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Name | Description |
accessibility | |
additives | Recognize additives, classify them, create wiki entries about them etc. See: https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Global_additives_taxonomy "https://fr.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Projet:Fiches_sur_les_additifs" |
ago | Organisation de l'Assemblée Générale d'Open Food Facts. https://fr.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Assembl%C3%A9e_G%C3%A9n%C3%A9rale_Ordinaire_-_2015 |
ai-alerts | |
ai-category-classification | |
ai-computervision | |
ai-imagerecognition | |
ai-logo-detection | |
ai-machinelearning | |
ai-nutrition-table | Extraction des informations nutritionnelles à partir des photos |
ai-prediction | |
albania | |
algeria | |
allergens | |
android | "Native Android app: <https://github.com/openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-androidapp> |
android-alerts | |
android-alerts-sentry | |
android-diet | Add personalized diets management to Open Food Facts. |
android-help | Help for Android app |
android-sdk | |
api | |
api-documentation | |
app-reviews | |
arabic | |
argentina | https://ar.openfoodfacts.org/ |
armenia | |
asia | |
australia | |
austria | |
bangladesh | |
barcodes | https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Barcodes |
be | Belgium / Belgique https://be-fr.openfoodfacts.org/ https://be.openfoodfacts.org/ https://be-de.openfoodfacts.org/ https://be-en.openfoodfacts.org/ |
be-bruxelles | |
beer | Breweries mapping and discussion on beers |
benin | |
bestbeforedates | |
blockchain | |
bonasavoir | |
bot-image-alerts | |
bots | |
bots-alerts | Notifications from bots. - https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Bots |
bots-requests | |
bots-requests-obf | |
branding | To discuss the brand identity of OpenFoodFacts, such as: colour palette, templates for slides, fonts usage, ... |
brazil | |
bulgaria | http://bg.openfoodfacts.org |
burma | |
c | |
ca | Canal de coordinació de la traducció al català |
cambodia | https://kh.openfoodfacts.org/ |
cameroon | |
canada | https://ca.openfoodfacts.org/ |
cheese | https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Cheese |
chile | https://cl.openfoodfacts.org |
china | https://zh.openfoodfacts.org |
coffee-and-tea | |
colombia | |
communication-fr | Planifier la communication en français : communiqués, posts de blogs, réseaux sociaux etc. |
communication-online | Discuss about online communication stuff |
communityawareness | |
comoros | |
compare | comparer un produits à d'autres: éléments de réflexion, discussion... |
contacts | demandes de contacts et propositions diverses |
contacts_fr | e-mails de contacts en français |
contributeurs-fr | Ce canal est dédié aux discussions concernant l'ajout et l'édition de produits (avec l'app ou le site), et comment recruter plus de contributeurs et les rendre heureux ! :slightly_smiling_face: Bienvenue ! |
contributors | A channel for contributors to share experiences, ask questions, discuss tools to make adding, editing, completing and correcting products easier and faster |
cooking | This channel is to build cooking instructions, taxonomy support into OFF |
copyedit | |
cordova | |
cordova-alerts | |
croatia | <https://hr.openfoodfacts.org/> |
cuba | <https://cu.openfoodfacts.org/> |
cz | https://cz.openfoodfacts.org/ |
dairy | Got milk? For cheese -> #cheese |
dart | |
dart-alerts | |
data4good-fr | |
data4good-location | |
data4good-taxonomies | |
dataimports | |
datascience | |
de | https://de.openfoodfacts.org // Translations : https://translate.openfoodfacts.org/project/openfoodfacts/de |
denmark | http://dk.openfoodfacts.org/ |
design | |
dev | Utilisation de l'API OpenFoodFacts. |
diabetes | |
dietarysupplement | |
diets | |
docker | productopener> in <#C045H3K57|perl> with <#C03DYK57Q|mongodb>) with Docker |
docker-alerts | Alerts from Docker Hub |
documentation | |
domtom | |
dpkr | |
ecoscore | |
ecoscore-fr | |
ecoscore-news-alerts | |
edit-alerts | |
education | https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Education |
education-fr | Imaginer des utilisations d'OFF dans le domaine de l'éducation. |
egalimentation | |
eggs | |
elixir | |
