Open Food Facts Days 2024/Knowledge Panels Hack

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Revision as of 14:41, 22 September 2024 by Johngom (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Idea To highlight how much of a main expected ingredient there actually is in a product, e.g. "how much ham is in 'ham'". This could be compared with other products in the s...")
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To highlight how much of a main expected ingredient there actually is in a product, e.g. "how much ham is in 'ham'".

This could be compared with other products in the same category.

We would need a "primary ingredient" property in order to do this. However...

There may be more than one way of describing this ingredient, i.e. multiple taxonomy entries, like "pork", "ham", "smoked meat" so we would need to know which ingredients are synonymous for this category.