Currently the API is mainly used internally for Cordova application but does not yet follow good practices in API design. It is also used by several application and while not yet stable, doesn't change much. You can have a look at the source code of the app (https://github.com/openfoodfacts/cordova-app/blob/master/www/off.js and https://github.com/openfoodfacts/cordova-app/blob/master/www/index.html) Anyone with Swagger (or equivalent knowledge) willing to help us document the API is most welcome :-)
Getting help with the API
You can ask for help on using the API in this [channel on Slack].
- You should do all your test edits on http://world.openfoodfacts.net (ask for the password on Slack)
- Do not hesitate to create a global account for your app if you don't want to implement Open Food Facts user creation in your app right now.
- Do not hesitate to file a bug if you find an issue in the API, or need an improvement.
- https://github.com/openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-server/issues
Using the new SSL API
You can now use a SSL version of the API
- fields that end with _t are dates in the UNIX timestamp format (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970)
- fields that end with _datetime are dates in the iso8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mn:ssZ
- fields that end with _tags are comma separated list of tags (e.g. categories_tags is the set of normalized tags computer from the categories field)
- fields that end with a language 2 letter code (e.g. fr for French) is the set of tags in that language
- fields that end with _100g correspond to the amount of a nutriment (in g) for 100 g or 100 ml of product
READ API Documentation
Downloading static data
Field reference
The fields used in the api. http://world.openfoodfacts.org/data/data-fields.txt
JSON interface
You can either use the global (world) for locales (fr, en…)
A few things to note:
- if you use a country subdomain instead of world, you get products for that countries only which might change the language but also the name of the fields, in that case you need to use the local language
- http://fr.openfoodfacts.org/categorie/pizzas.json
- an alternative is to specify the language in the subdomain: http://fr-en.openfoodfacts.org/category/pizzas.json
Reading a product
See http://fr.openfoodfacts.org/data or http://en.openfoodfacts.org/data The requested subdomain will be the locale fetched.
Structure of the call
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/api/v0/product/737628064502.xml
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/api/v0/product/737628064502.json
The final number must be a valid barcode.
Status codes
If a product is not found
{ "status_verbose":"product not found", "code":"32421", "status":0 }
If the product is found properly
{ "status_verbose":"product found", "product":{ "categories_prev_hierarchy":[ "en:fresh-foods", "en:meals", "en:sandwiches", "en:fresh-meals", "fr:croque-monsieur" ], "entry_dates_tags":[ "2016-09-29", "2016-09", "2016" ], "serving_quantity":150, "_id":"3222475893421", "pnns_groups_2":"Sandwich", "pnns_groups_2_tags":[ "sandwich" ], "languages_tags":[ "en:french", "en:1" ], "brands_debug_tags":[ ], "image_front_url":"http://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/front_fr.10.400.jpg", "stores":"Casino", "origins":"", "product_name_fr_debug_tags":[ ], "generic_name_fr":"Pain de mie garni de fromage fondu et de jambon cuit choix", "additives_old_n":11, "nutrition_data_per_debug_tags":[ ], "expiration_date_debug_tags":[ ], "codes_tags":[ "code-13", "3222475893421", "322247589342x", "32224758934xx", "3222475893xxx", "322247589xxxx", "32224758xxxxx", "3222475xxxxxx", "322247xxxxxxx", "32224xxxxxxxx", "3222xxxxxxxxx", "322xxxxxxxxxx", "32xxxxxxxxxxx", "3xxxxxxxxxxxx" ], "additives_debug_tags":[ "en-e316-fr-removed" ], "labels_hierarchy":[ "en:palm-oil-free", "fr:Experimentation Etiquetage Nutritionnel 2016", "fr:Experimentation NutriScore", "fr:Expérimentation NutriScore D" ], "cities_tags":[ ], "informers_tags":[ "tacinte", "tacite-mass-editor", "tacite" ], "image_ingredients_small_url":"http://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/ingredients_fr.12.200.jpg", "_keywords":[ "plat", "etiquetage", "san", "cuit", "experimentation", "huile", "fondu", "et", "croque-monsieur", "casino", "croque", "choix", "maxi", "nutriscore", "de", "palme", "pain", "mie", "frai", "prepare", "sandwich", "garni", "jambon", "fromage", "2016", "monsieur", "nutritionnel" ], "pnns_groups_1_tags":[ "composite-foods" ], "nutrition_score_debug":" -- energy 3 + sat-fat 6 + fr-sat-fat-for-fats 6 + sugars 0 + sodium 6 - fruits 0% 0 - fiber 0 - proteins 5 -- fsa 15 -- fr 15", "images":{ "front_fr":{ "y2":"340.8125", "x1":"67.75", "angle":"0", "imgid":"5", "white_magic":"false", "x2":"245.75", "normalize":"true", "y1":"13.8125", "rev":"10", "geometry":"1851x3401-704-143", "sizes":{ "400":{ "w":218, "h":400 }, "full":{ "h":3401, "w":1851 }, "100":{ "w":54, "h":100 }, "200":{ "h":200, "w":109 } } }, "2":{ "sizes":{ "400":{ "h":400, "w":300 }, "full":{ "h":4160, "w":3120 }, "100":{ "w":75, "h":100 } }, "uploaded_t":"1474912149", "uploader":"tacinte" }, "5":{ "uploaded_t":"1474912158", "uploader":"tacinte", "sizes":{ "100":{ "h":100, "w":75 }, "400":{ "h":400, "w":300 }, "full":{ "w":3120, "h":4160 } } }, "3":{ "uploaded_t":"1474912152", "uploader":"tacinte", "sizes":{ "full":{ "w":3120, "h":4160 }, "400":{ "h":400, "w":300 }, "100":{ "h":100, "w":75 } } }, "nutrition_fr":{ "y1":"151.8125", "normalize":"true", "x2":"169.75", "rev":"13", "geometry":"1238x1238-527-1578", "sizes":{ "full":{ "w":1238, "h":1238 }, "400":{ "h":400, "w":400 }, "100":{ "w":100, "h":100 }, "200":{ "w":200, "h":200 } }, "y2":"270.8125", "x1":"50.75", "angle":"0", "white_magic":"false", "imgid":"4" }, "4":{ "sizes":{ "400":{ "w":300, "h":400 }, "full":{ "h":4160, "w":3120 }, "100":{ "h":100, "w":75 } }, "uploader":"tacinte", "uploaded_t":"1474912154" }, "ingredients_fr":{ "y2":"248.8125", "x1":"82.75", "angle":"0", "white_magic":"false", "imgid":"3", "normalize":"true", "y1":"158.8125", "x2":"257.75", "rev":"12", "sizes":{ "full":{ "w":1820, "h":936 }, "400":{ "h":206, "w":400 }, "100":{ "h":51, "w":100 }, "200":{ "h":103, "w":200 } }, "geometry":"1820x936-860-1651" }, "1":{ "sizes":{ "full":{ "w":3120, "h":4160 }, "400":{ "h":400, "w":300 }, "100":{ "w":75, "h":100 } }, "uploaded_t":"1474912148", "uploader":"tacinte" } }, "ingredients_text_debug":"Pain de mie 49,3% (farine de _blé_ - eau - huile de colza - sel - dextrose - levure - : propionate de calcium - : mono- et diglycérides d'acides gras , lécithines - _gluten de blé_ - : gomme xanthane - agent : de la farine : acide ascorbique) - _fromage_ fondu 28% [_fromages_ 14% (dont _emmental_ 4,2%) - _beurre_ - eau - protéines de lait - amidons transformés de maïs et/ou pomme de terre - _lactosérum_ - sels : citrates de sodium , polyphosphates - : carraghénanes] - jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates 14,7% (jambon de porc - eau - sel - sirop de glucose - dextrose - arômes - : érythorbate de sodium , nitrite de sodium) - matière grasse végétale raffinée de colza - _beurre_ concentré - : caroténoïdes.", "last_editor":"tacite", "allergens_hierarchy":[ "en:gluten", "en:milk", "fr:lactosérum" ], "categories_debug_tags":[ ], "countries":"France", "image_front_small_url":"http://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/front_fr.10.200.jpg", "stores_debug_tags":[ ], "nutriments":{ "sugars_serving":4.2, "carbohydrates":"42", "salt_100g":1.6, "fat_100g":15.3, "carbohydrates_100g":"28", "saturated-fat_value":"9.6", "proteins_unit":"g", "salt":2.4, "sugars_100g":2.8, "sugars":4.2, "energy_serving":"1854", "fat_unit":"g", "energy":"1854", "nutrition-score-fr":"15", "energy_100g":"1240", "nutrition-score-uk_100g":"15", "salt_serving":2.4, "saturated-fat_unit":"g", "fat_value":"23", "salt_unit":"g", "proteins":"17", "proteins_100g":11.3, "carbohydrates_serving":"42", "saturated-fat":9.6, "energy_unit":"kJ", "fat":"23", "fat_serving":"23", "proteins_serving":"17", "sodium_value":"0.9448818897637794", "salt_value":"2.4", "sugars_value":"4.2", "energy_value":"1854", "sodium_100g":0.63, "nutrition-score-uk":"15", "sodium":0.944881889763779, "saturated-fat_100g":6.4, "nutrition-score-fr_100g":"15", "carbohydrates_value":"42", "carbohydrates_unit":"g", "saturated-fat_serving":9.6, "sodium_serving":0.944881889763779, "proteins_value":"17", "sugars_unit":"g", "sodium_unit":"g" }, "countries_hierarchy":[ "en:france" ], "lang":"fr", "languages_hierarchy":[ "en:french" ], "expiration_date":"", "last_modified_t":1475344323, "generic_name":"Pain de mie garni de fromage fondu et de jambon cuit choix", "nutrient_levels":{ "saturated-fat":"high", "salt":"high", "fat":"moderate", "sugars":"low" }, "origins_tags":[ ], "no_nutrition_data":"", "ingredients_from_palm_oil_n":0, "created_t":1475161440, "labels_debug_tags":[ ], "last_image_dates_tags":[ "2016-09-29", "2016-09", "2016" ], "ingredients_n":"45", "sortkey":1475344323, "categories_tags":[ "en:fresh-foods", "en:meals", "en:sandwiches", "en:fresh-meals", "fr:croque-monsieur" ], "countries_debug_tags":[ ], "ingredients_text_with_allergens":"Pain de mie 49,3% (farine de <span class=\"allergen\">blé</span> - eau - huile de colza - sel - dextrose - levure - conservateur : propionate de calcium - émulsifiants : mono- et diglycérides d'acides gras , lécithines - <span class=\"allergen\">gluten de blé</span> - épaississant : gomme xanthane - agent de traitement de la farine : acide ascorbique) - <span class=\"allergen\">fromage</span> fondu 28% [<span class=\"allergen\">fromages</span> 14% (dont <span class=\"allergen\">emmental</span> 4,2%) - <span class=\"allergen\">beurre</span> - eau - protéines de lait - amidons transformés de maïs et/ou pomme de terre - <span class=\"allergen\">lactosérum</span> - sels de fonte : citrates de sodium , polyphosphates - gélifiant : carraghénanes] - jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates 14,7% (jambon de porc - eau - sel - sirop de glucose - dextrose - arômes - conservateurs : érythorbate