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We list here some past, current, and future missions (also called Operations) related to the database.
We list here some past, current, and future missions (also called operations) related to the database.
[To be completed]
[To be completed]

Revision as of 03:51, 4 September 2024

We list here some past, current, and future missions (also called operations) related to the database.

[To be completed]

Products to be completed

The core never ending mission!

Ingredienti operation

Pad for the operation

French "Missions for newcomers"

Pad for the operation

This is a group of missions launched during Covid-19 confinement:

  • Scan and take pictures of your product (Scanne et photographie tes produits alimentaires) (Pad for the operation)
  • Complete products to allow analysis (Complète les produits pour permettre leur analyse) (Pad for the operation)
  • Fix language issues (Corrige la langue des fiches produits sur Open Food Facts) (Pad for the operation) -- basically same as "ingredienti operation"
  • Help us to add fibers! (Aide-nous à faire le plein de fibres sur Open Food Facts) (Pad for the operation)

French "Opérations spéciales"

Can be inspiring.