Knowledge panels

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Knowledge panels are json data that describe content to be displayed to the user.

They are currently used on the new smoothie flutter application and on the Product Opener web platform.


Reference documentation:

Testing it

Knowledge panels are already deployed for every body !

To see the knowledge panels jsons, use the api, that is, from a product page, you can add /api/v2 before /product/, and append fields=knowledge_panels as query parameters.


FIXME: eventually move this part of this to

The flexibility of a static page ?

What should we do with the native Wikidata integration on Android ?

  • Move the logic on the server, with caching, and let iOS and other apps benefit as well ?
  • Blend the Wikidata info with our own
  • System to add Wikidata IDs to categories, labels… (working as a special language, using the existing translation system ?)

When should network calls be made ?

  • The apps would attempt to call all labels at setup, and then refresh on some heuristic
  • On demand call when clicking on an attribute or a label

Support for HTML embedding on Android

Support for HTML embedding on iOS

Support for HTML embedding on Flutter

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