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What is the best way to integrate these price tags? The easiest approach is to create a separate entry for each bulk product in each shop. Any information on the price tag will then be entered on the product sheet (origin, producer, labels, etc.).
What is the best way to integrate these price tags? The easiest approach is to create a separate entry for each bulk product in each shop. Any information on the price tag will then be entered on the product sheet (origin, producer, labels, etc.).
Any OFF product should have a barcode. If a product without a barcode is added to OFF, OFF creates a sequential barcode. Any price tag should be added to this barcode together with the shop information (OSM id and description) and category. This should make the link between prices and off unique. OFF Prices could find the correct barcode with a search on shop and category.
Any OFF product should have a barcode. If a product without a barcode is added to OFF, OFF creates a sequential barcode. The OSM id of the shop can added as a store, so the product can be found back.
== Examples ==
Finding the correct barcode via a search might be prone to errors. It is easier to create a unique barcode based on details the user enters on OFF Prices. Instead of just creating a next barcode in the sequence, we could thus create a specific barcode. This specific barcode should prevent some doubling.
Need some examples of bulk products.
Elements of this barcode could be:
* OSM type (node/way/relation) (1 digit);
* shop name as encoded in the OSM id (12 digits?);
* category as encoded in the agribalyse food code (5 digits) plus two digits to distinguish between the category subtleties (00 if it is exact);
Clearly this will not fit a standard 13 digit EAN-code.
OFF Prices can export the in-shop tag image, the category, labels and origins if present and the shop id.
==== Examples ====
* [ 10067770021723212800]: A bulk Bircher Muesli from SainBioZ (Node (00)6 777 002 172) bircher style mueslis (32 128) plus padding 00;
* [ this product] - For example the Almonds (agribalyse: 15000) I bought at the SuperU in Veynes (node: 486004903) could be encoded as: 1 00486004903 15000 00. This is a 19 digit code where some padding has been added just in case. Not sure whether this code should start with the shop or with the product category.
* node 486 004 903, agribalyse 15005 becomes 10004860049031500500;
* node 486 004 903, agribalyse 15004 becomes [ 10004860049031500400] (raw hazelnuts @ superU Veynes);
* node 486 004 903, agribalyse 15019 becomes 10004860049031501901, added 01 for raw cashews (unsalted, non-roasted);
=== Normalisation ===
=== Normalisation ===


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