Accessibility/GAAD 2024

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What is GAAD ?

GAAD stands for Global Accessibility Awareness Day, an annual event dedicated to accessibility.

According to the official website, "the purpose of GAAD is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion, and the more than One Billion people with disabilities/impairments[1]".

Accessibility at Open Food Facts

Accessibility may be on everyone's mind, but it's often overlooked. We have opened issues for years and we deeply want to fix as many of them as possible.

Generally speaking, we have a terrible score on automated benchmarks. Here is an exemple on AudioEye:

Accessibility issues detected on the homepage.png

GAAD 2024 @ Open Food Facts

Logo GAAD.png

That's why this year, we're organizing an all-day hackathon to try and fix as many issues as possible! The main focus is on the website, but not limited (mobile app…)

When? 16/05/2024

Where? Join us on Google Meet or on Slack (#accessibility)

What can I do? List of issues