elixir-alerts | |
empreinte-foret-fr | Calcul d'une empreinte forêt, projet avec Envol Vert. Produits : <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lY4w_E2WgpZAj0HFnUJUJgue5-Hlqz5n/edit#gid=1441461002> |
en | |
ensae | |
environment | http://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Environment |
es | Canal de coordinación entre los hablantes del Idioma Español del proyecto |
es-madrid | "Gather all the initiatives related |
to Madrid (Spain) // Reunir todas las iniciativas relacionadas con Madrid (España)" | |
es-twitter | |
estonia | <https://ee.openfoodfacts.org/> |
estore_extension | Making an "Extension" (for Chrome first, then Firefox) that allows users who are on a shopping website to be redirected or to consult infos from OFF directly from the shopping website. |
etiquetage | Projet de loi sur la simplification nutritionnelle : on s'en mêle ? https://fr.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Projet_de_loi_sur_l'%c3%a9tiquetage_nutritionnel_%3a_on_s'en_m%c3%aale_%3f |
eu | |
eu-hackathon | |
eu-project | Respond to the call for projects of the EU for "citizen observatories" - See https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Project:EU_Project_Citizen_Observatories |
events | |
events-notify | Coordinating event participation |
events-planning-fr | |
expirydates | |
fabricationadditivemulti-matériaux | Fabrication métallique multi-matériaux |
fastfood | |
fields | Définir les champs du formulaire d'ajout de produit : quels champs, quels valeurs etc. |
financement | Donations, subventions, appels à projets etc. |
finland | |
firefoxos | https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Mobile_App/Development_Notes#Firefox_OS |
fishing | https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Fishing |
flutter | |
food_intolerance | |
fr | Bonjour ! |
fr-bordeaux | |
fr-caen | |
fr-centre | |
fr-datafoodconsortium | Discussion pour trouver des solutions pour réussir à baser le standard d'interopérabilité DFC sur OFFacts pour contribuer à l'ouverture des données et à renforcer encore davantage la position de "monopole commun" d'OFFacts :slightly_smiling_face: |
fr-lille | |
fr-lyon | |
fr-nantes | |
fr-nice | |
fr-ouest | Regrouper les participants de l'ouest (Nantes, Rennes, Bretagne, Caen, Brest,...) |
fr-paca | |
fr-paris | Pour parler des événements parisiens que l'on organise ou auxquels on peut être présents. Inscrivez-vous pour être notifiés des prochains événements. |
fr-rennes | |
fr-strasbourg | |
fr-sud-ouest | Secteur occitanie : Languedoc Roussillon Midi-Pyrénées ... |
fr-troyes | |
fruits_vegetables | |
gamification | https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Project:Gamification |
general | This channel is for team-wide communication and announcements. All team members are in this channel. |
georgia | |
github | Here land all github commits, and you can discuss anything related to the GitHub OFF repositories https://github.com/openfoodfacts/ |
glass | |
gluten_free | |
glycemicindex | |
gmo | |
go | |
go-alerts | |
godan | Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition |
greece | https://gr-el.openfoodfacts.org/ |
grocy | |
halal | https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Global_Religious_Certification_taxonomy |
haskell | |
hongkong | https://hk.openfoodfacts.org/ |
hungary | https://hu.openfoodfacts.org/ |
hunger-games | |
hunger-games-alerts | |
iceland | |
india | https://in.openfoodfacts.org/ |
indonesia | |
infrastructure | Discuss the hardware / software infrastructure of OFF |
infrastructure-alerts | |
ingredients | |
interesting-articles | |
internetofthings | |
ios | |
ios-alerts | |
ios-sdk | |
iran | https://ir.openfoodfacts.org/ |
ireland | |
israel | https://he.openfoodfacts.org/ |
italy | |
japan | https://jp.openfoodfacts.org |
java | https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/API/Java |
javascript | |
journeesoff | Infos et préparations sur les Journées OFF 2018, rencontres et Assemblée Générale de l'association Open Food Facts le samedi 7 et dimanche 8 avril à Paris |
kaios | |
kazakhstan | |
kenya | <https://ke.openfoodfacts.org/> |
korea | https://kr.openfoodfacts.org/ |
kosher | |
lactose_free | |