de sodium , nitrite de sodium) - matière grasse végétale raffinée de colza - <span class=\"allergen\">beurre</span> concentré - colorant : caroténoïdes.", "pnns_groups_1":"Composite foods", "quantity_debug_tags":[ ], "emb_codes":"", "packaging":"barquette,plastique", "emb_codes_orig":"", "image_nutrition_small_url":"http://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/nutrition_fr.13.200.jpg", "correctors_tags":[ "tacinte", "tacite" ], "traces_hierarchy":[ "en:celery", "en:crustaceans", "en:eggs", "en:fish", "en:molluscs", "en:mustard", "en:nuts", "en:soybeans" ], "stores_tags":[ "casino" ], "last_edit_dates_tags":[ "2016-10-01", "2016-10", "2016" ], "labels_prev_tags":[ "en:palm-oil-free", "fr:experimentation-etiquetage-nutritionnel-2016", "fr:experimentation-nutriscore", "fr:experimentation-nutriscore-d" ], "states_tags":[ "en:to-be-checked", "en:complete", "en:nutrition-facts-completed", "en:ingredients-completed", "en:expiration-date-to-be-completed", "en:characteristics-completed", "en:categories-completed", "en:brands-completed", "en:packaging-completed", "en:quantity-completed", "en:product-name-completed", "en:photos-validated", "en:photos-uploaded" ], "image_small_url":"http://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/front_fr.10.200.jpg", "quantity":"2 x 150 g (300 g)", "additives_old_tags":[ "en:e282", "en:e471", "en:e322", "en:e415", "en:e300", "en:e331", "en:e452", "en:e407", "en:e316", "en:e250", "en:e160" ], "image_ingredients_thumb_url":"http://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/ingredients_fr.12.100.jpg", "ingredients_n_tags":[ "45", "41-50" ], "traces_debug_tags":[ ], "states_hierarchy":[ "en:to-be-checked", "en:complete", "en:nutrition-facts-completed", "en:ingredients-completed", "en:expiration-date-to-be-completed", "en:characteristics-completed", "en:categories-completed", "en:brands-completed", "en:packaging-completed", "en:quantity-completed", "en:product-name-completed", "en:photos-validated", "en:photos-uploaded" ], "labels_tags":[ "en:palm-oil-free", "fr:experimentation-etiquetage-nutritionnel-2016", "fr:experimentation-nutriscore", "fr:experimentation-nutriscore-d" ], "purchase_places_debug_tags":[ ], "states":"en:to-be-checked, en:complete, en:nutrition-facts-completed, en:ingredients-completed, en:expiration-date-to-be-completed, en:characteristics-completed, en:categories-completed, en:brands-completed, en:packaging-completed, en:quantity-completed, en:product-name-completed, en:photos-validated, en:photos-uploaded", "image_url":"http://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/front_fr.10.400.jpg", "link":"", "allergens":"blé, gluten de blé, fromage, fromages, emmental, beurre, lactosérum, beurre", "labels_prev_hierarchy":[ "en:palm-oil-free", "fr:Experimentation Etiquetage Nutritionnel 2016", "fr:Experimentation NutriScore", "fr:Expérimentation NutriScore D" ], "serving_size":"150 g", "interface_version_created":"upload_photos.pl - version 2016/09/29", "allergens_tags":[ "en:gluten", "en:milk", "fr:lactoserum" ], "image_thumb_url":"http://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/front_fr.10.100.jpg", "unknown_nutrients_tags":[ ], "ingredients_ids_debug":[ "pain-de-mie-49", "3", "farine-de-ble", "eau", "huile-de-colza", "sel", "dextrose", "levure", "propionate-de-calcium", "mono-et-diglycerides-d-acides-gras", "lecithines", "gluten-de-ble", "gomme-xanthane", "agent", "de-la-farine", "acide-ascorbique", "fromage-fondu-28", "fromages-14", "dont-emmental-4", "2", "beurre", "eau", "proteines-de-lait", "amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou-pomme-de-terre", "lactoserum", "sels", "citrates-de-sodium", "polyphosphates", "carraghenanes", "jambon-cuit-choix-sans-polyphosphates-14", "7", "jambon-de-porc", "eau", "sel", "sirop-de-glucose", "dextrose", "aromes", "erythorbate-de-sodium", "nitrite-de-sodium", "matiere-grasse-vegetale-raffinee-de-colza", "beurre-concentre", "carotenoides", "mono", "diglycerides-d-acides-gras" ], "last_modified_by":"tacite", "categories_hierarchy":[ "en:fresh-foods", "en:meals", "en:sandwiches", "en:fresh-meals", "fr:croque-monsieur" ], "fruits-vegetables-nuts_100g_estimate":0, "interface_version_modified":"20120622", "nutrition_grades":"d", "nutrition_grade_fr":"d", "purchase_places_tags":[ "paris", "maison-laffitte" ], "rev":16, "ingredients_that_may_be_from_palm_oil_tags":[ "e471-mono-et-diglycerides-d-acides-gras-alimentaires", "huile-vegetale" ], "brands":"Casino", "image_front_thumb_url":"http://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/front_fr.10.100.jpg", "countries_tags":[ "en:france" ], "ingredients_text_fr":"Pain de mie 49,3% (farine de _blé_ - eau - huile de colza - sel - dextrose - levure - conservateur : propionate de calcium - émulsifiants : mono- et diglycérides d'acides gras , lécithines - _gluten de blé_ - épaississant : gomme xanthane - agent de traitement de la farine : acide ascorbique) - _fromage_ fondu 28% [_fromages_ 14% (dont _emmental_ 4,2%) - _beurre_ - eau - protéines de lait - amidons transformés de maïs