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This page describes how nutrients are stored in Open Food Facts and how they can be read or written through the API.

Why it's more complex that you might think

  • Nutrients lists are different depending on countries
  • Nutrients list are different depending on time (evolutions in the law)
    • e.g. in 2013 in Europe, the main unit for energy became kJ instead of kcal, and salt replaced sodium, with salt = 2.5 x sodium
  • Nutrients on labels may be in different units
    • e.g. sodium could be listed in mg or in g
    • US uses calories (kcal), EU uses kJ + kcal
  • Nutrients may be specified per 100g, per 100ml (which may be different than per 100g), per serving, or both
  • Nutrients may be specified for the product sold as-is, or prepared (with water, milk or something else), or both
  • Some apps, producers, databases etc. may give us values in a specific unit which is not the one that is on the label

How it works

Data input

Fields sent by the write API

Apps (+ the OFF web site edit form) send:

  • nutrition_data_per : "100g" or "serving"
  • serving_size (optional, but very useful, in particular if the nutrition facts are specified per serving)
  • for each nutrient:
    • nutrient-id (e.g. saturated-fat, energy-kcal) : value for the nutrient, for the size specified in "nutrition_data_per"
    • nutrient-id_unit (e.g. saturated-fat_unit, energy-kcal_unit) : the unit of the value passed (e.g. "g", "mg", "kcal", "kJ")

Notes about the energy fields:

  • Energy on labels can be written in kcal, kJ or both
  • when the energy is written in both, there is no simple conversion ratio between kcal and kJ
    • This is because labelling laws in EU, US, CA etc. specify that the energy fields can (or must) be computed by multiplying and summing values for carbohydrates, proteins, fat etc.
    • see https://esha.com/calorie-calculation-country/ for details
  • energy-kj and energy-kcal are the identifiers (nutrient-id) of the "Energy in kJ" and "Energy in kcal" fields.
  • old apps used to pass energy (as we had only one energy field instead of energy-kcal + energy-kj)
    • for those apps, the energy_unit field is used to populate the corresponding energy-kj or energy-kcal field

==== Fields stored and computed by Product Opener

  • nutrient-id_value : what was passed in the nutrient-id field
  • nutrient-id_unit : what was passed in the nutrient-id_unit field
  • nutrient-id : the value converted in the default unit (currently kJ for all energy fields, including energy-kcal)
  • nutrient-id_[value of nutrition_data_per) is set to nutrient-id (e.g. if nutrition_data_per is "100g", the value of sugars_100g is set to the value of sugars
  • if the serving size is known, we compute the value for the other field (nutrient-id_100g or nutrient-id_serving)

Data display

The OFF web site, and apps, should use those fields to display the nutrition facts:

  • nutrient-id_100g or nutrient-id_serving (depending on the value of nutrition_data_per) : value in g or in kJ

The web site and apps must:

  • indicate if the nutrition facts are per 100g or per serving.
  • convert the value in g or in kJ to the desired unit.

Data edit

The web site and apps that allow editing the nutrition facts must populate the table with the same rules than for data display.

Data output