latvia | <https://lv.openfoodfacts.org/> - https://translate.openfoodfacts.org/project/openfoodfacts/lv |
lebanon | |
legal | ToS, ToU, copyright, etc. |
licences | |
linkeddata | To discuss Linked Open Data, RDF etc. |
lithuania | |
locations | |
luxembourg | <https://lu.openfoodfacts.org/> |
madagascar | |
malaysia | |
malta | https://mt.openfoodfacts.org/ |
marketing | Channel using by marketing strategy |
meat | |
media | |
media-fr | |
mexico | |
mongodb | MongoDB is the noqsl database used by Open Food Facts. |
morocco | Maroc - Morocco - <https://ma.openfoodfacts.org/> |
multilingualproducts | Discuss the (upcoming) handling of products that have more than one language on their package. Specs and proposed design: https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Project:Multilingual_products |
nepal | |
newzealand | https://nz.openfoodfacts.org/ - New Zealand |
nl | <https://nl.openfoodfacts.org/> |
nlp | |
nodejs | |
north-macedonia | |
norway | https://no.openfoodfacts.org |
notes-sanitaires | |
notify-web | Notifications from notify.ly |
nova | Discuss the Nova classification for food products and its implementation on Open Food Facts. NOVA specification: <http://archive.wphna.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/WN-2016-7-1-3-28-38-Monteiro-Cannon-Levy-et-al-NOVA.pdf> |
nutriscore | Share news and discuss the Nutri-Score and its implementation on Open Food Facts |
nutriscore-alert | |
nutriscore-news-alerts | |
nutrition | |
ocr | Discuss the possible ameliorations of the OCR - https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Project:OCR |
ontology | Discuss about the ontology behind to job "food description and transparency" |
open-clothing-facts | Build a open database for clothing |
openbeautyfacts | Open Beauty Facts |
openbeautyfacts-alerts | |
openclassrooms | |
opendataday2018 | Organize OFF initiatives / events on Open Data Day, March 5 2016 |
openfoodfacts | |
openfoodmaps | |
openpetfoodfacts | |
openproductsfacts | |
openreceipts | |
openreceipts-alerts | |
openscale | |
operations-speciales | Se coordonner autour d'objectifs communs pour ajouter ou compléter les informations de certains types de produits. |
orthographe | Améliorer les recherches, la fiabilité en corrigeant les fautes d'orthographe. |
ovh | |
packaging | |
packaging_codes | Automation of packaging codes, EU agreement list ... to build a comprehensive and up-to-date indsutrial database |
pakistan | https://pk.openfoodfacts.org/ |
perl | |
personal-search | Coordination of the Open Food Facts personalized search project. Plan: <https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Project:Personalized_Search> |
philippines | https://ph.openfoodfacts.org/ |
php | |
poland | https://pl.openfoodfacts.org/ |
portugal | Portugal |
power-user-extension | |
press-mentions | |
prices | pouvoir saisir des prix dans OFF |
producers | |
producers-platform | Platform for producers to import their product data, get reports, improvement opportunities alerts etc. |
product-alternatives | |
product-comparator | Based on your search, find similar products with a better nutrition score, in your country and shop |
product-management | Talks about Open Food Facts products strategy and management: web sites, mobile apps, API, data export. |
product-similiarity | For product recommendation and similarity |
producteurs-fr | Support pour les producteurs et coordination du démarchage et des échanges. Tableau de suivi : <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Smx74TevmNlPyEqrcCtvN9uJIdUh-mC1cznLCQaV0V8/edit#gid=1775546074> |
productopener | |
productopener-alerts | |
produits-ameliores | |
projects_fr | Préparer les réponses pour les appels à projets |
pwa | Progressive Web App for OFF (PWA) |
python | https://github.com/openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-python |
python-alerts | |
quality | The goal of the Quality initiative is to measure and improve the quality of the Open Food Facts data. |
quality-data | <https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Verification/Roadmap> |
quality-ocr-fix | Creating a dictionnary of the most common errors |
r | |
random | A place for non-work banter, links, articles of interest, humor or anything else which you'd like concentrated in some place other than work-related channels. |