et/ou pomme de terre - _lactosérum_ - sels de fonte : citrates de sodium , polyphosphates - gélifiant : carraghénanes] - jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates 14,7% (jambon de porc - eau - sel - sirop de glucose - dextrose - arômes - conservateurs : érythorbate de sodium , nitrite de sodium) - matière grasse végétale raffinée de colza - _beurre_ concentré - colorant : caroténoïdes.", "code":"3222475893421", "debug_param_sorted_langs":[ "fr" ], "ingredients_text_with_allergens_fr":"Pain de mie 49,3% (farine de <span class=\"allergen\">blé</span> - eau - huile de colza - sel - dextrose - levure - conservateur : propionate de calcium - émulsifiants : mono- et diglycérides d'acides gras , lécithines - <span class=\"allergen\">gluten de blé</span> - épaississant : gomme xanthane - agent de traitement de la farine : acide ascorbique) - <span class=\"allergen\">fromage</span> fondu 28% [<span class=\"allergen\">fromages</span> 14% (dont <span class=\"allergen\">emmental</span> 4,2%) - <span class=\"allergen\">beurre</span> - eau - protéines de lait - amidons transformés de maïs et/ou pomme de terre - <span class=\"allergen\">lactosérum</span> - sels de fonte : citrates de sodium , polyphosphates - gélifiant : carraghénanes] - jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates 14,7% (jambon de porc - eau - sel - sirop de glucose - dextrose - arômes - conservateurs : érythorbate de sodium , nitrite de sodium) - matière grasse végétale raffinée de colza - <span class=\"allergen\">beurre</span> concentré - colorant : caroténoïdes.", "ingredients_tags":[ "pain-de-mie-49", "fromage-fondu", "jambon-cuit-choix-sans-polyphosphates-14", "matiere-grasse-vegetale-raffinee-de-colza", "beurre-concentre", "colorant", "carotenoides", "farine-de-ble", "eau", "huile-de-colza", "sel", "dextrose", "levure", "conservateur", "propionate-de-calcium", "emulsifiants", "mono", "et-diglycerides-d-acides-gras", "lecithines", "gluten-de-ble", "epaississant", "gomme-xanthane", "agent-de-traitement-de-la-farine", "acide-ascorbique", "fromages", "dont-emmental-4", "beurre", "eau", "proteines-de-lait", "amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou-pomme-de-terre", "lactoserum", "sels-de-fonte", "citrates-de-sodium", "polyphosphates", "gelifiant", "carraghenanes", "jambon-de-porc", "eau", "sel", "sirop-de-glucose", "dextrose", "aromes", "conservateurs", "erythorbate-de-sodium", "nitrite-de-sodium" ], "brands_tags":[ "casino" ], "manufacturing_places":"", "lc":"fr", "manufacturing_places_tags":[ ], "image_ingredients_url":"http://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/ingredients_fr.12.400.jpg", "product_name":"Croque Monsieur Maxi", "additives_prev":" [ pain-de-mie-49 -> fr:pain-de-mie-49 ] [ pain-de-mie -> fr:pain-de-mie ] [ pain-de -> fr:pain-de ] [ pain -> fr:pain ] [ 3 -> fr:3 ] [ farine-de-ble -> fr:farine-de-ble ] [ farine-de -> fr:farine-de ] [ farine -> fr:farine ] [ eau -> fr:eau ] [ huile-de-colza -> fr:huile-de-colza ] [ huile-de -> fr:huile-de ] [ huile -> fr:huile ] [ sel -> fr:sel ] [ dextrose -> fr:dextrose ] [ levure -> fr:levure ] [ propionate-de-calcium -> en:e282 -> exists ] [ mono-et-diglycerides-d-acides-gras -> en:e471 -> exists ] [ lecithines -> en:e322 -> exists ] [ gluten-de-ble -> fr:gluten-de-ble ] [ gluten-de -> fr:gluten-de ] [ gluten -> fr:gluten ] [ gomme-xanthane -> en:e415 -> exists ] [ agent -> fr:agent ] [ de-la-farine -> fr:de-la-farine ] [ de-la -> fr:de-la ] [ de -> fr:de ] [ acide-ascorbique -> en:e300 -> exists ] [ fromage-fondu-28 -> fr:fromage-fondu-28 ] [ fromage-fondu -> fr:fromage-fondu ] [ fromage -> fr:fromage ] [ fromages-14 -> fr:fromages-14 ] [ fromages -> fr:fromages ] [ dont-emmental-4 -> fr:dont-emmental-4 ] [ dont-emmental -> fr:dont-emmental ] [ dont -> fr:dont ] [ 2 -> fr:2 ] [ beurre -> fr:beurre ] [ eau -> fr:eau ] [ proteines-de-lait -> fr:proteines-de-lait ] [ proteines-de -> fr:proteines-de ] [ proteines -> fr:proteines ] [ amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou-pomme-de-terre -> fr:amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou-pomme-de-terre ] [ amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou-pomme-de -> fr:amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou-pomme-de ] [ amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou-pomme -> fr:amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou-pomme ] [ amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou -> fr:amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou ] [ amidons-transformes-de-mais-et -> fr:amidons-transformes-de-mais-et ] [ amidons-transformes-de-mais -> fr:amidons-transformes-de-mais ] [ amidons-transformes-de -> fr:amidons-transformes-de ] [ amidons-transformes -> fr:amidons-transformes ] [ amidons -> fr:amidons ] [ lactoserum -> fr:lactoserum ] [ sels -> fr:sels ] [ citrates-de-sodium -> en:e331 -> exists ] [ polyphosphates -> en:e452 -> exists ] [ carraghenanes -> en:e407 -> exists ] [ jambon-cuit-choix-sans-polyphosphates-14 -> fr:jambon-cuit-choix-sans-polyphosphates-14 ] [ jambon-cuit-choix-sans-polyphosphates -> fr:jambon-cuit-choix-sans-polyphosphates ] [ jambon-cuit-choix-sans -> fr:jambon-cuit-choix-sans ] [ jambon-cuit-choix -> fr:jambon-cuit-choix ] [ jambon-cuit -> fr:jambon-cuit ] [ jambon -> fr:jambon ] [ 7 -> fr:7 ] [ jambon-de-porc -> fr:jambon-de-porc ] [ jambon-de -> fr:jambon-de ] [ jambon -> fr:jambon ] [ eau -> fr:eau ] [ sel -> fr:sel ] [ sirop-de-glucose -> fr:sirop-de-glucose ] [ sirop-de -> fr:sirop-de ] [ sirop -> fr:sirop ] [ dextrose -> fr:dextrose ] [ aromes -> fr:aromes ] [ erythorbate-de-sodium -> fr:erythorbate-de-sodium ] [ erythorbate-de -> fr:erythorbate-de ] [ erythorbate -> fr:erythorbate ] [ nitrite-de-sodium -> en:e250 -> exists ] [ matiere-grasse-vegetale-raffinee-de-colza -> fr:matiere-grasse-vegetale-raffinee-de-colza ] [ matiere-grasse-vegetale-raffinee-de -> fr:matiere-grasse-vegetale-raffinee-de ] [ matiere-grasse-vegetale-raffinee -> fr:matiere-grasse-vegetale-raffinee ] [ matiere-grasse-vegetale -> fr:matiere-grasse-vegetale ] [ matiere-grasse -> fr:matiere-grasse ] [ matiere -> fr:matiere ] [ beurre-concentre -> fr:beurre-concentre ] [ beurre -> fr:beurre ] [ carotenoides -> en:e160 -> exists ] [ mono -> fr:mono ] [ diglycerides-d-acides-gras -> fr:diglycerides-d-acides-gras ] [ diglycerides-d-acides -> fr:diglycerides-d-acides ] [ diglycerides-d -> fr:diglycerides-d ] [ diglycerides -> fr:diglycerides ] ", "ingredients":[ { "percent":"3", "rank":1, "id":"pain-de-mie-49", "text":"Pain de mie 49‚" }, { "text":"_fromage_ fondu", "id":"fromage-fondu", "percent":"28", "rank":2 }, { "percent":"7", "rank":3, "text":"jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates 14‚", "id":"jambon-cuit-choix-sans-polyphosphates-14" }, { "rank":4, "text":"matière grasse végétale raffinée de colza", "id":"matiere-grasse-vegetale-raffinee-de-colza" }, { "text":"_beurre_ concentré", "id":"beurre-concentre", "rank":5 }, { "rank":6, "id":"colorant", "text":"colorant" }, { "rank":7, "text":"caroténoïdes.", "id":"carotenoides" }, { "text":"farine de _blé_", "id":"farine-de-ble" }, { "text":"eau", "id":"eau" }, { "id":"huile-de-colza", "text":"huile de colza" }, { "id":"sel", "text":"sel" }, { "text":"dextrose", "id":"dextrose" }, { "id":"levure", "text":"levure" }, { "id":"conservateur", "text":"conservateur" }, { "id":"propionate-de-calcium", "text":"propionate de calcium" }, { "id":"emulsifiants", "text":"émulsifiants" }, { "id":"mono", "text":"mono" }, { "text":"et diglycérides d'acides gras", "id":"et-diglycerides-d-acides-gras" }, { "id":"lecithines", "text":"lécithines" }, { "text":"_gluten de blé_", "id":"gluten-de-ble" }, { "id":"epaississant", "text":"épaississant" }, { "text":"gomme xanthane", "id":"gomme-xanthane" }, { "id":"agent-de-traitement-de-la-farine", "text":"agent de traitement de la farine" }, { "text":"acide ascorbique", "id":"acide-ascorbique" }, { "percent":"14", "text":"_fromages_", "id":"fromages" }, { "percent":"2", "text":"dont _emmental_ 4‚", "id":"dont-emmental-4" }, { "id":"beurre", "text":"_beurre_" }, { "text":"eau", "id":"eau" }, { "id":"proteines-de-lait", "text":"protéines de lait" }, { "text":"amidons transformés de maïs et/ou pomme de terre", "id":"amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou-pomme-de-terre" }, { "text":"_lactosérum_", "id":"lactoserum" }, { "id":"sels-de-fonte", "text":"sels de fonte" }, { "text":"citrates de sodium", "id":"citrates-de-sodium" }, { "id":"polyphosphates", "text":"polyphosphates" }, { "id":"gelifiant", "text":"gélifiant" }, { "id":"carraghenanes", "text":"carraghénanes" }, { "id":"jambon-de-porc", "text":"jambon de porc" }, { "id":"eau", "text":"eau" }, { "text":"sel", "id":"sel" }, { "text":"sirop de glucose", "id":"sirop-de-glucose" }, { "text":"dextrose", "id":"dextrose" }, { "id":"aromes", "text":"arômes" }, { "id":"conservateurs", "text":"conservateurs" }, { "id":"erythorbate-de-sodium", "text":"érythorbate de sodium" }, { "id":"nitrite-de-sodium", "text":"nitrite de sodium" } ], "nutrient_levels_tags":[ "en:fat-in-moderate-quantity", "en:saturated-fat-in-high-quantity", "en:sugars-in-low-quantity", "en:salt-in-high-quantity" ], "additives_n":10, "emb_codes_tags":[ ], "packaging_tags":[ "barquette", "plastique" ], "traces_tags":[ "en:celery", "en:crustaceans", "en:eggs", "en:fish", "en:molluscs", "en:mustard", "en:nuts", "en:soybeans" ], "labels":"Experimentation Etiquetage Nutritionnel 2016,Experimentation NutriScore,Expérimentation NutriScore D,sans huile de palme", "editors_tags":[ "tacinte", "tacite-mass-editor", "tacite" ], "emb_codes_debug_tags":[ ], "product_name_fr":"Croque Monsieur Maxi", "categories":"Frais,Plats 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gluten -> fr:gluten ] [ gomme-xanthane -> en:e415 -> exists ] [ agent -> fr:agent ] [ de-la-farine -> fr:de-la-farine ] [ de-la -> fr:de-la ] [ de -> fr:de ] [ acide-ascorbique -> en:e300 -> exists ] [ fromage-fondu-28 -> fr:fromage-fondu-28 ] [ fromage-fondu -> fr:fromage-fondu ] [ fromage -> fr:fromage ] [ fromages-14 -> fr:fromages-14 ] [ fromages -> fr:fromages ] [ dont-emmental-4 -> fr:dont-emmental-4 ] [ dont-emmental -> fr:dont-emmental ] [ dont -> fr:dont ] [ 2 -> en:fd-c ] [ beurre -> fr:beurre ] [ eau -> fr:eau ] [ proteines-de-lait -> fr:proteines-de-lait ] [ proteines-de -> fr:proteines-de ] [ proteines -> fr:proteines ] [ amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou-pomme-de-terre -> fr:amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou-pomme-de-terre ] [ amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou-pomme-de -> fr:amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou-pomme-de ] [ amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou-pomme -> fr:amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou-pomme ] [ amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou -> fr:amidons-transformes-de-mais-et-ou ] [ amidons-transformes-de-mais-et -> fr:amidons-transformes-de-mais-et ] [ amidons-transformes-de-mais -> fr:amidons-transformes-de-mais ] [ amidons-transformes-de -> fr:amidons-transformes-de ] [ amidons-transformes -> fr:amidons-transformes ] [ amidons -> fr:amidons ] [ lactoserum -> fr:lactoserum ] [ sels -> fr:sels ] [ citrates-de-sodium -> en:e331 -> exists ] [ polyphosphates -> en:e452 -> exists ] [ carraghenanes -> en:e407 -> exists ] [ jambon-cuit-choix-sans-polyphosphates-14 -> fr:jambon-cuit-choix-sans-polyphosphates-14 ] [ jambon-cuit-choix-sans-polyphosphates -> fr:jambon-cuit-choix-sans-polyphosphates ] [ jambon-cuit-choix-sans -> fr:jambon-cuit-choix-sans ] [ jambon-cuit-choix -> fr:jambon-cuit-choix ] [ jambon-cuit -> fr:jambon-cuit ] [ jambon -> fr:jambon ] [ 7 -> en:fd-c ] [ jambon-de-porc -> fr:jambon-de-porc ] [ jambon-de -> fr:jambon-de ] [ jambon -> fr:jambon ] [ eau -> fr:eau ] [ sel -> fr:sel ] [ sirop-de-glucose -> fr:sirop-de-glucose ] [ sirop-de -> fr:sirop-de ] [ sirop -> fr:sirop ] [ dextrose -> fr:dextrose ] [ aromes -> fr:aromes ] [ erythorbate-de-sodium -> fr:erythorbate-de-sodium ] [ erythorbate-de -> fr:erythorbate-de ] [ erythorbate -> fr:erythorbate ] [ nitrite-de-sodium -> en:e250 -> exists ] [ matiere-grasse-vegetale-raffinee-de-colza -> fr:matiere-grasse-vegetale-raffinee-de-colza ] [ matiere-grasse-vegetale-raffinee-de -> fr:matiere-grasse-vegetale-raffinee-de ] [ matiere-grasse-vegetale-raffinee -> fr:matiere-grasse-vegetale-raffinee ] [ matiere-grasse-vegetale -> fr:matiere-grasse-vegetale ] [ matiere-grasse -> fr:matiere-grasse ] [ matiere -> fr:matiere ] [ beurre-concentre -> fr:beurre-concentre ] [ beurre -> fr:beurre ] [ carotenoides -> en:e160 -> exists ] [ mono -> fr:mono ] [ diglycerides-d-acides-gras -> fr:diglycerides-d-acides-gras ] [ diglycerides-d-acides -> fr:diglycerides-d-acides ] [ diglycerides-d -> fr:diglycerides-d ] [ diglycerides -> fr:diglycerides ] ", "ingredients_text":"Pain de mie 49,3% (farine de _blé_ - eau - huile de colza - sel - dextrose - levure - conservateur : propionate de calcium - émulsifiants : mono- et diglycérides d'acides gras , lécithines - _gluten de blé_ - épaississant : gomme xanthane - agent de traitement de la farine : acide ascorbique) - _fromage_ fondu 28% [_fromages_ 14% (dont _emmental_ 4,2%) - _beurre_ - eau - protéines de lait - amidons transformés de maïs et/ou pomme de terre - _lactosérum_ - sels de fonte : citrates de sodium , polyphosphates - gélifiant : carraghénanes] - jambon cuit choix sans polyphosphates 14,7% (jambon de porc - eau - sel - sirop de glucose - dextrose - arômes - conservateurs : érythorbate de sodium , nitrite de sodium) - matière grasse végétale raffinée de colza - _beurre_ concentré - colorant : caroténoïdes.", "additives_tags":[ "en:e282", "en:e471", "en:e322", "en:e415", "en:e300", "en:e331", "en:e452", "en:e407", "en:e250", "en:e160" ], "nutrition_grades_tags":[ "d" ], 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"image_nutrition_thumb_url":"http://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/nutrition_fr.13.100.jpg", "packaging_debug_tags":[ ], "serving_size_debug_tags":[ ], "categories_prev_tags":[ "en:fresh-foods", "en:meals", "en:sandwiches", "en:fresh-meals", "fr:croque-monsieur" ], "labels_next_tags":[ "en:palm-oil-free", "fr:experimentation-etiquetage-nutritionnel-2016", "fr:experimentation-nutriscore", "fr:experimentation-nutriscore-d" ], "creator":"tacinte", "lang_debug_tags":[ ], "languages":{ "en:french":6 }, "last_image_t":1475161455, "photographers_tags":[ "tacinte" ], "link_debug_tags":[ ], "generic_name_fr_debug_tags":[ ], "ingredients_from_or_that_may_be_from_palm_oil_n":2, "ingredients_that_may_be_from_palm_oil_n":2, "languages_codes":{ "fr":6 }, "origins_debug_tags":[ ], "image_nutrition_url":"http://static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/322/247/589/3421/nutrition_fr.13.400.jpg", "id":"3222475893421" }, "status":1, "code":"3222475893421" }
Fields within a product
The categories_hierarchy is sorted by the "level" of each category. Level 0 means the category has no children, level 1 means it has children that do not have other children, level 2 is when it has children that have children that do not have children etc.
