabetes (e.g., low sugar, high fiber, low carbohydrate).
  • "Suitable for Diabetes" Tag : Implement a system for users to tag products as "suitable for diabetes" based on their assessment of the nutritional information and ingredients. This would require clear scientific guidelines.
  • Carbohydrate Calculator:cA tool that allows users to calculate the total carbohydrate content of a meal based on the products and quantities they consume.
  • Reachout and documenting current Diabetes Management Apps using the API
  • Reachout to Wearable Devices manufacturers:** Suggest them integrating Open Food Facts data with wearable devices (e.g., continuous glucose monitors) to provide real-time feedback on the impact of food choices.

Data Tasks for Contributors

This section lists specific data tasks that Open Food Facts contributors can undertake to improve the database for diabetes management.

Complete Missing Nutritional Information

  • Focus: Add or correct missing values for "Carbohydrates," "Sugars," and "Fiber" for existing products.

How to Contribute

  1. Search for common food items (bread, pasta, rice, cereal, yogurt, snacks, beverages, etc.).
  2. If any of the key nutritional values are missing, click "Edit" and add the information from the product's packaging.
  3. Take clear photos of the product's packaging, including the nutrition facts panel and ingredient list.

Identify Hidden Sugars

  • Focus: Carefully review ingredient lists and add products with sugar aliases not currently flagged.

How to Contribute

  1. Examine the ingredient lists of processed foods.
  2. Look for ingredients like: corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, glucose, honey, invert sugar, malt syrup, maltose, molasses, raw sugar, sucrose, trehalose, turbinado sugar.
  3. If these ingredients are present, ensure the "Sugars" value is accurate. If you discover a new sugar alias, add it to the Sugar Aliases page (create this page if it doesn't exist and link it here).