random_fr | Tout ce qui n'a pas de rapport direct à OFF. |
react | React components for Open Food Facts. |
react-native | Discuss code using react native in mobile apps |
recalls_alerts | |
recalls_en | |
recalls_fr | |
recalls_fr_alerts | |
recommendations-fr | Identifier des sources de recommandations alimentaires que l'on pourrait utiliser sur le site et/ou l'app d'OFF |
regulations | |
reuse | https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Project:API |
reuse-ideas | Discuss about blog posts, news, infographics, data visualisation that can be done with OFF data, for educational and promotional purpose. |
roadmap | |
robotoff | |
robotoff-alerts | |
robotoff-alerts-annotations | Alerts and notification sent by the Robotoff service |
robotoff-user-alert | User insight annotation monitoring |
romania | Romanian - https://ro.openfoodfacts.org |
ruby | |
ruby-alerts | |
russia | https://ru.openfoodfacts.org/ |
rust | |
salondelagriculture | |
sanitarychecks | |
saudiarabia | |
scala | |
scanparty | |
scanparty_fr | "Préparer les ScanParties, les faire, traiter les données etc. |
ScanParty chez Franprix en Mai 2016: https://fr.openfoodfacts.org/editeur/scanparty-franprix-05-2016" | |
science | Research, conferences etc. |
scripting-requests | |
seasonofdocs | |
senegal | <https://sn.openfoodfacts.org/> |
serbia | https://rs.openfoodfacts.org/ |
share-ai-fr | Projet Share AI |
simplon | |
singapore | |
slovakia | |
slovenia | https://si.openfoodfacts.org/ |
smooth-app | |
smooth-app-alerts | |
south-africa | <https://za.openfoodfacts.org/> |
south-america | |
spain | gather all the initiatives in spain #dev |
special-operations | Collaborate on common goals to add or edit products of given types of products. |
spectrometry | |
spellcheck | Discuss the implementation and applications of spellchecking in OFF for ingredients, additives and other taxonomies. |
sql | |
stagiaires-privé | |
standards | discuss existing and prospecting standards and standardization efforts in nutrition data etc. |
studentprojects | |
summerofcode | |
supplychain | https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Environment |
swag | |
sweden | https://se.openfoodfacts.org/ |
switzerland | https://ch.openfoodfacts.org/ |
tahiti | |
taiwan | tw.openfoodfacts.org |
taxonomies | |
taxonomies-obf | |
team | Open Food Facts project management and coordination of day-to-day operations |
team-france | "Pilotage et gestion quotidienne du projet Open Food Facts en France. |
team> en anglais, merci !" | |
testmatrixbridge | Test |
testmatrixchannel | |
thailand | th.openfoodfacts.org |
togo | http://tg.openfoodfacts.org |
toulouse | |
translations | Let's translate OpenFoodFacts https://crowdin.com/project/openfoodfacts |
translations-alerts | |
trello | Our Trello is at https://trello.com/openfoodfacts |
tunisia | https://tn.openfoodfacts.org/ |
turkey | https://tr.openfoodfacts.org/ |
tv-alerts-fr | |
Coordinate tweets. | |
twitter_en | |
twitter_fr | |
ubuntu | |
ubuntu-alerts | |
uk | https://uk.openfoodfacts.org |
uk-london | |
ukraine | https://ua.openfoodfacts.org/ |
uruguay | "Open Food Facts en Uruguay |
<https://uy.openfoodfacts.org/>" | |
us | US products - https://us.openfoodfacts.org |
usage-analytics | |
userexperience | |
vegan | |
vegetarian | |
vietnam | |
vue | Life's too short to deal with React |
web-app | Discuss the web app of OpenFoodFacts |
weeklyreports | |
welcome-fr | Permettre aux personnes découvrant Open Food Facts de se familiariser avec l'organisation. |
wheat_free | |
wiki-notify-off | Changes on the Wiki: https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/ |
wiki_openbeautyfacts | |
wikidata | https://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Project:Wikidata |
wikireorg | Re-organize the wiki to make it a more welcoming and more useful place for contributors and participants. |
windows-phone | https://www.windowsphone.com/fr-fr/store/app/openfoodfacts/5d7cf939-cfd9-4ac0-86d7-91b946f4df34 |
windows-uwp | Discussion of releases of Open Food Facts related Apps for the Universal Windows Platform. |
wine | |
workshops-fr | |
zerowaste | |
zh | Chinese language volunteers communication |