- image_small_url
- image_thumb_url
- image_url
- "image_front_url"
- "image_front_small_url"
- "image_front_thumb_url"
- "image_ingredients_url"
- "image_ingredients_small_url"
- "image_ingredients_thumb_url"
- "image_nutrition_url"
- "image_nutrition_small_url"
- "image_nutrition_thumb_url"
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List of List of barcodes beginning with a given number
List of barcodes beginning with 3596710
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/code/3596710xxxxxx.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/code/3596710xxxxxx.xml
Nutrition grades
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grades.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grades.xml
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grade/a.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grade/a.xml
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grade/e.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grade/e.xml
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grade/unknown.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/nutrition-grade/unknown.xml
Packager codes
List of Packager codes
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/packager-codes.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/packager-codes.xml
List of products with given Packager code
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/packager-code/emb-35069c.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/packager-code/emb-35069c.xml
List of Packaging cities
List of products with given Packaging city
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/city/argenteuil-val-d-oise-france.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/city/argenteuil-val-d-oise-france.xml
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/contributor/teolemon.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/contributors.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/photographer/teolemon.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/photographers.json
Last Edit Dates
List of Last Edit Dates
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-dates.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-dates.xml
List of products with a given last edit date
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-date/2014.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-date/2016-08.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-date/2016-05-19.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-date/2014.xml
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-date/2016-08.xml
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-edit-date/2016-05-19.xml
List of Entry dates
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/entry-dates.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/entry-dates/2014.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/entry-dates/2016-08.json
- http://world.openfoodfacts.org/entry-dates/2016-05-19.json
WRITE API Documentation
Status Codes
{"status_verbose":"fields saved","status":1}
Posting photos
- Use the POST method on /cgi/product_image_upload.pl
- code: the barcode
- imagefield: (front | ingredients | nutrition)
- imgupload_front : your image file if imagefield:front
- imgupload_ingredients: your image file if imagefield:ingredients
- imgupload_nutrition: your image file if imagefield:nutrition
- there must be a HTTP header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" in the HTTP POST request.
- the imageupload_(front|ingredients|nutrition) name, size and data needs to be encoded in the multipart/form-data format, usually your HTTP request library will do that for you
- all parameters need to be passed as POST parameters, do not put some in the URL
- 0048151623426 is a random barcode used only for demonstration purpose
Example: (remember to do tests on world.openfoodfacts.net - login and password: off )
Posting a new product
- Product post to http://world.openfoodfacts.org/cgi/product_jqm2.pl (remember to do tests on world.openfoodfacts.net - login and password: off )
- URL for your tests :
Quick overview
- var foodfact = { barcode : '0048151623426', name : 'Product name', energy: 500, energy_unit: "kJ", weight: 282 };
- var postData = {
- code : foodfact.barcode,
- user_id : "mesinfosnutritionelles",
- password : "****",
- product_name : foodfact.name?foodfact.name:foodfact.shop_label,
- quantity : foodfact.weight?""+foodfact.weight+" g":undefined,
- stores : "Walmart",
- nutriment_energy :foodfact.energy,
- nutriment_energy_unit :foodfact.energy_unit,
- nutrition_data_per :"serving"
- {"status_verbose":"fields saved","status":1}
(remember to do tests on world.openfoodfacts.net - login and password: off)
Query 1
Result 2
Query 2
Result 2
See editing a product for details on fields
Posting several values for a field
When adding values, send to the field labels as comma separated values that are canonicalized and added to the _tags array
labels = "labelA, labelB"
Reading back, use labels_tags to get an array of labels
Editing an existing product
Posting additional photos
- Photos post on /cgi/product_image_upload.pl
- code: the barcode
- imagefield: (front | ingredients | nutrition)
Select the Front picture
- imgupload_front : your image file if imagefield:front
Select the Ingredients picture
- imgupload_ingredients: your image file if imagefield:ingredients
Select the Nutrition Facts picture
- imgupload_nutrition: your image file if imagefield:nutrition
Editing the product
Give the barcode
Add the brand
Add the name
Add the quantity
Add the packager code
Add the packaging type
Add the labels
Add the Stores where bought
Add the category
Add the best before date
Add the link to the official webpage of the product
Add the ingredients
Add ingredient traces
Add the main language
You can set the main language of the product.
(NOT LIVE YET)In the case of a multilingual product, you can specify the main language of the product, and you can then specify values and images for different languages by suffixing the language code to the other fields.
