Category/Fruit juices

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The category fruit juices follows the EU regulation in requiring that its products should contain at least 99% of (fruit) juice.


There are multiple subcategories defined for this category. This can be by type of fruit or production method.

Single fruit type subcategories

These products contain the juice of a single fruit:

Not all fruits produce enough juice to make a commercially viable fruit juice. These might be mixed with other fruits.

Multifruit subcategories

Products that contain more than 99% juice from two or more fruits can be found under Multifruit juices.

(there are quite a few products which use two fruits. Creating a category for each possible combination seems excessive. Experimenting with FruitX-based juices)

Production subcategories

Storage subcategories

  • Refrigerated fruit juices for products that have been flash pasteurised (and not?) and need to be stored in the refrigerated before usage.

Related categories

If the percentage of fruit is less than 99%, it is either a Fruit nectar (fruit percentage roughly 50% depending on the fruit), or a Fruit-based beverage.