Repair and maintenance providers

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Revision as of 08:58, 6 September 2024 by Teolemon (talk | contribs)
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With the goal of providing more value for Open Products Facts users, we want to make it easy to find a way to repair or maintain an object.

This page will attempt to find a way to list all repair or maintain systems/resources in the world, with matching APIs when they exist, and with URL structures.

We need to address Geo-availability, category competence, free/not free, actual help or tutorial (like a tutorial video or a manual)


Proto schema to create

fr:Bob the Fixer
countries_addressed: en:France, en:Belgium

Repair ideas

  • Local community repair options
  • Repair services options
  • Repair Videos/Documents
  • Spare parts options
  • Link to 3D spare part websites
  • Store 3D schematics of spare parts
  • List official/alternative spare parts purchase websites and shops
  • iFixit repair guides:
  • Youtube videos: "How to repair Phone name Brand"
  • Official repair and maintenance website if they exist
  • Associated Reddit communities

Other ideas

  • Spare parts, Tools required, Complexity of repair, Duration of repair, Cost of repair (spare parts), Cost of repair (expertise), Total cost of repair