Add the nutrition facts
Indicate the absence of nutrition facts
no_nutriments : indicates if the nutrition facts are indicated on the food label
Add nutrition facts values, units and base
Define the basis for the values
Input values and units
nutriment_energy nutriment_proteins nutriment_casein nutriment_serum-proteins nutriment_nucleotides nutriment_carbohydrates nutriment_sugars nutriment_sucrose nutriment_glucose nutriment_fructose nutriment_lactose nutriment_maltose nutriment_maltodextrins nutriment_starch nutriment_polyols nutriment_fat nutriment_saturated-fat nutriment_butyric-acid nutriment_caproic-acid nutriment_caprylic-acid nutriment_capric-acid nutriment_lauric-acid nutriment_myristic-acid nutriment_palmitic-acid nutriment_stearic-acid nutriment_arachidic-acid nutriment_behenic-acid nutriment_lignoceric-acid nutriment_cerotic-acid nutriment_montanic-acid nutriment_melissic-acid nutriment_monounsaturated-fat nutriment_polyunsaturated-fat nutriment_omega-3-fat nutriment_alpha-linolenic-acid nutriment_eicosapentaenoic-acid nutriment_docosahexaenoic-acid nutriment_omega-6-fat nutriment_linoleic-acid nutriment_arachidonic-acid nutriment_gamma-linolenic-acid nutriment_dihomo-gamma-linolenic-acid nutriment_omega-9-fat nutriment_oleic-acid nutriment_elaidic-acid nutriment_gondoic-acid nutriment_mead-acid nutriment_erucic-acid nutriment_nervonic-acid nutriment_trans-fat nutriment_cholesterol nutriment_fiber nutriment_sodium nutriment_alcohol : % vol of alcohol nutriment_vitamin-a nutriment_vitamin-d nutriment_vitamin-e nutriment_vitamin-k nutriment_vitamin-c nutriment_vitamin-b1 nutriment_vitamin-b2 nutriment_vitamin-pp nutriment_vitamin-b6 nutriment_vitamin-b9 nutriment_vitamin-b12 nutriment_biotin nutriment_pantothenic-acid nutriment_silica nutriment_bicarbonate nutriment_potassium nutriment_chloride nutriment_calcium nutriment_phosphorus nutriment_iron nutriment_magnesium nutriment_zinc nutriment_copper nutriment_manganese nutriment_fluoride nutriment_selenium nutriment_chromium nutriment_molybdenum nutriment_iodine nutriment_caffeine nutriment_taurine nutriment_ph : pH (no unit)
nutriment_energy_unit nutriment_proteins_unit nutriment_casein_unit nutriment_serum-proteins_unit nutriment_nucleotides_unit nutriment_carbohydrates_unit nutriment_sugars_unit nutriment_sucrose_unit nutriment_glucose_unit nutriment_fructose_unit nutriment_lactose_unit nutriment_maltose_unit nutriment_maltodextrins_unit nutriment_starch_unit nutriment_polyols_unit nutriment_fat_unit nutriment_saturated-fat_unit nutriment_butyric-acid_unit nutriment_caproic-acid_unit nutriment_caprylic-acid_unit nutriment_capric-acid_unit nutriment_lauric-acid_unit nutriment_myristic-acid_unit nutriment_palmitic-acid_unit nutriment_stearic-acid_unit nutriment_arachidic-acid_unit nutriment_behenic-acid_unit nutriment_lignoceric-acid_unit nutriment_cerotic-acid_unit nutriment_montanic-acid_unit nutriment_melissic-acid_unit nutriment_monounsaturated-fat_unit nutriment_polyunsaturated-fat_unit nutriment_omega-3-fat_unit nutriment_alpha-linolenic-acid_unit nutriment_eicosapentaenoic-acid_unit nutriment_docosahexaenoic-acid_unit nutriment_omega-6-fat_unit nutriment_linoleic-acid_unit nutriment_arachidonic-acid_unit nutriment_gamma-linolenic-acid_unit nutriment_dihomo-gamma-linolenic-acid_unit nutriment_omega-9-fat_unit nutriment_oleic-acid_unit nutriment_elaidic-acid_unit nutriment_gondoic-acid_unit nutriment_mead-acid_unit nutriment_erucic-acid_unit nutriment_nervonic-acid_unit nutriment_trans-fat_unit nutriment_cholesterol_unit nutriment_fiber_unit nutriment_sodium_unit nutriment_alcohol_unit : % vol of alcohol nutriment_vitamin-a_unit nutriment_vitamin-d_unit nutriment_vitamin-e_unit nutriment_vitamin-k_unit nutriment_vitamin-c_unit nutriment_vitamin-b1_unit nutriment_vitamin-b2_unit nutriment_vitamin-pp_unit nutriment_vitamin-b6_unit nutriment_vitamin-b9_unit nutriment_vitamin-b12_unit nutriment_biotin_unit nutriment_pantothenic-acid_unit nutriment_silica_unit nutriment_bicarbonate_unit nutriment_potassium_unit nutriment_chloride_unit nutriment_calcium_unit nutriment_phosphorus_unit nutriment_iron_unit nutriment_magnesium_unit nutriment_zinc_unit nutriment_copper_unit nutriment_manganese_unit nutriment_fluoride_unit nutriment_selenium_unit nutriment_chromium_unit nutriment_molybdenum_unit nutriment_iodine_unit nutriment_caffeine_unit nutriment_taurine_unit nutriment_ph_unit : pH (no unit)
Adding the alcohol % of wine
12% wine
Adding the carbon footprint
Adding a comment to your edit
Open Beauty Facts experimental and specific APIs
Very experimental. Do not rely on this for allergen or ingredient parsing yet.
List of ingredients detected by the current experimental parser
Products where the current experimental parser could not detect aluminium salts
- http://world.openbeautyfacts.org/ingredient/-aluminum-salts.json
- http://world.openbeautyfacts.org/ingredient/-aluminum-salts.xml
Products where the current experimental parser could detect aluminium salts
- http://world.openbeautyfacts.org/ingredient/aluminum-salts.json
- http://world.openbeautyfacts.org/ingredient/aluminum-salts.xml
Period after Opening
- http://world.openbeautyfacts.org/periods-after-opening.json
- http://world.openbeautyfacts.org/periods-after-opening.xml
List of products with a given Period after Opening
Language Bindings
- Ruby bindings - https://github.com/openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-ruby - gem install openfoodfacts
- Python bindings