Platform for producers/Open Products Facts

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Revision as of 13:39, 5 September 2024 by Teolemon (talk | contribs)
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Technical requirements

  • In order to make the Platform for producers work for Open Products Facts, we'll need general improvements (such as a way to direct products to a non OFF install like OBF, OPFF, OPF), but also support for mapping and importing custom fields either in Product Opener (like we currently do for certain non standard fields for Open Food Facts) or add support for mapping and importing into Folksonomy Engine

Value proposition for producers

  • We'll need to convince producers to share, with a lesser value proposition than Open Food Facts (People are scanning your products, make them shine), and build a better value proposition (link to spare parts, warranty contacts, user manuals, their pre-owned platform if they have one…)

Interested producers

  • A big French sport retailer was potentially interested a couple of years ago
  • French retailers already send us non food products