Useful queries
This is a list of useful searches, for future reference.
- Most scanned products / produits les plus scannés
- A beautiful cheese line (Tacite)
- Camemberts on a map (Vince)
- Cola soda graph with sugars and additives
- Yaourt (sucres et lipides)
- Teneur en fruit sur les yaourts aux fruits (Tacite)
Breakfast Cereals - Les Céréales du Petit Déjeuner
Nutrition grades
- Nutrition grades for breakfast cereals (thr4nduil)
- Nutrition grades for prepared food
Low hanging fruits
- Products that are named wines but don’t have a wine category
- Products that contain alcohol but have no categories
- M&S Products that can be labelled as sold in the UK
- Products with a specific barcode prefix with no brand
- Products with a wrong barcode
- Organic foodies like beer but not too much (Tacite, BS causation by Teolemon)
- Products with sugar /produits avec du sucre (stephane)
- Products without sugar /produits sans sucre (stephane)
Old products
- Extraire toutes les fiches qui répondent à ces critères (stephane on request by tacite)
- - Statut = Complet
- - Dernière modification = Avant le 31 juin 2012 inclus
- Comme ça j'irais faire des photos des "vieux" produit pour les mettre à jour
- How much alcohol do Belgian beers contain ?