Contribution missions
We list here some past, current, and future missions (also called operations) related to the database.
[To be completed]
Products to be completed
The core never ending mission!
Presentation on Open Food Facts website:
Ingredienti operation
French "Missions for newcomers"
This is a group of missions launched during Covid-19 confinement:
- Scan and take pictures of your product (Scanne et photographie tes produits alimentaires) (Pad for the operation)
- Complete products to allow analysis (Complète les produits pour permettre leur analyse) (Pad for the operation)
- Fix language issues (Corrige la langue des fiches produits sur Open Food Facts) (Pad for the operation) -- basically same as "ingredienti operation"
- Help us to add fibers! (Aide-nous à faire le plein de fibres sur Open Food Facts) (Pad for the operation)