Difference between revisions of "Project:Operation Toothpaste"

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(Created page with "= Summary = The EREN research team (creators of the Nutri-Score) asked us for data about toothpaste ingredients so that they can conduct an epidemiological study. * The prim...")
(3 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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* Current state assessment of OBF data, website, and app, in direct relation to the objectives and needs of Operation Toothpaste (2 days)
* Current state assessment of OBF data, website, and app, in direct relation to the objectives and needs of Operation Toothpaste (2 days)
** -> Doc summarizing the assessment published on the wiki
** -> Doc summarizing the assessment published on the wiki [[Operation Toothpaste - Starting point assessment - Feb 2020]]
* List possible very quick wins (data+web+app) (1 day, Pierre)
* List possible very quick wins (data+web+app) (1 day, Pierre)
** -> Prioritized list of at most 10 quick wins with time estimate published on the wiki
** -> Prioritized list of at most 10 quick wins with time estimate published on the wiki [[Operation Toothpaste - Quick wins]]
* Implement very quick wins (3 days)
* Implement very quick wins (3 days)
** -> Decision on which quick wins to implement and when (before the launch of the communication campaign or later)
** -> Decision on which quick wins to implement and when (before the launch of the communication campaign or later)
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[[Category:Open Beauty Facts]]

Latest revision as of 11:24, 14 August 2024


The EREN research team (creators of the Nutri-Score) asked us for data about toothpaste ingredients so that they can conduct an epidemiological study.

  • The primary goal of this project is to gather as much toothpaste data as possible in Feb and March 2021.
  • A secondary goal is to use this opportunity to identify and implement quick wins to freshen up Open Beauty Facts.


From the French EREN team (creators of the Nutri-Score), a message explaining that they need our help to get data on toothpaste to study the long term effect of additives (e.g. colours) they contain on our health.

“Open Beauty Facts lance un appel à ses contributeurs et utilisateurs volontaires pour l'ajout de tous produits d'hygiène dentaire ! Le brossage de dents est un rituel que nous répétons au quotidien. Tous les jours, parfois même plusieurs fois par jour, nous utilisons notre dentifrice ou notre bain de bouche afin d'assurer notre hygiène bucco-dentaire. Mais leurs listes d'ingrédients sont souvent longues et complexes, certaines révèlent la présence d'additifs, comme des édulcorants ou du dioxyde de titane, dont les effets à long termes sont encore méconnus. Les chercheurs s'intéressent aujourd'hui aux expositions à ces additifs par l'alimentation mais également par le dentifrice lors brossage de dents. Pour cela, il est nécessaire que nous ajoutions à la base de données Open Beauty Facts tous les dentifrices et bains de bouche, afin d'avoir une idée précises des compositions de ces produits sur le marché. Cela permettra également à tous de faire un choix plus informé de nos produits d'hygiène dentaire et une utilisation encore plus optimale de Open Beauty Facts. Merci à tous pour votre participation et vos scans que nous attendons nombreux !”

Timeline (Feb + March 2021) and deliverables

  • Current state assessment of OBF data, website, and app, in direct relation to the objectives and needs of Operation Toothpaste (2 days)
  • List possible very quick wins (data+web+app) (1 day, Pierre)
  • Implement very quick wins (3 days)
    • -> Decision on which quick wins to implement and when (before the launch of the communication campaign or later)
    • -> Implemented and deployed quick wins
  • Extract ingredients from Equadis for Unilever (1 day, Stéphane) (depends on new GS1 implementation on the producers platform)
    • -> Ingredients extracted and published to OBF
  • Launch communication campaign to gather photos (Feb 15th) (1 day)
    • -> Blog post published, newsletter sent, shared on Twitter + FB
  • Recruit and organize a small team of volunteers to extract and structure data (~5 days - needs lead)
    • -> Lead identified, small team recruited
  • Extract ingredients and structure data: categories etc. (x days, volunteers)
    • -> All toothpastes categorized on OBF, with ingredients extracted
    • -> Report of initial and final metrics for toothpaste data
  • Ingredients analysis improvements for ingredients of interest (3 days, Stéphane)
    • -> Taxonomies and/or parsing improvements deployed on OBF
    • -> Report of initial and final metrics for ingredients analysis for toothpaste data
  • Contact the main manufacturers to try to get data directly (2 days)
    • -> Main manufacturers identified, contacted + follow up
    • -> Integration of data supplied on OBF
  • Report / small study / blog post (2 days)
    • -> Detailed report on wiki + blog post